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Rilee R. C. Price (275708)"Back..for now"

Last Active: 2024/07/18 03:39
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Game Age5,393
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Game LocationDead City
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Collectibles97 (+5%) See All
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StatusDead (28779766 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779766 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record605,271/144,144/236
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Last Killed ByTeada Moon Nig ...
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Coven Clockwork of Nightmares
Coven Title (Rank)Inferno Warheart (40)
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Married to Eden M. Price (268748) for 1319 days

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Let the darkness fall around me, so that I may master it.

Rilee Rae Colvin

Nickname: Ri, Riles
Titles: The Shady Lady (self proclaimed), The Fallen One
Mortal Age: 25
Actual Age: 461
Sire: Declan Calvert
Re-Sired by: Eden Price
Species: Vampire / Archangel; Vampire
Bloodline: Colvin "Under this bloodline thou shalt conquer"
Zodiac: Leo
Sexuality: Bisexual

Colvin Bloodline

-Father: Logan Jace Colvin
-Mother: Rosaleen Soleil Colvin
-Brother: Joel Tobias Colvin

Colvin Family Colors:

-Red - For passion and blood
-Indigo - For wisdom and deep sincerity
-Gold - For triumph and knowledge
-Black - For mystery and strength

Price Bloodline

-Wife: Eden Price (268748)
-Son: Kraven Price (204158)
-Sired Daugher: Jamie Price (508506)
-Birth Son Adron Price
-Birth Daughter Mara Price

Immortal Ties

-Soulmate: Avery Flynn
-Partner In Crime: Moira Alderson (654503)
-Blood Bound/Mistress: Ryu Azumu Nex (338620)

Contact Info & RP Availability

Discord - #0782
Blood Letters are the best way to contact me.
Rilee Rae Colvin - SEMI-OPEN
Joel Tobias Colvin - HOLD
Wyatt Liam Dílseacht - HOLD
Kahlan Amnell - ONLY OPEN TO (268748)
Lucia Alston - TBA


Afterlife. Is there truly ever such a thing of a good afterlife? Maybe. Though my afterlife is plagued with unimaginable evil, however it is also filled with undiscovered love. I have had a wide range of these experiences. I have walked in the shadows as a blood thirsty vampire, trying to find an escape from a sire that considers and portrays himself as a God. I, have also basked in the light of redemption taking on the powers of an archangel along with my vampirism, a hybrid.

I was grateful to be guided by the only person I could have trust in that time, Avery Flynn. He was there to help me in mastering the darkness that still haunted me from all my past deeds as a fledgling vampire. For years I stayed in the light, following the orders of his superior, Seraphina, for now she was also my superior, she was the one that changed me to a hybrid. As the duty to the light continued for most of my immortal life, Avery and I became something more. His sister, Fiona, despised me and refused letting the connection between him and I go any further. So much so that, I was once again slain, to death. Immortality is such a fickle thing though as are people`s intentions. I was brought back, to this day I still do not know how.

More years passed, under the rule of Seraphina and still being pursued and hunted by my sire, Declan. I tried to trek forward. Without Avery around, the darkness consumed me once more. The need for blood pounded back with unrelenting force. The powers I possessed as an Archangel was able to suppress the desire, just not for long. Seeing that I was faltering, Seraphina assigned my remaining redemption to a place full of creatures of the night and to the humans that would hunt them. This is when I first stepped onto the streets of Dead City.

Upon my arrival, I of course knew of no one. The beginning of this chapter in my afterlife was as dark as my first. Though I didn`t have the threats and the sadistic voices of my sire Declan whispering in my ear, nor did I have the pain and humiliation of his own sire, Lavinia, having her go at my body, being and psyche as well. I still struggled at first. I hunted the innocence to fill my one need at the time. The need and craving of blood, once again. In my wake, I too, was also being hunted by many. By the hunters off to the west in Spring Valley, whenever I ventured to close to the borders or by the bounty hunters that Declan would always send. I really felt like I was in a repeating cycle, a game per say in survival.

One day, after another many years, I met a man. Zane. Zane Faron. He was not like other humans, more so he was a healer with dabbles into the magical arts, a practitioner. On the side he was also a dealer to all sorts of creatures. Him and I ran into each in an alleyway, I was just finishing from drinking from another human that had wandered into the street of Dead City. However Zane did not fear me, more so he pitied me. He knew nothing of me, but still when we first met, he could only tell me that. Our relationship together, grew from then, a bit rocky at first but then it evened out. The man literally saved me, helped me to control the hunger that I lost a hold of. He also suggested alternate forms of feeding, instead of from the vein of a living human, to drink from blood bags. And I did, I was once again seeing the light in things that I knew from my time with Avery.

When I was capable in finding superiority over the monster inside, I started gaining and tapping into more powers that were dormant. Avery also did tell me that I had so much more potential. However with these newfound powers came trouble. Seraphina`s return to me was all that I needed to confirm it. I was placed as a protector to charges, by order of her. If not complied, well let`s just say there are always ways to kill and end an immortal. Even though part of my time and life went into these charges I was still able to be accepted into the society among Dead City. I started seeking out covens to join, few of which would bar the door. The mere fact of my status, hybrid, kept me searching. It was then I came across a place, full of people that would help me more, train me more in the way of what Dead City had to offer. The place was called Heaven`s Lost Paradise.


As I continued down this crazy wicked path, I started forging alliances with the most unexpected people who soon accepted me as that of a daughter. I was proud to take up their name as my own and even more proud to extend my hand out to another in his time of need. I was becoming a savior to some and a mother to one. I didn`t come across this title. Mother. By the way of humans, more so by the acceptance of him, Kraven. My soldier and protector. Tormented by his demons of old and new, I was his saving grace. For many years our bond as mother and son grew as we faced hardships, from that of an absentee father, who is nothing but a whisper in my past, to that of the lost of another sibling, a sister, a daughter. Lost to the sands of time.

In the search of something, that I honestly didn`t know what I was looking for at the time. I had a run in with Declan, my sire. With the powers that he possessed, I was still no match for him. However, with Kraven, who showed up just in time to save my life, we were able to over come him. The glory and satisfaction of his demise was denied, as he was saved in time by Lavinia. After their escape, Kraven took it hard and left on me for something of importance, something down in the depths of the underworld. Something that he had to do.

The paradise in Heaven was starting to turn quiet. I had that once familiar itch of searching for something more, the thought of it drove me into the bustling streets of Dead City and to the path of an old friend and supplier, Zane. Though my destination was detoured, as I came face to face with a particular vampire, a woman. In her grip another woman, who was in definitely in the wrong place. Still I had to help this human and so I did. Of course the opposing vampire was much stronger and faster than I was. Still I did manage a hit or two of my own, giving just enough time to let the human make her escape. The woman found out of my hybrid status, realizing by the lack of my strength and the items in my possession. Leaving me with nothing but a name in her departure. Eden.

I never thought of seeing Eden again. Until I realize that something I hold in high value was missing from my belongings. My birth mother`s ring. The only thing I had left from my mortal life even if it held with it the constant reminder of my parents unjustly death, committed by my own hands. I set out to go look for it and in doing so, Eden made yet another appearance to me. I would say our interaction the second time was different, more nurturing. With the new found fondness, I could honestly say that I felt more at peace than I ever did before. We were vowed to one another shortly after.

Together, we became a force to be reckon with. Throughout Dead City, we dubbed the title `The Price Ladies`. Things seemed to be in great fortune for us, moving on from both of our darkest pasts and into a bright future. Creating a coven of our own, known as Hell`s Valor. Giving the lesser few a place of purpose and a place to call home. Our family, the friends we called family seemed to grow and flourish. It was then, Eden and I both came across a young human girl in the outskirts of Spring Valley, a daughter outcast by her family. A family with a long line of hunters in their bloodline. For Jamie, she instead sympathize for the vampires. Eden and I decided for the girl, knowing that she would not survive out in the woods. That night we turned her, she did not fight it. And that night we walked away together as a family.

Jamie seemed to fit right in, being a newborn she did well to the hunger within her. Kraven, who had also returned back to my side, took to her like a brother and a mentor. Guiding her, whenever Eden and I couldn`t. The great fortune for our name continued, I personally never thought to have built a family like this. For years we all did live in a longing peace, so much so that Eden and I had children of our own, with the help of an ancient and powerful magic, I gave birth to two beautiful babies. Twins at that, Adron, a son to carry on the Price name and Mara, a daughter with the possession of the magic that helped conceive them. The two of them were destined for great things.

Still I may have moved on from the demons of my past, they always find a way of finding me in the end. Know that not all that walk in the light are as they claim to be. Seraphina came to me one night while I was away from the protection of my home, out near the humans and hunters residing in Spring Valley . She had come to take me away from a life that I have come to love and cherish with all my heart. A life that I would be willing to die for if need be. I refused, denouncing the archangels and their God. I had done enough, I believe, to redeem my soul. Seraphina would not accept my answer and suggested that I bid the ones I love farewell or greater actions would be taken resulting in deadly consequences. Tears of despair blurred my vision. I reluctantly complied and went to the ones I love bearing them goodbye.

Regardless of their pleas and their own anger in not agreeing with this, I only mentioned that I love them all and went with Seraphina. However, I was never truly going to go willingly. Once far enough from my family I literally fought back. Victory was bliss, but short lived. As she had magic that I honestly did not foresee, hit by a blinding light, everything seemed to have muffled, slowed. Then I heard and felt the unfamiliar muscular organ beating in my chest once more. I was human again. So this was now my reality, weak, frail I was to live as a human. Before she could do anymore damage, not sure of what else she could do, Avery was standing before me, with his arrival Seraphina fled.

Not much was said between us, but the look in his eyes was fear for me. I was brought back to my family in his arms. The joy of them all not hurt was enough until I suddenly dropped in a pain, I felt like I was dying and indeed I was. The magic that was used on me accelerated the aging process within me, though I did not age in looks. With time running out in just the few hours, I had to be turned again. Eden was the one to do it.

So how many times does one have to die? Or be on the brink of death. I can say that I have truly defeated death way too many times and that my time will come before I know it. The events of that night changed the dynamic of all that I have known drastically. Now sired to Eden and safe for now Avery gave me fair warnings of the war he faces, about not trusting Seraphina, and how that Fiona made a mistake all that time ago before taking his leave. My transformation a second time into vampirism was easier. Instead of the monster, I had my angel, my adoring wife, my powers saved a few from Declan`s link were gone, same could be said about the archangel powers. New powers were also discovered thanks to the link to Eden.

Just in the few years that past, I thrived, grew anew and in a way seemed to have surpassed in strength against Eden. Jamie and Kraven had taken up their own paths, each going off their separate ways into their own adventures. Many more years past and Avery`s war raged on, the halls of Hell`s Valor went dark and the once great place we built seemed to have started to fall. Adron and Mara, both of them having grown so much in the little time that past, were set on taking off and making their mark on the world. They were ready to fly the coop, as a parent would say.

With all the children leaving the safety of Hell`s Valor, the stillness became more evident. More so that even my connections with Eden were also becoming a rare commodity, she was suddenly in a fight for her own life with the unspeakable actions of her mother. I did my best to help her but some things have to be done alone. Which left me as the last in the coven. I won`t say that it was bad being left alone, but it sure was lonely. Few more years passed and I finally thought it best to move on too. I disbanded the coven as a whole. Leaving letters to the ones I love in case they returned, explaining my decision.

I took to the street once more, in search of a new place to call my home. While in this search, I will admit my grief was enough to send me spiraling a bit. Instead of hunting, I found my pleasures in the comfort of the local whores working in the bars and clubs around Dead City. My primal side always getting the best of me, the seductiveness of a vampire. I went from coven to coven, the names blurring together until I came across one place. Infinita Elementorum. Here I was welcomed by the people and they are led by a spectacular woman, Natsume Dílseacht. I excelled in their ranks so much that I was a trusted war companion, if they needed killing against opposing covens I was there. However during this time I was also spending more time in the rocky trails leading to Mount Tilia with my companion, Kalana. I`ve had her by my side ever since Kraven and Jamie left all those years ago. However the coming winter, she ended up dead at the hands of Spring Valley hunters.

With this action I took more aggression to the humans that lived in the valley. Killing a vast majority of the hunters and taking consolation prizes. Human harvest at my disposal. My morals were close to gone and I had no one to really depend on and bring me back. As my darkest deeds of harvest conspired at a cabin I claimed near Mount Tilia, reflections of the past haunted my mind. I am not sure if what I saw in the coming months were real or not. Glimpses of Declan, that cold whisper at my ear. It baffled me after all this time, he still would be an everlasting presence tormenting my mind. Though I have always claim him to be my shaper.

However, before I could do something drastic, as I tried my best to relinquish Declan from my mind. In more of a way permanently. Adron, my son, stopped me. In a rage I was irritable and lashed out against him. He would not back down or leave me in a time of need. It was then I was able to see more clearly, I had broken free of the torment and was safe in the arms of my son.

In two months with his help, the small thread of humanity was sown back together. I know I could never go back to the way things were before the spiral that I fell into. But it was enough, Adron was hesitant at first in leaving me to get back to what he was doing. He never told me what, but as a mother and with the look in his eyes, I could just see the love and admiration of another in them. I assured him that I would be alright and with a hug, kiss and boyish grin, he left.


Could I ever just be happy again? I came to the conclusion that I never really could. Eden was gone for so many years. Only faint whisperers could be heard of the well being of my children, all of them. Though I did find some peace of mind within the coven. However, destruction and havoc caused the collapse of Infinita Elementorum, many inhabitants were killed in crossfire. Out of the disaster, one of the structures stood standing. A miracle, a sign of good fortune at last. With this we took to rebuilding and from that day forward Infinita Elementorum was put to rest and The Tower was forged in it`s place, honoring our fallen comrades.

With the events of war breaking across the whole of Dead City, I mainly took to the trails that I traveled so many times with Kalana. Seeking to perhaps gain the trust of another creature, it had been so long since I had a companion. As my hike ascended higher to the peak of Mount Tilia, I could hear a roar, one that I have never heard of before. There were always talk in the bars of a creature of legend, dragons. I have never seen a dragon before, so I of course doubted it. Continuing further I was sudden slammed hard by something knocking me back. Before I could react, a menacing set of teeth was suddenly coming towards me. The dragon, somehow was capable of speaking to me, by telepathy. To this day I have no idea what kept him, Azreth, from killing me. By his telepathic powers towards me, maybe. To him, though, I was the one person he was waiting for. For what? I have yet to figure that out.

Having Azreth by my side I seemed to have gained a better grip on my powers and my sanity, I had my clarity back. My training regarding my powers were done in the ruins of Ghost Town, located south of Dead City. Azreth suggested that I train there and in the process I could find a trace of my past. That all I needed to do was seek out the one to lead me in the right path. This search led me to a witch. She mainly served as a potion maker, I have had encounters with her before. This time it was different, she was the person that Azreth spoke of. She told me that I would need to search the depths of the Greenwood forest. I searched and searched finding nothing, just old tattered clothing of unfortunate souls, pools of water and then the lake I remembered from my past, my time with Eden. Was this the thing of my past Azreth was talking about? Puzzled I ran my hand through the water, breaking the stillness of the water. It glistened in the moonlight at the distortion I caused. Azreth and his damn riddles.

One night in the forest I had a sense of danger, like I was being watched, hunted. I knew that the forest was a place for their kind, werewolves. These were more their grounds than any other creatures. I still took to my search, which always led me back to the lake. That was when I realized that I was indeed cornered by the pack. I knew that I had nothing left to do but fight my way out. And I did, they would lunge at me, they were fast, I give them that but I was faster. I ended up besting around four of them before I realized that I was suddenly tackled from behind, falling in front of what I could only assume was their alpha leader.

Like I mentioned before I have always come face to face with a form of death. Never knowing when it would take me. As of late though, it seemed like fate was testing me. The alpha`s eyes were that of a deep crystal blue as it stared deep into my own eyes of a crimson sea. That night he did not kill me, no that night I was taken. As they changed back to their human selves, I was knocked out. The next I awoke, I realized that I was caged. The man that they called JT had made his appearance to me only inches away from the steel cell holding me. He interrogated me for some time, I reluctantly complied to answering him. Then he mention a name I knew all too well. The Cutov name. Lavinia Cutov, Declan`s sire, one of my tormentors of old.

Assuring him that our interests were aligned, assuring him that I was only a mere victim of this woman and her fledgling. I ended up telling him of my story and that is when things changed. That is when I was told, that this man was my long lost brother, Joel. I thought him to be dead and here he stood, very much alive. Still with this new found knowledge, I was held in confinement, a state I knew all too well, as him and his pack, The Bellowing Wolves decided of what to do with me next. We were as legends foretold enemies to one other, and that I did kill four of their own. Few of the pack members demanded my head, I did not blame them for wishing that. I was, however, defending my life. Some others, their elder included suggested that they make sure on the fact Joel and I were in anyway true siblings.

The decision led us to another witch, one that resided near the Fountain of Awe. I never knew of her existence whenever I would go to the Fountain, giving it a token of valuable currency for a more definite chance in strength exceeding my own. With a sudden storm, I was led bound in chains. I did not much care, I knew Joel and I were true siblings, I could sense it to be so. There was so much in him that was evident proof enough to see that he was my brother. Though to his pack, they found it to be blasphemy to their ancestors, instead of unprecedented consequences. The old frail witch, was able to confirm it though Joel and I were of the same blood. What had shocked me most was that his mate, Mackenzie was the one to release me from my restraints.

Free at last after several months I headed back to the way of life in Dead City, to recoup. The small trace of my past was of Joel, not Eden or Avery. This went way back, coming to find out that my older brother was still alive. Granted that he was a wolf shifter, what they preferred to be called, I was given sanctuary among his pack. A vampire part of a wolf pack...never thought I see the day of that happening, let alone being that vampire.

With new comrades, I still gave Joel and his pack space. Only seeking them if I ever needed more of a challenge than the lesser vampires that plagued the streets would give as a training session. As I went one night to the woods I noticed a woman, not sure if she heard or saw me, I stayed hidden in the shadows of the trees. She had transformed into a beautiful white wolf, then she was gone into the night. I was not sure if I ever seen her before in Joel`s pack which led me in the search to know. Telling Joel of this woman he could give no answer as to who she was. However one of the scouts, Matt, informed me that the white fur wolf I saw could be another Alpha. She goes by Moira Alderson of The Midnight Howlers.

Like a feeling of déjà vu, I never would have thought of seeing this woman, Moira, again. Though I did. Coming back from a spar with Joel and heading into the nearest bar of Dead City, one I rarely go to. I saw her. Not going to lie this woman was exquisite in the flesh, just as much as she was in her wolf form. There was also a familiar scent from her. Something that I had only vaguely remember as a child. Intrigued I approached her with caution, she was after all a shifter.

Guarded the both of us, there seemed to be a connection. A spark. She was honestly drawn to me as much as I was to her. The cards of fate were testing and preparing something for me as well as the others around me. Ever heard of that saying, `Everything happens for a reason`? Since the spiral I had long ago, I had come in contact with bunch of new people. Deep down I knew there was something much bigger looming in the future. I had no idea what, but I prepared to be ready, I was already being prepared. I was changing once again, a metamorphosis of my former self.

Moira and I claimed each other as partners in crime, helping one another take on things that we could not face alone. Sure the connection was not as my connection I had with Eden, nor was it a replacement. More so our connection was love, yes, but different. I can`t quite explain it. More years passed, I created more of a mark on the society in Dead City, never thought to have honestly gain access in the boughs of the trust and power of the government that tend to Dead City affairs. Nor did I ever thought to hear whispers of Declan again. What did I expect though? The man would hunt me to the ends of days. He was obsessed. I felt like that looming feeling I had before was about to pass. A storm was coming.


Death. Death really did come knicking at you at some point. A revelation was needing to be made, let me take you back a bit. Declan, I have had him plague me in my dreams, causing me torment through powers of evil. I have had moments of despair as I submitted to the oblivion of my of dark turmoils in order to escape him. He was a wolf in sheep clothing though, sadistic and cruel. How could one ever come to love a monster such as he? One did, a woman known as Isla Faust. As Declan was a monster, after all the things he did to me or countless others before me. His constant seemed to always be Isla, his soon to be bride. As he would state it she was taken, taken by someone or something. And in this grief he became what he was now. He did not care of who or what he hurt to take in the pure blissful pleasure of numbing his deep pain, the pain of loss. Unfortunately for me, I was on the receiving side of that blissful pleasure he sought.

I was not killed by him, but I do wish I was. The things I did under his servitude, a puppet to a puppeteer. That was the way of my beginning afterlife as a fledgling vampire. If I did not do these things I suffered under an immense power that he possessed, the ability to cause a phobia in me, or haunt me with false visions of these phobias. Or the ability to amplify the hunger for blood within me, causing me to feel the starvation or desiccation start taking hold, causing me to plead, beg or scream for just an ounce of blood.

However these acts did not lessen. I spent years as an unwilling participant, I didn`t want it, I never wanted it - any part of it. But he did, the lust and the power, well more power over me. Everything I knew was broken and gone. Then it was the night that changed it all for me, for the worse. Declan brought my parents before me, beaten, bruised, tired and gagged. Their looks in their eyes upon seeing me was fearful love, not of hope. All hope was gone. I was to be the one to do it, to take their lives. First the father, then the mother. I did not want to, they were my parents. In my defiance, torture for all of us commence. The shattering and breaking bones, with the screams of their pain and then the rushing intensifying of my hunger. I could not help it. I killed them both like an animal.

Several more years passed with Declan, his own sire joining in the with him. Lavinia Cutov, a vampire of an old age. She was worse to me than Declan ever was. I would take Declan over her any day. As much as I want to blame Declan for everything, not everything was conspired by him. Lavinia held the reins on most of it. She was the reason he went down this path, she held the answer he was seeking, the whereabouts of Isla. She would also tell me this but never could I say anything to Declan. She wanted to see how far he fell to the depths, plus I couldn`t even if I wanted to. She had hexed me from speaking of Isla, that also drove Declan mad whenever he would demand a praise of his wife from me...I could never give it.

Seriously, the way of this life was a repeating play over and over. It wasn`t until one night I devised a plan, as we made shelter in the house of a rich family. Of course the two of them, Declan and Lavinia made quick work of painting the place in the blood from the mansion`s inhabitants, I was stuck locked in a room with a binding of rope laced with holy water. This plan was going to be risky to pull off, since I was practically deprived of blood so my strength was not there. I was weak, the way they liked to keep me. I also had no allies, saved one human who they did leave at my feet. Once they left the room I was able to heal her with my blood. She was frightful of me at first but she did agree to my plan of escape. Suggesting safe haven as well off to the west. In order though for me to attempt this escape, I did tell her I needed some energy, some of her blood, assuring her that I would re-heal her. She allowed it.

That night we escaped, once Lavinia was no longer around and it was just Declan. A fight that I was not ready for and thankfully a fight that I did not have to face at that time. The woman, was very exhausted, from the onslaught she endured and witness to the amount of blood loss that we, us vampires, claimed from her. I helped the rest of the way to the village she mentioned. Though I was forcefully pushed down to my knees, crossbows aiming at my head. The woman however was taken to their healer. I said nothing, only stared at the faces that showed up at the commotion. That is when I first saw Avery, he was in the crowd. He was the first to step up on my behalf. I know these people knew what I was, it was proof enough of the blood that stained the clothes that I wore. Still Avery, had demanded they lower their weapons as he took the precaution of placing himself between me and the mob. He offered me his hand and I took it.

Now here we stand, back to this present threat. It was true. With the connections I now had in Dead City I come into knowledge of Declan making his way here. This time I had no help from Kraven, no help from Eden. I really didn`t want to bring in Joel and his pack. However they sensed that he was coming and they intended to end him and Lavinia. They never told me why or what Lavinia did to them. But I could understand their need for justice. Or was it revenge? Azreth also assured me that if need be I could call on him, he would come. What I didn`t that these two could very much come to me in dreams.

Have you ever dreamed something that seemed so real? Well for me it was very real, first it was Lavinia, she came to me in my dreams. She requested my assistance, well more so demanded it at the price of my own life if I didn`t obey. With her ability to dream walk into my own dream...every thing she did felt real. I mean everything. She held a power over me in my own mind, as to how she was even able to enter my dreams was troubling. I was never sired to her nor did I ever drink from her, at least from what I can remember. Though I was given the answer to that very question as she showed me, in twisted images coming from the foggiest part of my mind. A secret that laid dormant inside me by protective magic she casted upon me years ago. A ritual she performed on me at my weaken state. I couldn`t place where it was, but I knew it was probably done whenever Declan was hunting for a delicious victim.

Even though Lavinia was not an actual vampire, she was still the sire of Declan as to what he was. She turned him into a vampire in the practice of magic involving her blood. In fact, Lavinia, was a very powerful sorceress. She had demonstrated her power to me the first time I ever saw her centuries ago. With a few words in a dialect I couldn`t even begin to repeat back and a wave over the landscape, the people in a whole town dropped dead. I remember the abrupt stop of their beating heart and then the lifeless bodies crumbling to the ground. The image and sound of that still haunts me to this day.

What she ordered me to do was get in contact with Declan, after years of avoiding him I was to summon him in order to stay alive. As she held me captive a bit longer with in my dream she whispered in my ear, news of Isla, Declan`s betroth. Unsettling news at that. Before I could question I had been released and woke in my chambers at The Tower. A searing pain resonating in my head, indicating that she had recited another spell on me. It was practically a ticking bomb. I knew I could never call Declan here to the safety of my coven home nor could I risk the life of others in The Tower. So I did the only thing I could do, pack a light bag, grab my weapons and left temporally. Luckily coming in contact with no one else as I departed.

I ended up at the old cabin I claimed back when my faithful companion, Kalana, was still alive in Mount Tilia. Here is where I called on him, searching out for him in my mind. Even though I broke the sire link to him, with the link I now had with Eden, I knew there was another connection. All I had to do was dream once more. He would come. Doing this, allowing him back in completely, he was able to locate me, as to how I do not know but within hours as the sun descended behind the peak of Mount Tilia, Declan had arrived. At least this time the conversation was done in the waking state. And with this I did have the protection of Azreth coming to my rescue as Declan started to become unhinged at the news of his wife. Isla was dead, yet her soul was a source of energy for Lavinia.

As much as I hated the thought, I knew I had to get Declan`s help. I wanted this to all end, it had gone on for too long. I offered up the proposal of helping him to get justice for his wife and stating the terms of him stopping his pursuit in hunting me down and relentless need to see me suffer. He agreed to it. In doing this alliance with him I had to give him something I am sure he craved for...I had to let him re-bond with me, he had to drink from me once more and I from him to reestablish the sire link that was severed. I had no idea what would happen to the link I shared with Eden, for when I had to be turned again after becoming human. Was it even possible to have a devotion to two sires at the same time? I guess I had no time to consider this option. That night we were reunited as sire and fledgling, our bond returned.

A few days passed since that night, as we finally were ready to confront Lavinia, by returning to her in my dreams. I was exhausted physically, my brother, Joel, was against this plan that Declan and I had. Saying we were going about this all wrong. It was a trap. I knew he was right but this was probably the only chance we had to get answers and to finally kill her. At least we hope that would be the outcome, however, things did not turn out as we planned.

As soon as we fell into the darkness of sleep my mind brought forth the place that Lavinia instructed, which in a span of seconds had Declan and I separated. As for him I had no idea what turmoils he had to face or what Lavina even did. Though, I know what I was wrought with. A repeat of all the chaos I cause in the past, of all the pain I endured, this form of torment was so surreal. I had to fight it, I knew I had to, this was not real. All this had already happened, I told myself, as I could feel the cold chains once again around my wrist, the feel of flesh on my own flesh, the taking of all that I was at that time. Flashes ran through my head causing my to fall to my knees, I could once again taste the metallic blood of the ones that were slain, as I savagely drained them of their life to give me life.

The landscape around me shifted to the place it pretty much all started, I tried to regain some sense of realism. Next I knew Lavinia was before me once again this time with Declan at her side. There was something much different about him than before. I noticed it as I stood, finally free of the past glimpse of my tortures and sins. Before I could get in the question, Declan had a hold of me by the throat, pinned to the walls of the deteriorating structure of the house I spent most of the beginning of my undead life, a slave, a pet....whichever you would like to label. Declan`s crimson eye color was that more of just black soulless orbs looking back into mine as I tried to reach him. `You killed Isla!` He screamed.

I felt the pain, and then the decent into a darkness haze, my hand covered in blood as I slide down the structure, seeing Lavinia`s grin and then Declan crumbling to the ground as she snapped her fingers.

I don`t know how I could possibly explain what happened next, I can vaguely remember how, with what I am about to tell you, could even happen. I knew I was dead...or at the very least dying...maybe. As voices were echoing in my head, like they were pleading for me to come back. I could also hear one even though it was muffled...don`t do this. I couldn`t see much of anything either, I was surrounded by darkness with just only a faint light casted upon me. Think of like a very dimly stage light focused on the performer. I couldn`t move from this spot either, I could only search out into the darkness. Foggy figures, like apparitions but not really, seemed to have floated toward my fixated spot, bringing forth images. What was this? Is this what they mean when your life flashes before your eyes?

Though these were all wrong, none of these were correct. It was like a different life, the consequences of the opposing choices I had made. I was not below Declan, I stood equal to him. Like I had accepted the vampire in me at it`s fullest, not keeping resistance. Not only that I was his lover too, as the images floated by another came in after, One of Avery, Fiona and Seriphina fighting against us. Of me killing Fiona with my fist puncturing through her chest, grabbing a beating heart, ripping it out. Declan would follow in suit with that of Seraphina and completed the death with a much more vampire way, biting into the jugular ripping the skin off her neck and tasting that sweet blood of an archangel. Avery ended up escaping. Another shadow imagery took it`s place of Zane`s life ending at our hands along with countless others as harvested humans or lively hunted prey. Image after image came forth as now they were presented in bulk. My life I knew it was not there, never meeting Kraven, Eden as an enemy as she was in an opposing coven, Jamie and her family`s home building burned and their faces somewhere in the midst of carnage as our coven`s assault in Spring Valley against the hunters played.

No this wasn`t my life. I remember trying to stand but couldn`t, I remember the pain that I felt as I pulled on something sharp that was impaled in my gut, I remember the agonizing cry that left me, I remember the rushing of blood from this. I struggled to get back on my feet as more images flew by...I remember the desperate low "No..." I had leave my lips as I saw incorrect interactions with The Tower and it`s members. With Joel and his pack, with Moira. Suddenly it all stopped as I managed a foot forward, coming face to face with myself in a mirror. But this wasn`t me, this was someone else looking back at me. After a moment the person in the image became twisted and was replaced with Lavinia`s reflection...or was it a reflection? I couldn`t tell.

I remember a sudden hunger come over me, as the hunger grew that dimly lit light from above flickered, the mirror reverting back and forth to Lavinia and the true reflection of me a few times before I got to the point of breaking it, the glass shattering and in it`s place the word `Dreaming` following after was the word `Dying` The hunger grew more, like the creature inside of me was trying to wake me up and go feed now, regain my strength. It didn`t want to die. I didn`t want to die yet either. I still had so much to do. I slammed my fist into the wall once again and then the scene before me changed with a loud continuous beeping sound.

The dark was replace by a light, the shifting of white pillar walls forming into a sanctuary, it seemed familiar. I looked around and saw a door leading out. I used the strength I had to exit out into a blinding light, the nature of the vampire caused a hissing sound to escape. It wanted nothing to do with the light. I did feel weaker, there was a lot of things that I was noticing in this dream, all the powers I possessed that would actually help me was not present, as evident to why I was dying. Especially with this still being a result of the power of another. Then I heard it, a heartbeat. Was it mine? No it was someone else, that beeping hum continued in the background. Then I heard him, Avery, he was here, how? But there was someone with him, behind him as he sheltered her. My need for blood in this dream state was becoming unbearable. I had to let this creature feed.

More To Come....

V. Love beyond the curse


VI. Her Light in the Darkness


VII. Until the End


VIII. An Awakened Destiny


IX. Homecoming


X. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep


XI. Shadow Of The Day


XII. Time Charges On


XIII. Wicked Games of the Seak


XIV. Another World



Profile Table Code By: Lindariel (714847)
Story and Character Videos By: (275708)
Price Family Tree By: Effie Sainte (693886 )
Colvin Family Crest and Red Couple Gif By: Lovisa Lykaia Sangrian (341667)
Story Posters By: Moira L. Kallistratos (654503)



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Rilee R. C. Price's average rating out of 632 rates is 9.25/10


Eden M. Price (268748)

2021-02-07 01:15:35

qq We are back [love]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-12-20 15:21:27

Simply the best! [3] You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10.

Merry Christmas Rilee! 🎄🎄🎄
David_Bugsy (620629)

2022-12-07 13:50:48

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2022! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-11-16 21:02:13

You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10. [3]

Happy Fall, November, Thanksgiving and more! Wishing you all the best! [3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-07-29 21:04:19

You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10. [hug][3] So glad you checked in and better still that you are happy! [3]
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2022-03-22 05:17:04

I'm peeking in for a bit, heading back to my little island on Thursday. Hope you're well [3]
Kraven Price (204158)

2022-02-25 08:20:50

Hello, Mother. *hugs you and kisses your forehead and cheeks*
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-12-07 04:49:28

[3][yay]Congratulations on making 300 days of marriage to Eden! [yay][3]

A true testimony to love. [clap]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-11-27 05:07:24

You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10.
Such a Masterpiece Rilee. [bow][3]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-10-18 07:31:06

You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10.[bow] Pretty, pretty, PRETTY! [3]
David_Bugsy (620629)

2021-10-09 15:34:51

Wow. Interesting profile........You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10
Vanessa Nightshade (264137)

2021-10-02 13:46:54

You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10.
Noah Black (734468)

2021-09-30 14:09:25

Welcome back!!!!! [hug]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2021-08-01 04:47:57

[c=#2493b4]A new month means a new rating, so...

[i][b]You have given North a rating of 10.[/b][/i][/] qq (love)
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2021-07-21 01:45:23

[i]You have given North a rating of 10.[/i]
I love it when you wear this name! *unf!*
Liam Angelino (719410)

2021-07-15 05:40:33

You have given North a rating of 10.

Aelia Scarlet Sainte Riot (717864)

2021-06-26 20:20:05

Patrick E. Ryder (654503)

2021-06-09 03:47:28

You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10. [3][3][3]
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2021-06-08 03:34:30

Sexy alert, sexy alert! [3]
Should be a sin to be this fine!
Adore you beautiful! [hug]

[i]You have given Rilee R. C. Price a rating of 10.[/i]
Eden M. Price (268748)

2021-05-17 23:38:43

A rematch, well, if it would please you you know it would please me [smug]

Merry Christmas from Makenna Rose Orrina (192423) - ...and a happy new year 2022!
Elia Martell (649659) sent 10 live dogs.
Sunshine Birch (353331) sent gift of love & appreciation.
Sunshine Birch (353331) sent Red Roses and Thank You Card.
I Love you from Moira I. Alderson (654503) - PiC, you`re amazing!!!
I Love you from Moira I. Alderson (654503) - I`m glad you`re my PiC!
Joel Tobias Colvin (275708) sent Himalayan snake.

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