Dr. Andrew Sardonicus is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Dr. Andrew Sardonicus (233604)"thinking "DEEP THOUGHTS""

Last Active: 2010-08-04 23:04:28
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,472
Karma+/Verve+2 / 0
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record9,338/52,535/19
Win %16%
Last KilledSabertooth
Last Killed BySunshine Birch
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Dr. (53)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 153k+



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VIP Member DarkAsh

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You are The Emperor

Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person.

The Emperor is the great authority figure of the Tarot, so it represents fathers, father-figures and employers. There is a lot of aggression and violence too.

The Emperor naturally follows the Empress. Like an infant, he is filled with enthuiasm, energy, aggression. He is direct, guileless and all too often irresistible. Unfortunately, like a baby he can also be a tyrant. Impatient, demanding, controlling. In the best of circumstances, he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow, sitting on a throne that indicates the solid foundation of an Empire he created, loves and rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. But that throne can also be a trap, a responsibility that has the Emperor feeling restless, bored and discontent.

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Dr. Andrew Sardonicus's average rating out of 9 rates is 7.78/10


Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-07-29 05:50:00

I miss you!! I haven't been able to talk much since the coven formed. It's starting to look good. I'm owner now...for now. I have to figure out how to do the background and then I'll be doing a lot more recruiting! I'm excited. So, how have you been? How's work going? You better message me back soon mister lol. -hugs tight- Come see me sometime! I'll send you the link to my chat if you want it.
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2010-07-05 19:20:40

*she skips in* how are you Dr. Sardonicus?
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2010-06-28 07:45:36

oh I can show you more
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2010-06-27 17:45:03

*skips onto his profile* hey *she licks her lips a bit sadistically* how are you?
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2010-06-23 22:47:54

ahh why thank you for that lovely analysis
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-06-23 17:15:27

Haha! At least I'm still tasty. I think it's ridiculous that bp hasn't done anything. I'm not sure if they could do this but if they could, the states that has had any type of damages caused by the oil should sue bp. Well, I hope it doesn't damage your beaches too badly. Ugh, the heat has been terrible here! I could only imagine how awful it is there! Well, have fun at work! Talk soon! Love ya too. *kisses cheek*
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)

2010-06-23 05:00:35

You have given Dr. Andrew Sardonicus a rating of 10. I do hope you enjoyed my blood Dr. Sardonicus...nice profile *licks her lips*
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-06-23 04:06:35

You killed me again lol. I miss you!! You never talk to me anymore . You should come into my chat and talk sometime. The link is xat.com/Dragomir_Panacea_Castle. Drop by sometime!!!
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-04-29 04:27:09

I can't believe you attacked me . Lol, I'm kidding. Hope my blood was tasty.
Dark Love (230655)

2010-04-22 17:26:09

You have given Dr. Andrew Sardonicus a rating of 10.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2010-04-09 13:40:14

You revive me with only 4 mins untll the top of the hour just to kill me. What a waste of turns, dare I say it......................Loser
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-04-03 23:08:26

Ugh! That had to be aweful. I had a virus on mine for the longest time, but it's finally fixed now. I'm glad you got it fixed. Talk to ya soon.
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-02-19 22:26:41

Where are you? I miss you bunches! You're one of my best friends on here and I haven't heard from you in forever!
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-02-07 07:46:13

*quietly opens door and looks around, making sure no one is home. Smirks and goes inside, walking over to a vacant wall. Takes out red spray paint and writes "Kria was here!". Afterwards, sprinkles glitter over the freshly painted words before skipping out, humming a happy tune.*
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-01-05 22:40:23

Haha! Not yet! There's another snow storm that's suppose to be coming in this weekend, on top of the 6 inches we all ready have, that is suppose to make the last snow storm look like snow flurries. I'm really scared about this one. My mom said that we'll probably go to my brother's in a few days in case the power goes back out again. As of right now, we have no phone. The house beside of my burned to the ground this morning and burned the phone lines in two. This has been one crappy winter. Annnywaaay, how have you been?
Kria DKA Night Chantrieri (226367)

2010-01-05 04:14:17

Just thought I'd stop in and say hi!
Starrynight (257909)

2009-12-29 08:22:15

Me too, for a variety of reasons
Starrynight (257909)

2009-12-29 08:10:28

You were the 10,000 th kill, man. Thanks and happy holidays
Starrynight (257909)

2009-12-27 20:48:20

Well, I could always kill you when you're awake, if you'd like...and yes, less than a thousand now.
Starrynight (257909)

2009-12-27 14:19:23

Not a crush, just trying to get my 10,000 kills...so I'm going on regular killing sprees. Then I'll be working on getting to level 100 to finish off achievement list 1. On the brighter side, I make a serious effort not to kill some people when they're online...you've been courteous to me so I won't be rude to you. Fair enough?

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