Vershardia R Whispers™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Vershardia R Whispers™ (270159)"Fabriqué en Nouvelle-Zélande"

Last Active: 2024/06/17 14:54
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Coven Title (Rank)Sultry Temptress (60)
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Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 247k+



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Married to L`eau Calmante (653827) for 4033 days
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L`eau Calmante
Andrew Russell
† PURPZ. Whispers †

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Blue Wings - Working In Background


Salutations one and all...

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, race, colour and breed I solemnly welcome you to my humble abode. Jes suis la Vampire le Belle, Mademoiselle Misstimuli Vershardia Rishard. Pleasure it is infact to have met your acquaintance. Stay a while and you may know a lot of adoring facts of yours truely that it may capture and inspire you first and foremost. In hopes of that which would be entertaining I am certain you may leave me a message or two. If not, you are most welcome to stay any way. The matter is, infact (as always), totally up to you and your leisure.

"My late husband, the one that will surely be missed and never be forgotten, my love for you ALWAYS, Your darling and devoted wife... Vershardia Melissa Rishard-Monfret"
I Love you baby!!

It is now that I may open up a whole world for you to browse upon.





A proud lady of the spades, never shies away from the fact that how ever lovely she is, she is never lacked in the talent of killing. Her technique and entourage are beautifully blessed with just the right amount of skill and power, that enables her to pull off such a swift and sound - clean - kill within minutes with little to no amount of effort what so ever.

It isn`t always known for Misstimuli to kill, she has a very soft hearted nature as all good Aquarian women are. Pure. Polite. Sweet. With a warm demure and a mother-figure like resemblance to her that makes her soo forth-coming and instantly welcoming.

Vershardia, When the gods spoke of a heavenly figure of womanhood, they made her, talents and techniques only required of the best were carefully chosen like the disciples of Christ. Blessed with untainted beauty and serene youth granted and created for the soul heard loudest on earth, her yet to be found husband. Bestowed upon man as a gift, like the earth it is warm and loving tender and a rear beauty indeed.

When the gods send you a blessing you do not ask why it was sent.

A soft-talking mother like figure, caring as all good aquarian women are, blessed with the un-earthing ability to see the good in every one being and have a certain air of dignity and respect. She is very well known to contain a certain way about her that seem calming and gentle. For ever smiling and gracious. Never one to accept peril or one`s scars to become of anyone she meets. Giving and sensual, honest and true. Equipped with an undying devotion to her family, her sister Night wolf Yoru-Ookami, loyal and willing companion to her new found love, a gifted fighter and friend to all but also a wicked enemy at heart.

Misstimuli would like to portray that she is of the wind and flow freely without no tangents, there is a flip side to every aquarian heart and however unfortunate, even for the gifted few, she is no exception to this rule. Loothes the chance for it was never too often spoken she too has such a grotesque darkened evil spirit that she wishes, with a passion, the dark half she never had to posses to make her whole. Even though she isn`t of earthen bound race and dispite her lineage her plea to her many great fore-fathers of the heavenly gods ... begging for any sort of atonement

... The gods seldom listen ...

Ying and yang, black and white, good and bad, troubled yet misstimuli was also impaired. Going through great lengths to cover the truth of her obscure past its nothing to be proud of but a sheer brilliance or necessity should anyone choose to hurt those dear to her, family, friends and loved ones.
Eternally great full for those who have walked into her life, she`d greatly give it up to protect them, her weakness, how ever, is that she has a Soft side those know all too well and mistreat her as such and beckon she unsheathe her un-bridled rage! This is typical to anyone person, but misstimuli does not want to believe the vulgarity within her and seeks the finer things mankind cherish, like love, opulence, indulgence, the beauty in mankind, the few things that matter but which is forgotten but yet is free.

For a very long time, misstimuli, was always displayed as a monument. Acclaimed by many as the very eighth wonder of the world and the way she moves astounds most but captivates everyone. Enigmatic persona and charismatic charm sees to fit her well.

For the very pinnacle of beauty, every rose has their thorns, she is waiting to see what mankind does next!

Apsen Matthew

Misstimuli`s Statistics

Aspen`s smile

Name: Vershardia Misstimuli Rishard.
Age: 28 coming up 27th birth year before she was turned..
Mortality: 2029 Years on this earthen planet.
Race: Not of earthen bound race, yet appears human.
Date of birth: 14th February 1684.
Star Sign: Aquarian - Women of both sea and air.
Chinese Zodiac: Unknown.
Tarot: The star and the Fool.
Suit: KNAVES. (Tarot)
Element: Air.
Coven: BUDS.
Martial status: Single
Significant Other: Mr nobody again.
Owner (My tetra Pod): L`eau Calmante (653827).
Sire/Master/Jedi Knight: Bloodflame Diluculo (301884).
Blood God: Bux (8544).
Family: Terash Emberi Dib-Lucidus (292339).
Vampire Pickle (593590).
Lord Caledborn (227389).
T.S Tairaye Whispers (393054)
Siblings: Yoru Ookami - Night Wolf. RIP.
Children: Seeking children.
Mother: Celeste Dita Viera Rishard. (Deceased - Murdered).
Father: Malachi VII Rishard. (Hunted. Murdered).
Likes: Anything Mango Flavoured. Good food. Great Company. And Loyalty. (Seems you can`t find that anywhere these days.)
Loves: Nobility. Loyalty. Honesty. Strength. My son (IRL). My new found love on RoB.
Dis-Likes: Wet Popcorn. Flat Coke. Web hackers (Jealous - LOL). Bad Cab Drivers. Bad Accents. Annoying Teenagers.
Hates: Family Violence. Rapists. Kiddy Fiddlers. Child Abuse. Profile updaters from Reign of Blood. (They know why!)

Habbit: Anything to do with water, to get in it. Study it. Drink it. Play with it. Swim in it. I have water on the brain. I love the stuff. It`s a good way to live if you know how. It`s my focus.
Occupation: As a human - Marine Biologyst. As a new born Vampire - Assassin.
Traits/Abilities and powers: Born with the powers - Water molecular contortionist. (The ability to harbor, control, conjure and bend the will of water), Breathe, see, speak, swim miraculously fast under water. ALLURE - It is a sent, like the queen bee, a powerful pheromone that draws the appetite of the human emotion commonly known as lust. A potent aroma that is highly toxic, aromatic, light and deadly. Not very common in her kind but highly sought after, none-the-less. As a newborn Vampire: - Enhanced speed. Mind whisperer (Read thoughts only). Hawk eye sight that is enhanced with her birth right. Vershardia`s unique heritage provides her with amazing powers. Like all Blue, she can manipulate water, but since she is also a Black she can do this to a much greater degree than other Blue`s. She can instantly form massive waves and tsunami`s without even thinking about it, as well as control the oceans if storms or other things cause them to become destructive. Her powers doesn`t only work on a large scale though, she can form water into solid shapes or even make it sturdy enough to walk on. Vershardia can control all liquid, allowing her to even change the flow of blood in someone`s body or rip it out to kill them. She can change her physical body into water, letting it disperse and being able to pull herself back together. She also has the potential for massive amounts of ice control, though it hasn`t been shown yet. As a Black she is capable of healing wounds (even fatal ones), shooting blasts of energy from her hands and becoming energy herself. She has been shown to have had her body destroyed and to remake it out of energy and water. She also has telepathy, but she`s only used it with the Blacks, who are telepathic themselves. Aside from her powers, Vershardia is physically in great condition. Even before she knew about her powers, she was an Olympic swimmer and always kept in shape. Her basic biology is slightly different than other humans in that she has some additional brain tissue, her red-cell density is twice the average, she has the more flexible bone structure of someone still growing, and she naturally has 5 times the lung capacity of an Olympic swimmer. Vershardia is also very intelligent and extremely knowledgeable about things involving water and the ocean thanks to her extensive education and experience as a marine biologist.




Name: BANE NEVER MORE (292339).
Age: 18
Mortality: 421
Race: Dragon
Date of birth: Not known at this stage ... he`s being checky.
Coven: The Asylum.
Relation:: Right hand man (Most trusted advisor).
Significant other: Ankh Massri NightWrath (504750).
Likes: Being matriculously happy and evil at the same time.
Dislikes: Being ignored
Favourite saying: All is fair in love and war ...

Terash, one of Lady Vershardia Misstimuli Rishard`s trusted allies for centuries. Bossom buddies for the next millennia on ward. In fact, our lady hasn`t had any body recorded on her will since her late husband and her children have since been deceased, except for one ... Terash. He inherits all of her wealth, 24 different manors, estate and heritage to do as he sees fits. Once, hard boiled and temper strung, she was coincided to be the only one that could stand next to him in his heat of anger. Adopting the care of Vershardia`s natural mother-like abilities they became the bestest of friends. Soon fostering the mentor ship of kindred siblings. Now, today, as the wars they have once been wagered now died down ... every few hundred years, both her and Terash or Lord T as she`s aptly called him, get together and paint the town literally red with all there drunken stupor and mayhem. It is known that Lady Vershardia would not rather have any one at her side much more than her best friend and right hand man, Terash.



Te amo mi tonta deis mimoso - V™.

L`eau`s Charm

Name: L`eau Calmante (292339).
Age: Unsure. OLD!!
Mortality: Likes to keep that relatively well hidden.
Race: Self sacrificed satanic blood sex god.
Date of birth: Details of said birth are dis-criptive, although, when ....
Coven: BUDS.
Relation:: Consort in real life.
Coffee: Yes. Two sugars and milk.
Likes: Sleep. Food. Mental stimulation.
Dislikes: Being woken up. No food. Being bored.
Weapon of choice: A tank? Shiv? Bat with a nail in it?

You know that one particular guy your mother always seemed to not like and warned you about? L`eau brutally butchered him and now walses around with his head as a hood ornament. This guy maybe crazy but there is no one I`d rather have on my team, better or stronger, than him. I`d figure I would rather be on the same side, than against him. That`s for sure. He keeps me sane, that`s a gift worth more than life it`s self.

Keep smiling bub


Which Vampire am I?

Artistic and maybe even a bit shallow, you belong to the clan of the Toredor. You have a keen eye for pretty things. The embrace is looked on as preserving all beautiful things for eternity. You are the sensual vampires that you hear people talk about that seduce to get what they want. This clan is the one thought of as being the spoiled sort who want to get what they want. However, you usually work right under the venture clan as they try to carry out their plans.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
The Toreador
The Toreador are called many things - "degenerates," "artistes," "poseurs," and "hedonists" being but a few. But any such mass categorization does the clan a disservice. Depending on the individual and her mood, Toreador are alternately elegant and flamboyant, brilliant and ludicrous, visionary and dissipated. Perhaps the only truism that can be applied to the clan is its members` aesthetic zeal. Whatever a Toreador does, she does with passion. Whatever a Toreador is, she is with passion. To the Toreador, eternal life is to be savoured. Many Toreador were artists, musicians or poets in life; many more have spent frustrating centuries producing laughable attempts at art, music or poetry. Toreador share the Venture`s love of high society, though not for them the tedium of actually running things - that`s what functionaries are for, darling. Toreador know that their place is to captivate and inspire - through their witty speech, graceful deeds, and simple, scintillating existence.


Caution: MAY BITE.



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Vershardia R Whispers™'s average rating out of 111 rates is 8.60/10


Bux (8544)

2024-05-29 15:21:00

wow .... u warped through time! lol
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2024-07-21 04:43:20

A ten for you qq
Morphe (745318)

2024-06-09 21:51:37

[i]You have given Vershardia R Whispers™ a rating of 10.[/i]

Fathom comics are amazing1 I love your battle pic of Aspen Matthews.
Bux (8544)

2024-06-05 00:30:25

ooooooooooolllllllllllllddddddddd haha
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2015-10-26 06:46:41

10 as always my dear Child hugs to my baby girl on the month of Dracula and his celebrations
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2015-05-26 07:53:58

hugs and Kisses to my beautiful baby Girl just stopping in to say hello and see how things are going :)
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2015-02-16 03:14:24

I love you! my baby, girl I always Will You're a daddys girl for ever [hugme]
Spectre (121609)

2015-01-07 04:44:57

No problem, like I (think I) said, huge Starcraft fan, even wrote a short bio for my character. That was years ago so I wasn't as good, but I'm probably rusty anyway since I've been away so long. Don't plan on changing it though. Still doing alright?
Kalia Le Doux (366333)

2014-08-20 23:50:05

Hello my most graceful and beautiful daughter, it has been far too long since we spent an evening sharing our secrets and a good bottle of a fine vintage! [3]
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2014-07-30 07:44:02

my dear Daughter Vershardia you need not worry about time and absence I know all too well the darkness that absents brings that is what makes coming back to loving family members so wonderful the fact that they missed you and waited for that one loving embrace just well there is nothing like it in the world I have longed to hold my baby girl so much and love every moment when I do be sure of that ahh yes be sure of the fact that I am in capable hands such as those of your most beautiful mother Kalia yes she is so wonderful a true Wife indeed we await your return as always be safe and take it one day at a time Deamon Whispers
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2014-07-30 06:00:49

you need not worry Dearest Daughter mine Topore has over come Me these past few months as I myself have to deal with Rl and its consequences I do need to pop in more then I have been just know that all my family here in the world of Rob have been on my mind Hugs and kisses always Your Daddy dear
VampirePickle (593590)

2014-07-16 04:11:42

Pickle? What pickle?!? :O
Spectre (121609)

2014-07-03 04:13:07

I know this is waaaaaaay freakin' late since I haven't been on in years but I found it online looking for Starcraft .gifs (animated pictures) on Google images.
Kalia Le Doux (366333)

2014-05-11 01:38:12

I love you to my sweet daughter. How have you been little one? [hugme]
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2014-05-08 03:34:15

Well I understand all to well how life can tear us away from having our fun the main thing is just take care of rl first and then have fun we all understand that rl comes first lol well some do any way [hehe] :d hugs xox&#128540; .
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2014-05-07 03:42:23

Hello My dearest Child Vershardia Oh how I have missed you Im sorry I havent been the Most active as of late things have been a but rough for me on my Home front and it has affected my time here in Rob but know that I will always love you as my baby Girl that will never change and I am glad to see that all though I have been absent that my Family here in Rob has stayed Strong it shows a Great foundation for Us Whispers LOve you always Daddy Deamon
VampirePickle (593590)

2014-04-30 03:45:53

Hmmm... When you put it like that, I might not be against being a meal after all :D
VampirePickle (593590)

2014-04-29 14:44:19

Yes! Yes! Hail the pickle!!! (Just don't eat him :O )
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2014-04-29 05:29:26

Thank you. :p :d
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2014-04-29 05:25:12

I am what I am, yes. [angel] :d

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