Sirus the Stray is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Sirus the Stray (266460)"I was wrong, TRUE true peace is being caught up on RP replies and BLs. For this brief moment, I owe nothing to anyone. Yessss......"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 22:38
I'm Online
VIP/VIP+ Days6 / 0
Game Age5,409
Karma+/Verve+948 / 50
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles33 (+7%) See All
Missions R/P/S500/9/46
Battle Record245,849/133,989/107
Win %65%
Last KilledEvelyn D. Nigh ...
Last Killed By†ŘцMiguel Jua ...
Wins/Blood Today400/396,772
Avg. Blood992
WP Spent216
Coven Faith of the Fallen
Coven Title (Rank)My Si-Si (90)
Coven VirtueKnight (5)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 89mil+



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VIP Member Khalin
VIP Member Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix
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Let`s keep this simple...

Intro to Sirus The Dead City`s cartographer. A general in Faith of the Fallen`s Army. A young, would-be upstart with impressive potential... Or at least that`s what Sirus could have claimed a decade ago. He backed off from the dazzling spot light when deeper concerns began to eat at him. What does the constant warring achieve? What`s the point of contributing to a society where law and order are decided by those powerful enough to rule with an iron fist? After a long sleep, he`s wandering the streets again. Bitter, but trying to get passed it. Rekindling old connections when they can be found. Unsure how to ignite new ones. Left with the same old problem. That unanswerable question, The hell am I even doing here?

Quick Facts Has no idea who his sire was. Has zero interest in finding out. Young blood; He`s only been a vampire a little bit longer than he was mortal. He plans to never sire anyone, but he`s already accidently adopted other, younger fledglings once or twice. His permanent scars are from his last night as a mortal. The rest are from supernatural foes and will eventually heal. Probably. Maybe. His goals are... tentative at best. He`s not willing to admit that he`s aimlessly seeking a purpose, but it is what he`s doing. He prefers to champion other`s goals. Not a socialite. He avoids high society when he can. When he can`t... there`s a high risk that he`ll accidently cross someone. Not so great at starting conversations with people, but, man, can he rant at inanimate objects! Shines in battle. His expertise is, perhaps obviously, in dealing with other vampires. He can hold his own against most supernatural creatures... long enough to realize that he`s bitten off more than he can chew.

WIPs They expand on hover!

Maybelline Sutton May is a vampire potion mixer running a shop that serves exclusive clientele. She has longer term goals of running a coven and issues with her controlling sire. She is one of Sirus` acquittances whom he has both helped and hindered, but he would very much like them to be friends.

Viktor von Kleist Vik is a fledgling mastering the social game. May`s silver tongue. At least when he respects whoever he`s speaking too. He is a mouthy jerk otherwise. He drives Sirus up the wall, but Vik`s potential is obvious. The question is: will Vik put aside his temperamental pride long enough to accept the help?

Minion: Gris A small thing Petrick strong-armed Sirus into buying. Sirus never really wanted this kind of minion, and was surprised by how useful Gris became. Quiet. Obedient. Autonomous. Gris remains in Spring Valley between hunts. Sirus trusts that Gris will show up when needed. He`s not been disappointed yet.

Minion: Zeron Placeholder until I finish this image. There was too much blinding green on the page.

About the Player

I have a PhD in... it`s complicated. I`m a software engineer now. In my free time, I write creative fiction, mostly in the glossy overlap between horror, thriller, and dystopia. And then I do some illustration. More on that below. What do you actually need to know to deal with me? I`m assertive. I`m forward. I`m blunt.

I`m also a socially anxious idiot. What you get depends on the situation. Just know I don`t intentionally bite... Well, verbally anyway.

Game art y`all can thank (or curse) college-age me for
  • All the Pet Designs and Colors
  • The Accomplishment Medals
  • The Bat Trophies for Achievements
  • The Portal Map
  • I also taught Ash how to batch process his Greenwood photos in photoshop.

    ✨More Pretty Arts✨

    They expand on hover!

    Hat Rack Crafted by a Tzimisce for a Malkavian that thinks he`s a Brujah.

    Dig It One of my OCs playing with his pet--I MEAN engaging in highly important and innovative technological discovery.

    Pixel Birbs This was integral to my PhD. Sorta. It certainly helped me through the last two years.

    Siring Chart Based off of the last VtM Campaign I ran. The player characters were Thaddeus (a Tremere) and Iz (a Malkavian). The rest were mine.









    DarkAsh (1)

    2011-02-05 12:02:32

    What If I like crack?
    Melaina Celosia Moore (219249)

    2024-07-14 19:18:28

    Being caught up [i]is[/i] a great feeling. :D

    Leaving a [3] for the chuckle
    Dreamweaver (248485)

    2024-05-05 05:12:00

    Well done on List #3.
    Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

    2024-03-10 19:54:02

    Yay 😊 9 daily routine done!!! Hope you are well
    Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

    2024-03-10 19:53:45

    Yay 😊 9 daily routine done!!! Hope you are well
    †.Incendia†.D.†.Pascal.† (187760)

    2024-02-25 04:21:40

    Congrats on the Draw win!
    Skelliot (668197)

    2024-02-09 22:17:33

    It's okay, I fit back together like flatpack furniture. I've got really good at putting my bones back in the right place.
    Skelliot (668197)

    2024-02-09 20:54:40

    I got QT if I cast life on you, and the man said I would get QT if I did it. Flesh is so overrated anyway. Skin for power, where's the downside?
    Skelliot (668197)

    2024-02-08 21:46:16

    Yeah, food and warmth is so overrated these days
    Skelliot (668197)

    2024-02-08 21:34:55

    Now I just need to find time to play :')
    Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

    2024-02-05 23:51:25

    Hey. I am just building up your resume so you can further your immortality to great and brighter things. If you want to go from a coven war general to a Doordarshian, then it is 50% all on you and 50% all my suggestion. Put me down as your first mortal co-congresswoman and we'll make waves!

    Okay! Okay! You don't want to put your proverbial hat into the race. It doesn't mean that you can NOT STOP being ambitious in being my representative/attorney/wingman/dead meat shield. -k-
    Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

    2024-02-05 01:07:40

    I feel like being told to "stay hydrated" is a propaganda tactic devised by the vampires elite to convince the mortal cattle to drink water, eat healthy, dream real big and real fast, and get plenty of exercise before the tentative date of my last day.


    Rats. I do not have a vampire who can serve me as a human representative on my behest.

    Si. My homebird. Wanna change careers? :3
    Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

    2024-02-04 14:29:12

    Beep-beep-boop-boop. *Activate K A R E N mode.*

    Now I have a feeling that this drink has more than just those ingredients.

    *Observes it. Sniffs it. Swirls it with a straw. Observes it again.*

    Did I get the blood type "A", "AB", or "O" edition? >_>
    Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

    2024-02-04 01:52:59

    [b]Sirus the Stray (266460) has sent you Order: x1 pomegranate dragon fruit; $14.99. [/b]

    One pomegranate dragon fruit drink costs [i]THAT[/i] much?! Holy moly! It looks like inflation has made its way to the Dead Cit--

    Wait. Hold on. Let me check the receipt real quick...

    Hm. That's not right...

    Why do I have to pay a delivery, labor, Greenwood, and mortal tax for this?!

    Shame on [i]ME[/i] for using a vampire to be my courier for the sake of convenience. -k-
    Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

    2024-02-04 00:59:48

    Alcohol? Probably a return because I cannot find any that are tasty and refreshing. Smoothies, on the other hand; AND/OR hot chocolate? Hm. What's better than love?

    Oh! I think I know!

    Mind if you set up a Dead City Doordash? I will be your favorite (and only) customer. :P

    Just come to Greenwood and be a walking blood bag here. At least the more you walk, the more you collect many a dimes to stuff in your pockets. Just come with peak energy, and get a canteen for the stream so it may help you keep on keeping on in your quest for wealth.
    Prue Sainte (721498)

    2024-01-29 07:06:39

    "Sirus the Stray (266460) has added you to their enemy list. You must taste delicious!"

    Enjoy my blood, friend! :D
    <::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

    2023-12-21 20:06:05

    A spider invaded my home. My son blames you. 😂
    Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

    2023-12-01 22:06:09

    Sirus the Stray (266460) completed The Metal Man Quest (balls).

    Balls. *Insert Beavis and Butthead laughing track here.*
    Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

    2023-11-14 01:19:08

    *sighs* I'll upgrade it into gauze.

    And, yeah. I'll have it spider-patterned. Healing is ten times better when the bandaid you have has the design you love!
    Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

    2023-11-14 01:10:37

    Oh my! Look at me, stalling the progress by repeatedly murdering you.

    I'll gift you bandaids as an apology. You're welcome. [3]

    Sylvette `Syl` Banebridge (693284) sent two tickets to Flavortown for you and me..
    Sylvette `Syl` Banebridge (693284) sent Chiiiiiips and Saaaaaalsaaaa!.
    Sylvette `Syl` Banebridge (693284) sent Five hours of me complaining next to your coffin..
    Get well soon from Sylvette `Syl` Banebridge (693284) - Totally hope the bandaids work!
    Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent Hulk plushie dolls.

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