Dr. Caligari is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Dr. Caligari (275427)"..."

Last Active: 2012-01-15 12:18:50
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,395
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationSweden
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779949 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779949 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record155,931/179,649/32
Win %47%
Last KilledArisen Sainte
Last Killed By- : -
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0



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To the ones I know I say bye for now. To the ones I don’t know I guess say something similar.



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Dr. Caligari's average rating out of 222 rates is 8.89/10


Lydea Mey (292043)

2023-01-21 02:06:16

Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258)

2020-06-04 12:51:36

8 years without you...and I still think about you everytime I go to Ikea :p

Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2019-09-22 08:58:36

Would you please get your fine self back here to check on your patients qq
We just can 't find another physician we trust as much !!![hugme]
Bangs the ten [dance]
Kitteh (185423)

2018-06-12 21:32:12

How I so badly wish you were still here.... [i]Releases a soft sigh, curling up within the abandoned space once again.[/i]
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2018-06-12 05:42:15

You said it wouldn't be forever. Your arch nemesis misses you [cry]
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2018-05-15 20:31:36

You have been gone far too long Doc please put us on your tour list again qq You have given Dr. Caligari a rating of 10 [dance]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2018-05-05 00:32:19

It's been a while..
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2018-02-22 06:33:21

Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2017-11-06 08:07:54

Hey Doc a person could croak sitting in your waiting room, hurry up and get your fine self back would ya [hugme] qq
Bangs the 10 over and over like a drum call !!!
Melaine de Rais (398562)

2017-01-29 16:18:11

You have given Dr. Caligari a rating of 10.
Lydea Mey (292043)

2016-08-05 12:51:18

It's been a fool's age, Doctor. *nods* Still, I can hear the faint scuffle of your standard issued slippers scraping across the cement floor of the asylum, in the wee hours of the morning. I almost miss the blood curdling screams that would suddenly waft from your cell when all the lights had gone out for the day...
Kitteh (185423)

2015-10-08 14:10:30

3 years darling....oh how you are missed beyond imagination. I hope where ever you are, that you are well and happy. You cross my mind often for all the wonderful memories we shared and created often bring a smile to my face when they are recalled. We may never cross paths again, but I wish you all the best where ever life has stolen you away to. [3] Your beloved Nurse, always.
Lydea Mey (292043)

2014-11-02 19:52:47

Another Halloween has come and gone without the odd melodic sounds of a profile well put together. I remember an Asylum Halloween contest I had enrolled in one year, you were also participating and it was only when I finally stalked over to see your creation that I threw up my hands, realizing there was no way in hell I'd even qualify. :D Ah well. To you Caligari...
Queen Crazed Devilfire™ (141783)

2014-10-07 04:01:21

Miss you
Lydea Mey (292043)

2014-07-14 03:11:59

Doctor. It saddens me to think that I'll never know what happens in chapter 3. [i]-sighs-[/i]
Lydea Mey (292043)

2014-03-23 03:22:20

[i]*Dabbing her quill in an ink jar of virgin blood, she began writing*[/i] Sometimes I think that you are tucked away in some mountainous cave in the Appalachian Mountains or maybe withdrawn from society, in an attic room, locked away with only a view of the leaning tower of Pisa to feed your inspiration. Then I get to thinking I could, ideally, be speaking to all that remains of the good Doctor I once new and well.. my thoughts trail off to something entirely different in defense. Regardless though? Your cell is still empty and I'm running out of places to bury the body parts I've collected from you. Perhaps I should take up some science and begin stem cell regeneration... and just build my very own Doctor. -hmm- Bet I could sell a copy to Bloody and Lizzy as well. ^^ Regardless, as always, wherever you may roam.... I hope to god you are well fed. We know what happens when you don't have a steady supply of virgin blood. [i]*signing her name to the parchment, she rolled the paper up and stuck it in a green tinted bottle. After corking it. she stepped out onto her balcony and chucked the glass object as far out to sea as she could*[/i] Godspeed.
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2014-02-13 18:57:53

I miss you Dr.
†Hayley Grey Hyde† (375787)

2014-01-01 03:40:45

Happy New Years!
Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258)

2013-12-23 15:04:55

*<|:-) MERRY CHRISTMAS wherever you are!!!!
Lydea Mey (292043)

2013-12-23 13:04:39

I can still hear the sweet psychotic melodies of Christmas playing in my head, after having visited your profile, Dr. Caligari. It's been nearly two years now and the cell you once filled with life, has lay silently dormant for what feels like forever. Will the good Doctor ever grace us with his presence again? I suppose my wishful side of thinking hopes he does, but scientifically? I know you've moved on from this place. Still... your memory lives on in each of the lives you've touched here. Wherever you roam, I do hope it is littered with resources beyond your wildest dreams and that the experiments you have created thus far? Are beyond mankind. ^^ Merry Christmas, Dr. Caligari.

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