Siren Kitty Shadowreaver is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Siren Kitty Shadowreaver (246670)"happy."

Last Active: 2011-11-07 01:39:24
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,442
Karma+/Verve+4 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record12,946/43,310/192
Win %24%
Last KilledDobromir Kruk
Last Killed ByLord Armand of ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Myrddin Faerydae Emrys
Aurora DS DarkShadow
Blaise Rose Deyanira
† Raven Deyanira †
VIP Member DarkAsh
Blaze Rogers
Alexander Mihalcea™ (Rhy)

Siren Kitty Shadowreaver has 8 friends View All Friends


If you’d walk 5,000 miles to spend 5 minutes with someone who you love, put this in your profile.

When she walks away from you mad, Follow her
When she stares at your mouth, Kiss her
When she pushes you or hits you, Grab her and don’t let go
When she’s quiet, Ask her what’s wrong
When she pulls away, Pull her back
When you see her at her worst, Tell her she’s beautiful
When you see her start crying, Just hold her and don’t say a word
When She stops Crying, Ask her what’s wrong
When you see her walking, Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she’s scared, Protect her
When she lays her head on your shoulder, Tilt her head up and kiss her
When she steals your favorite shirt, Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
When she teases you, Tease her back and make her laugh
When she looks at you with doubt, Back yourself up
When she grabs at your hands, Hold hers and play with her fingers
When she bumps into you, Bump into her back and make her laugh
When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes, don’t look away until she does
When you break her heart, the pain never really goes away
When she says its over, she still wants you to be hers

****Age doesn’t matter
Girl: Hi
Boy: Hello
Girl: How are you?
Boy: I’m alright, is there a reason you’re talking to me?
Girl: Yeah I um kind of like you
boy: oh your two years younger then me
Girl: Oh
Boy: sorry
Girl: its okay, I g2g bye!
The next day the boy saw the girl on the news, they said she hung her self and left a note saying: "Age shouldn’t matter and I’ll always love you"
A week later the boy was on the news and hung himself but wrote a message on the wall saying: "Your right Age doesn’t matter, And I’ll always love you too"
If you agree that age shouldn’t matter then put this on your profile!******

*** If you hear voices of your characters in your head...copy and paste this on your profile. ***

*** If you have ever zoned out for more than five consecutive minutes, copy this into your profile. ***

----Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people away, but to see who cares enough to tear those walls down.----

Surprise for Kitteh
What Is Your Inner Desire?

Your inner desire is love. You are a romantic person and really just want that special someone to spend the rest of your life with. You are a very caring and compassionate person, and if you keep it up, you will one day find the love of your life.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Whats your Passion?

you share a passion most of us young people have. lol. Passion for Music!! you love to move to the beat and just go with the flow, as many tend to say. you don`t care how people look at you and you never leave the house without you music player. (mp3, ipod etc.) and so then..your passion is Music!! (don`t stab me in the back with a knife when i turn around ok? O-O i never meant to get it wrooonngg waa!! -runs and hides-)
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
What fantasy creature are you?

You are a neko, you love playing around in the fields having fun with others. Your some times shy but your very loving and friendly, you some times stay clear of humans cause they are known to make neko`s slaves, helping others is what you do best.
How do you compare?
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What Greek Goddess are you?

You are Aphrodite!
You are Aphrodite!
You are like Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love, and not surprisingly, the most beautiful of all the goddesses. With your irresistible charms, and with cupid as your ally, there aren`t many you cannot easily woo...whether it be on purpose or without intending to at all. You are one sensual girl. Lucky you. ;)
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic



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Siren Kitty Shadowreaver's average rating out of 32 rates is 8.25/10


Blaise Rose Deyanira (257228)

2011-11-11 21:57:42

hey sweety. just stoppin by to see how you were doin :)
Myrddin Faerydae Emrys (326547)

2011-05-22 21:58:49

no thank you love
Myrddin Faerydae Emrys (326547)

2011-05-22 21:33:51

i saw that yesterday
Myrddin Faerydae Emrys (326547)

2011-05-22 16:52:37

awww its cute
DarkPrincess (242927)

2011-05-22 04:23:25

Welcome home Dear. Feel free to join us in xat and meet your coven mates I look forward to having you and I have a strait jacket with your name on it Welcome to The Asylum
Johnny Bravo (326733)

2011-05-19 13:34:40

no prob
Blaise Rose Deyanira (257228)

2011-05-19 04:43:22

Blaise Rose Deyanira (257228)

2011-05-19 04:29:53

Congrats on your marriage sweety!
Aimirgin "Avi" (429316)

2011-05-18 20:54:52

Congrats on the marriage Sis!
Johnny Bravo (326733)

2011-05-18 17:09:20

Aine (297234)

2011-04-20 00:10:36

Ok :)
Aine (297234)

2011-04-19 23:58:42

Hmm. Not sure. It could jus be a kind of mystery maybe. Like she had a not so good past, and mistreated by her family before she had been taken into the kingdom to be a maid. Hm? Which is why she is so quiet.
Aine (297234)

2011-04-19 21:53:58

I feel so Sowwy for poor Anna. >.< Ans I'm curious of how Tess and Kei will end up turning out :3

2011-02-25 07:09:56

and who is it u would be holding tight..Kitten..
† Raven Deyanira † (383814)

2011-01-22 02:43:37

I don't know who you're talking about but nope it wasn't a coincidence. I was trying to get across that life can't always have a happily every after. So who was the ex that cheated? You can tell me in bl if ya want.
† Raven Deyanira † (383814)

2011-01-22 02:34:12

what do you mean?
† Raven Deyanira † (383814)

2011-01-22 02:30:36

oh yeah, he's the second bad one
† Raven Deyanira † (383814)

2011-01-22 02:27:26

Who was it?
† Raven Deyanira † (383814)

2011-01-22 02:15:09

Here we go, all finished.
† Raven Deyanira † (383814)

2011-01-22 02:05:27 guess...I don't really know...

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