Eden M. Price is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Eden M. Price (268748)"YOU FOUND SOME HIDDEN QP! +1 QP"

Last Active: 2023/12/31 23:01
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,405
Karma+/Verve+447 / 25
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles79 (+6%) See All
Missions R/P/S497/442/19
Battle Record456,785/168,631/490
Win %74%
Last Killed- : -
Last Killed ByThe Birthday G ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent210



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Married to Rilee R. C. Price (275708) for 1319 days

3 Family Members

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Eden M. Price's average rating out of 349 rates is 8.32/10


Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2022-12-30 21:28:20

[i]You have given Eden M. Price a rating of 10.[/i] [3] I hope the holidays have been kind to you and that you have a great New Year. [hug]
Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258)

2021-05-28 20:59:07

You have given Eden M. Price a rating of 10. [3]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-05-11 00:52:53

[3] Hey there back :D We keep missing each other now!!!
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-04-22 15:45:41

:D Hello, there my darling wife.

[i]Smiles at her with a gleam of excitement in her eyes[/i] A rematch from before? I would love the honor.
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-04-02 06:41:44

You are the air to my lungs and the beating to my heart. Without you, I have come to find myself lost seeking your comforting and warm embrace. You are a beacon of hope in my despair and the words of truth to the lies that whisper in my ears. You have given me so much love, so much time, so much patience. I honestly can't tell you enough how I appreciate you and how much I love you. My darling adoring wife, I love you always and forever. [love] [kiss] [kiss] [hug] [3]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-22 13:14:39

:D Good morning, my love.

[i]-Pulls into a longing kiss before following you to your quarters-[/i] Yes Ma'am
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-22 03:00:23

[tacklebite] Hey my beautiful coven wife. Take me to your TD room [hehe] [3]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-21 06:00:06

[love] Thank you, love. I would go sleep it off but I am trying to hydrate and eat since I was already sleeping off a migraine from earlier this morning. I do plan to go back to bed after I have settled my hunger and such. Today has been a painful day for me. :( In regards to headaches/migraines.
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-21 05:08:07

:D Well, a foot massage would be great though a neck and temple massage would be even better.

Also, how did you know I was suffering a headache? You know me all too well. [love]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-21 04:37:22

[hehe] I would happily oblige to that. [tacklebite] [sex] [sex] A very nice distraction from Treaty in my opinion qq
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-21 04:25:45

Aww [kiss] It is true though. [3] [3] [3]
Kitteh (185423)

2021-03-19 19:42:10

You have given Eden M. Price a rating of 10.
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-13 10:50:31

:D You are beautiful when you are nakey. I miss you too my love. [kiss] [love]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-03 04:47:12


[i]You have given Eden M. Price a rating of 10.[/i]

Even though you still nakey. I love the music [3] And I LOVE YOU so damn much!!! [kiss]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-03-03 04:44:48

(hello) MY LOVE!!! :D I see someone has missed me. [hehe]

Why thank you qq
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-02-24 05:39:11

We need to cover your nakedness up my love qq [3]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-02-09 19:32:29

[love] Hello my love
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-02-09 05:17:06

Yes ma'am [tacklebite]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-02-09 05:06:10

[roll] that can be arranged. [hehe]
Rilee R. C. Price (275708)

2021-02-09 05:02:00

:D I don't know rather to [spank] you or join you [hm] [sex]

Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent black and green roses.
*Another Damn Raven* (736230) sent Tree of Life.
I Love you from Rilee R. C. Price (275708) - You ARE a rare person, Eden Price. [love] ;)
Margaery Price (731950) sent Runny nose and cough.
Margaery Price (731950) sent Warm morning cuddles and kisse.
Margaery Price (731950) sent One year ring, and my love.
I Love you from Margaery Price (731950) - I really really really really really really really really do
I Love you from Margaery (731950) - I really really really really really really really really do
Margaery (731950) sent A Thousand Kisses.
Margaery (731950) sent Oxytocin.

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