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Iris (239993)"no more a victim, but a hunter"

Last Active: 2015-08-12 22:31:31
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Game Age5,460
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record3,272/35,839/41
Win %9%
Last KilledShamanPict
Last Killed ByOliver Moonbor ...
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2011-05-14 21:20:13 - Julian Michaelis (332866) has sent you Pocket Watch.

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~Julian Michaelis...Iris~

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Once something is truely lost...

...It can never be returned...

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I am Iris, an eight year old girl. At first i was wondering the world with blind eyes, but now, it`s a different story. I have been taught many things about this earth, how it came about, what the so called `humans` are doing to it. I was once a human. Weak, hungry, always working for survival. Not all humans are like that though, they`re some with wealth, beauty, all the things a human could wish for. However they didn`t become like that just from working. They stole, so now, the world is uneven. The North, is now the richest and the powerful one. And the South, were everyone is left to rot away into the dry sand. My parents were the ones from the South, they were brought over to the North to work day and night. They were good people, until I came along. The second my blind eyes opened to see the cruel and heartless world around me, the people aswell changed. That is another story I shall not get into.

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Can you kill something that is already dead?

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Iris's average rating out of 50 rates is 8.96/10


Faeya N Dumah Lady Morte (553919)

2022-11-25 23:19:06

Hallo Iris we still think of you and hope you are happy wherever you are and with people who love you.
Faeya N Dumah Lady Morte (553919)

2021-01-06 12:30:59

We still miss you Iris and think of you. Hope you are well and happy whatever you are doing now. Love always, Fae and all the family.💖
Faeya N Dumah Lady Morte (553919)

2019-11-12 23:50:12

Hope you're doing ok Iris, don't forget us. We think of you often. May wherever the world takes you be a happy place for you. Luv and stuff Marc
Faeya N Dumah Lady Morte (553919)

2018-11-06 16:15:41

I still think of you Iris, even though time has gone by, I'm a healer at Asuras now and had training at the Dead City Med.Uni. Mother is the Oracle here now, we all miss ya, see you one day. Love and stuff Marc
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2017-07-20 13:20:41

You have given Iris a rating of 10. <3 You are truly missed.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2016-12-17 03:24:20

Happy Holidays my dear daughter. I miss you.
Faeya N Dumah Lady Morte (553919)

2015-12-09 09:52:04

Happy holiday season, from all Faes family with love always
Faeya N Dumah Lady Morte (553919)

2015-09-15 20:39:48

Hi Iris, miss you, hope you can drop by soon, we gotba lot of catching up to do. Everyone sends their love, even Miri! Love ya, Marc
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2015-06-24 00:28:49

Greetings to you my dear. I hope you are well. This to let you know that you are yet missed. <3
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2015-01-07 11:52:36

May this year be a better one for you, and all the souls you hold dear, my little one.
Faeya N Dumah Lady Morte (553919)

2014-12-24 16:45:50

Hi Iris, Just dropped by to wish you happy holidays from me, mother, father and the girls. I hope you drop in to see us all soon - miss you. Marcus
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2014-12-02 20:12:27

Greetings Iris. I hope you are well, and your studies are turning out to be exactly as expected. My own are tiresome. I wonder at times why I decided to go back. But I know its for the best. You are missed little one.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2014-05-27 08:14:54

Greetings my dear. I hope you are well, and your studies are not too onerous. I will be quite busy with my own as I am registered for the summer session. If you are off for the summer, please take the time to visit with us. Marcus misses you, and you need to clean your room. [3]
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2014-03-15 09:47:52

Slipping into her daughter's room, Blackwidow stepped over to the small bedside table. The small box she had wrapped in green foil with a golden ribbon tied about it, was placed thereon. With a quick glance around the room, she made her way back out of the door. Her faint honeysuckle scent left therein, announcing her visit.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2014-01-17 16:14:42

Blackwidow had been looking about the Manor for Iris, and was now standing in the girl's room. She knew Iris wandered about at times. She had even promised not to smother the girl with her desire to see to her well being. But it had been awhile, and it would be less than proper to not bother with seeing her, at least once in awhile. Her heart ached for the childe. But there was nothing more she could do. She had provided a safe haven for the girl, she would never go hungry, nor be unwashed or go about in rags. The rest was up to Iris to claim as she felt the need. She knew the girl would make an appearance when she was ready, as she seemed rather fond of Faeya's brood. Looking about, and seeing that everything was neat and available for when she returned, Blackwidow departed, closing the door behind her. With a sigh she thought,Iris would not be pleased to know she had worried.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2013-12-02 01:44:32

Hello my dear Iris. I hope you are well. I have been here most days for a time, but my studies do not permit me to hang about as I once did. School is a drag. *chuckles* I hope your studies are going well. The holidays are almost upon us once more. Mayhap we can find the time to visit a bit my beloved daughter. You are missed. *smiles*
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2013-09-16 10:36:14

Greetings my dear. I am sorry I have not been talkative, but I have been neck deep in my classes, and work. I hope you are well, and enjoying yourself. As soon as things settle down we can begin training at the Manor. It might be a week or so though as I have to straighten out a few things here. I think I will soon be changing my position and so have some RL things to sort through. Faeya is aware as well. Take care sweetie.

2013-08-12 00:39:31

nice name iris i give ur proflie rate a 10
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2013-07-21 11:57:51

I am very pleased, as I wanted to give you a family to have fun with. I now have a sense of accomplishment. *claps my hands and grins*
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2013-07-21 11:10:12

Ah Iris my dear, your new profile pictures are lovely. I hope you are enjoying your home better now, than the last time you were here. *smiles* You have given Iris a rating of 10.

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