Fangrath V. Sangriento is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Fangrath V. Sangriento (238702)"It has been a while."

Last Active: 2024/08/11 10:39
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Game Age5,461
Karma+/Verve+6 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles16 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S7/1/0
Battle Record9,797/60,330/377
Win %14%
Last KilledAlexia Ravenor
Last Killed ByMallorie Saint ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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Married to Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804) for 3280 days
1 Family Member

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VIP Member Lethean Nex Sangriento
Leona W. Danno™

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First Name: Fangrath

Middle Name: Vintus

Last Name: Sangriento

D.O.B: September, 15, 1357

Species: Incubus

Mortal Age: 26

Actual Age: 666

Height: 6`6"

Weight: 215 lbs



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Fangrath V. Sangriento's average rating out of 57 rates is 9.40/10


Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2024-05-03 04:57:23

You have given Fangrath V. Sangriento a rating of 10.

The Coffin was an Accident. :e :d But, tis can be used for lots of Nommable Mintys. [nod] [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2020-04-03 05:50:29

Tis okays. Thankyous! ^.^/ (hyper) [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]

You have given Fangrath V. Sangriento a rating of 10.
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2019-05-19 06:24:09

~Upon seeing the message painted on her wall, Leth's eyes widened as her head raised upward, tilting back. Then, a big grin crept across her face before she giggled and turned to dash off. Screeching excitedly, she'd head over to the Mr. Fang-Buggy's wall to begin splattering it with a mixture of red, black, and blue paint before sprinkling it with glitters, beef jerkys, and hearts.~ Got's-tah get the Mr.Fang Buggy for the winzzz!!! ^,^/)) (hyper) (hyper) (hyper) [dance] [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2019-05-01 02:25:22

Welcome back! qq
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2018-11-27 05:39:05

Ohh! Thank yous! ~Taking the bag, she'd nod and chuckle, hugging them as she swayed a bit, back and forth, leaving her wings to flutter about here and there to aid in keeping the both of them balanced. Then, she'd pop a few more of them into her mouth before munching on them and responding as she handed the bag back to share.~ Oh? That sucks. No fun is never goods. We should burns stuffs and thee busyness as the busy stuff has been attacking me too recently. O_O/)) [hugme] [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2018-11-16 18:34:30

True that's! ~She squeaked in-between munching on a mouthful of mints with a big grin. Then, while still clinging to the Mr. Fang Buggy, she'd start climbing him like he was a tree while continuing to finish off some of the mints.~ Was wonderings where yous been and how you're doing. ^-^/)) [hugme] [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2018-05-29 08:56:10

*Glomps thee Mr. fang-Buggy and raids pockets for mints.* I missess yousss!!!! O,O/)) *Nomz thee mints.* Tis nom nomz. ^~^ [hugme] [3]

You have given Fangrath V. Sangriento a rating of 10.
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-08-15 07:06:31

~Raids thee Mr. Fang-Buggy's mint stash and giggles. Then sits next to the stash while munching on the mints, leaving wrappers everywhere.~ Nomz. ^.^/)) [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2016-05-25 07:30:58

Hope my brother is well!:). [3][hug]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-04-04 04:31:45

Ah, okays. I'll be in there momentarily. ^-^/ Yay! [dances])
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-04-03 07:28:01

~Hearing a combination of his laughter, as well as the explosions in the background, she burst out in a fit of laughter. upon being hugged, she return a hug, as well, leaving her amusement to get the best of her for a few moments longer. Then, with a big grin, she responded.~ I have been lurking about while busy and causing mischief while about. How bout yous? ^.^/ [hugme] [3]

(Sorry I've been quite inactive. Was helping a friend move and am also prepping for the wifey and I to move by the end of May. I've been popping on and off when I can though. ^-^/ )
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-04-01 08:35:21

~She blinked several times upon seeing the very bright explosion and with a tilt of her head, her eyes widened with amusement. Then, halfway through the sound of it, she burst out in laughter, leaving her arms to flail around as if she had just seen the best comedy scene ever. After that, she'd turn her attention back to the Mr. Fang-Buggy and glomp him while continuing to giggle uncontrollably.~ True that's!! Fun for the winz!! :d [dance] [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-04-01 06:18:58

~Giggles while walking over to her husband and stares at the burning city, soon starting to fall into a trance due to it.~ True thats.. Soooo prettyzzz. @.@/ ^-^/ [hugme] [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-03-11 15:52:18

Mr. Fang-Buggy for thee winzzz!!! ~Glomps thee Fangrath from behind.~ Rawrz!!! ^.^/ [dance] [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2016-03-05 23:12:46

Leaving some love for the brother:) Love you and the sissy very much! [3] miss you!!
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-03-04 06:35:52

(Funny thing is I've been on a peppermint nomming binge lately.[hm] Had two whole bags of them and have been noming on them 24/7. :d Will have to get more tomorrows. O.O [yum] :d )
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-03-04 06:33:21

~She blinked several times while listening to his response. Then left a series of giggles to escape her. After he placed the peppermint candy upon her head, she glanced up at it, allowing her eyes to go cross-eyed while trying to see it. Then giggled a bit more and screeched excited while retrieving it. After that, she'd hug the piece of candy and sit up to try glomping the Mr, Fang-Buggy again.~ Yaayyy! I'm frightening and got candy!! Thank yous!!! ~She screeched excitedly before finishing her response to burst into a fit of laughter.~ Usually when I try to be scary, it don't work out too well. [dance] [tacklebite] :d [hugme] [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-03-04 06:13:42

~Sneaks up on thee Mr. Fang-Buggy and glomps him from behind.~ Rawr!!! D: [dance] [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-02-24 07:54:12

You're very welcome. ^-^ [hugme] [3]

Oh? Nice. O.O From the looks of it, he not only fled, but created a beautiful day out of the situation. ^-^/ [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2016-02-24 06:58:01

I love the burning city picture!!! D: [dance] [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]

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