Spector~DW is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Spector~DW (249783)"Life hurts a lot more than death."

Last Active: 2022/09/14 03:18
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,435
Karma+/Verve+90 / 20
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record17,539/56,459/230
Win %24%
Last KilledRitsu Kazekish ...
Last Killed ByJazzy Dílseach ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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Rank 75+

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Married to DarkStranger (42304) for 5013 days
10 Family Members

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Amarananth Foui
Dead Gurl Cant Smile
Duri Aspire
†Ðeamon Whispers†
VIP Member Sinene Dietrich~Angelino

Spector~DW has 30 friends View All Friends


This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood Customizer Free Image Hosting
Photobucket Photobucket Thank you to my awsome sis in law Mrs. Murder K. DW Succubi (237030) for makeing this for me Photobucket I want to say I have the most amazing lil sis here on RoB. Thank You Val (574008) for making that.
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Spector~DW's average rating out of 45 rates is 9.09/10


Dreamweaver (248485)

2020-10-26 04:45:31

Welcome to the Coven. If you need anything just Blood Letter me and I'll do what I can to help. Look in the Coven's Forum for many informative threads and things to do. Most important...have FUN
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2020-10-25 20:51:12

Spector! Welcome to the DAS coven and family! I'm Sunshine a Helper in the game and in the coven. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in any of your in game pursuits of battling, conflict, quests and achievements. I am happy to help! I also offer profile making skills free of charge to any DAS member. [y] It's a pleasure to meet you!
V (254441)

2020-10-25 17:35:14

Welcome to DAS :)
DarkStranger (42304)

2020-10-25 14:51:48

You're still married to me? Guess I'm useful to keep all the proposals away lol. I was bored so thought I'd check in on here. Been since last year I think I was on. Hope you are well and surviving 2020.
Cae Stryker (257958)

2020-10-24 09:48:11

You have given Spector~DW a rating of 10. [3]
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2019-02-22 05:49:26

I am about to head to bed for the night. Bl me baby girl! We need to stop loosing touch [3]
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2019-02-22 05:32:42

Lots of resting as much as possible lol but keeping busy at same time :D I was super excited to see you online! [3]
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2019-02-22 05:17:34

How are you baby girl? [3]
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2019-02-21 05:13:10

[hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3] [hug] [3]
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2018-04-28 01:03:34

Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2018-04-27 07:54:59

[hug] I am alright baby girl qq Miss you like crazy! How is work and school and everything? BL me SOON

Love you my beautiful niece! [3]
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2018-04-24 12:42:11

[hug] Hey baby girl!!! I miss you!

~points to status~ That concerns me love, if you need to talk my bl's are open always!
SEN (234561)

2017-12-29 06:08:21

Ive been as good as can be lol You always were my busy girl. What about school? Altho I should know you did awesome. [hugs] <3
SEN (234561)

2017-12-29 02:56:59

I'm home baby girl. Momma has sure missed you <3 [hug] How have you been and what have you been up to??
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2017-12-26 03:40:38

not as bad as I thought it would be but better than I though (Bl me for some girl talk qq )
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2017-12-26 03:12:55

Hope you are having a wonderful time [3] Tell lil bro hi for me qq
Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)

2017-12-25 21:46:18

Merry Christmas [hugme]
Mystic LaVey Massacre (472741)

2016-06-06 15:15:07

Here is Connecticut so yes I would go to Paris Island for boot camp. :) You could definitely come visit me when I graduate. My I hope I get Hawaii or California. I would be happy. Probably even Japan. Never left the country except for small islands.
Mystic LaVey Massacre (472741)

2016-06-06 03:46:36

Yes, I considered it but the Navy here were playing too many games when it came to contract time so I backed out before the could screw me over. I was lucky I did. Marines has been honest with me. I know too much about them for them to try and screw me over. Too much family and my boyfriend are enlisted. I just have to stay on track. Got accept into a pre-med program. Medical school won't be that difficult for me to get into, especially not as a veteran.
Mystic LaVey Massacre (472741)

2016-06-05 06:02:08

I will :) As of right now I'm at a stand still. I'm going for premed but school is too expensive for me and regardless of my perfect grades I didn't get a scholarship to the college I got accepted into. I should be leaving for the military fairly soon, just waiting for my braces to come off. I'm joining the marine corp. :)

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