~†Alice†~ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

~†Alice†~ (245515)"Hey, kiddos. Guess who is home."

Last Active: 2020/12/06 23:47
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,445
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record3,230/14,422/70
Win %19%
Last KilledCowboy Fruity ...
Last Killed ByLittle Bleeder
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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There`s not much to say; play nice with the other kids in my house and mind your manners. Strays come in all shapes and sizes - most are welcome in Alice`s house.
Just don`t waste my time kiddos.

curly hair anime photo:  727795_large.jpg




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~†Alice†~'s average rating out of 70 rates is 9.64/10


Ice Garian (336320)

2017-04-13 14:37:18

-Giggles and waves-

Hello Alice, it has been a very long time. I hope everything is going well.
†Octavia†Of†Avalon† (447168)

2017-04-04 05:05:58

Regina [poke] 's then hides [hehe]
Sentril Xandarius Novrasum (191363)

2015-04-10 14:36:58

You have mail.
Death of Silence (570523)

2015-04-05 12:58:11

You have given ~†Alice†~ a rating of 10.
Kyle London Richardson (483591)

2015-03-09 03:01:15

Gosh, you're hot [hehe] smexy little sisseh!
Kyle London Richardson (483591)

2015-03-03 20:59:23

*Shakes the little sissy's by her shoulders and then hugs her* Zombie Army Trilogy~~!!!
Aleks Farabella (279881)

2015-01-22 03:16:52

Alice answer the bl!
Oni (234289)

2014-12-08 09:57:20

Kyle London Richardson (483591)

2014-11-15 23:47:44

Little sissy<3
Kyle London Richardson (483591)

2014-10-03 23:08:43

Love ya little sisseh <3 I hope your being good and doing well in school<3
Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2014-03-05 07:53:15

Cause it means.. >.> FOLLOW MEH. [i]Wiggles a finger as if tempting the woman further into the Dark Side. [smug]
Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2014-03-05 07:47:44

[3] Aliiiiiice. [i]Leaves Jessy love. And slips out again.
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2014-02-01 06:21:58

his jaw groaned audibly as she spoke, "I did complain, often. Obviously the damn demon wanted more then the little slut would accept." His hand had slapped the picture to the tabletop and the glass shattered under his palm. He paused and stared at her smiling face coated in blood and drew it carefully from the shards of glass, his thumb wiping away his taint on her face before he slips the picture in his pocket, he was careful to hide this moment of weakness from the still infuriating woman, "I'm also adorable whilst mad too I suppose." He sighed and wrapped the cloth around his hand to stem the bleed until it could knit and heal as he stares at it, "I will be there...if...you need me, Alice." His fingers close in a tight fist before he turned on his heel to stride free of her presence and what he had said.-
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2014-02-01 06:06:14

"Boyfriend is a far cry from what we were. I was your bit on the side when you could'nt decide on which to take home and keep." He scowled at the state of the dust and drew his kerchief out to brush it over the assorted paraphernalia she had scattered haphazardly around the place. The shadows released her as he got distracted by a photograph. "I hate how you humanized me, Alice."
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2014-02-01 05:57:28

he flopped atop a lounge chair and casually began prodding the surrounding things. Meandering through a magazine before casting it aside to look at her pictures "I know, and equally don't care. I notice you never put one up of me" He grinned back to the room, "Too worried your boyfriend would take offence."
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2014-02-01 05:42:57

-The tip of his tongue slides over his teeth as he grins, his flashing as his shadows flex, pushing her own shadow against her before it was swallowed within his own, pulling her flat to the floor.- I don't know. But I find it highly titillating.
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2014-02-01 05:35:51

-Chuckles as he's tripped through into the darkness, his hues shifting over the surrounds and obviously passing at some point over her hiding place- As always. Intriguing. I've heard that you're going to battle my boss? I have come to both draw you out for him and to watch. I love a good slaughter.
†.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

2014-02-01 05:22:58

-Let's his nails drag slowly over the wood of her door as he leant against the frame, staring in at her with a slowly growing curve of his lips- "Sweetmeat...Where are you?"
Oni (234289)

2014-01-05 21:43:34

You have given †Alice†~Lacie~ a rating of 10. <3

2013-11-19 08:40:13


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