Boundless Nostradamus™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Boundless Nostradamus™ (277845)"Happy birthday to me!!"

Last Active: 2022/12/16 06:18
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,390
Karma+/Verve+16 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles2 (+0%) See All
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StatusDead (28780017 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780017 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record5,449/38,670/114
Win %13%
Last KilledArmand...
Last Killed ByPiper Kitten R ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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WP Spent0
CovenAbyssal Ruins
Coven Title (Rank)Owner (100)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 104k+



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Married to WrathVishous Nostradamus™ (327960) for 4197 days
8 Family Members

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WrathVishous Nostradamus™
VIP Member Lesath Shadowlight
VIP Member Abel Nightlord

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Elegant Rose

"To die, or not to die, that is the question"

Former Name[Human]: Crysiana Leigh DeLacroix

Name: Boundless Allure DeLacroix

Nickname: Crysi/BoBo

Species: Vampire/Demon- Wolf Shapeshifter Mixed

Weight: 123 pounds

Height: 5`3``

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Unknown

Birthdate: November 13th, 1800s

Age Appearance: 19 to early 20s

Looks(Mostly takes the shape of Human):





Shadow Step/Walk- The process of slipping into shadows and teleporting to a new location, or walking through shadows of objects be it living or nonliving, and slowly comes up from the ground out of a shadow, as if a black whole.

Regenerate- The ability to heal and if feeding, can regenerate a part of body the size of a hand instantly. The more she feeds when injured, less of a scar and the faster it heals.

Flint- Sort of like running, only it tricks the humans eyes for them to see the trail of where the being once was, and is heading. It`s the ability to run for some beings, where they`re much faster than humans.

Weather/Element Manipulation- The ability to call on the elements she`s more in tune with; Fire, Water, Lightening and air.

Charm Gaze- Aka Seduction; Eyes turn to a brighter blue, more like a glowing silver with a dark rim, and the aura flares out with lustful vibes to seduce in some unlucky victim. Only happens when she`s hungry. :She controlled it for the most part.:

Shapeshifting- To change shape in the being of a wolf, shadow being, fox or a cat.

Immunity- Immune to all poisons and most toxins.

Spider climb- The ability of climbing up walls in a supernatural type way; Much like a spider.


Staked- Through the heart will be an automatic death sentence, but if missed, would hurt like a bitch.

Sunlight- Direct sunlight slowly burns the skin and chars it, if it is directed in the eyes it can blind or harm her severely. ;Has a Necklace to help with that problem.:

Resist sleep- Unable to sleep, insomnia if you would like to call it.

Invitation- Needs to be invited into a human or living beings home, most undead dead being`s homes can be intruded by other living dead.

Silver Bullets- In the head or heart, it`s a death sentence, everywhere else it is severe damage. If there is liquid metal inside, it can slowly poison her blood vessels and that takes a while to recover.

Arachnophobia- Afraid of spiders..

Claustrophobia- Afraid of tight spaces or crowds. She`s better in ally ways (The ones that are wide enough for a car) and around a few people.

Full Moon Rage- During Full moons, the female has problems with controlling her humane side and becomes sinister or more of a lunatic, sometimes a wolf too.

--[Feeding Habit]--


Depending on her `form` she takes on and her state of being or what she lacks for the time, she will hunt for it. Most of her targets are males that wronged females or children. She seduces them first, then if they were terrible people she would torture them before ripping limb from limb, devouring the flesh, blood or soul if desired. If they weren`t bad people but happened to fall into her sight to be prey and she successfully `catches` them, she bites their neck, drinks two pints of blood before she looks into their eyes, paralyzing them and sucks in their soul with her mouth... Quick and painless.






 photo fd38a956-1c3c-4059-9fd7-cc67d136cd62.jpg




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Boundless Nostradamus™ 's average rating out of 99 rates is 8.85/10


WrathVishous Nostradamus™ (327960)

2022-02-19 14:56:54

I miss you sweetheart
† Sister Sin † (582825)

2019-10-21 15:44:17

You have given Boundless Nostradamus™ a rating of 10.
Hugs! 💜
Yes, Absinthe is quite delicious!
† Sister Sin † (582825)

2019-09-11 06:37:50

*Skips & twirlls across your page leaving bloody footprints*
Yes 💗 Absinthe
Saedrissa (85523)

2019-08-02 22:45:38

Missing you dearly, my child. [3]
WrathVishous Nostradamus™ (327960)

2019-03-23 19:06:48

I miss you too my angel, i've tried sending you emails out of game but with no luck.
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2018-12-02 17:37:10

---_---__(snowball)---_---__(snowball)---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball)---_---__(snowball)
---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball)
---===(snowball)---==(snowball) -----===(snowball) -----===(snowball) ---==(snowball) -----(snowball)
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---___(snowball) ---_---__(snowball)---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball)
---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball)
===(snowball) ---==(snowball) -----===(snowball) ---==(snowball) -----===(snowball) -----===(snowball)
---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball)
--__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball)
_(snowball) ---_---__(snowball) ---_---__(snowball)
---==(snowball) ----- ===(snowball) ---==(snowball) -----===(snowball) ---==(snowball) -----===(snowball)

You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2018! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Lesath Shadowlight (339349)

2018-11-15 23:21:42

Hey! Nice to hear (or read ;) ) from you again. Hope you are doing well, and thanks for remembering us.
Abel Nightlord (357901)

2018-11-14 08:34:29

I cannot believe I forgot your birthday, hun. Well, happy belated birthday, Rie. I hope it was a joyful one!
Felicity Anne (523544)

2018-11-13 18:18:32

Happy birthday :)
Hedwig `Hekkin` Sainte (539411)

2018-11-13 16:33:07

Happy Birthday. qq
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2018-11-13 03:16:14

*throws you over my shoulder and carries you off* :p qq
Hedwig `Hekkin` Sainte (539411)

2018-11-12 05:34:20

[i]licks the BoBo. qq
Bloodflame Vykos Nex (301884)

2018-11-12 04:10:40

Thank you, sexy. [3]

*takes pictures* [hehe]
Abel Nightlord (357901)

2018-11-11 23:49:57

*He shivered softly* Damn, my weak spot...curiosity. Alright, hun. I won't pry in the comments.
Abel Nightlord (357901)

2018-11-11 23:18:15

*gently rans his hand through her hair and messes it up* Well, I thank you kindly for stopping by then. I am well, and seeing that you could be better, I can't help myself but to inquire about it. Don't feel obligated to tell me anything, but know that you are a dear friend of mine.
Evangeline kromwell (291830)

2018-11-11 23:17:07

At the kiss he takes on a human form of when he was a child and smiles up at her* then chu should be resting mama so you can mend faster
Abel Nightlord (357901)

2018-11-11 22:54:50

Fire it away then, my dearest. As I said before, I am here to listen to you. :)
Evangeline kromwell (291830)

2018-11-11 22:11:58

He nuzzles her back and then licks her nose and cheek*ive missed you too mama and I've been good and I havent heard from the others either so how has my dear mother been
Abel Nightlord (357901)

2018-11-11 22:06:40

What you just have been through? *He skipped beside her and smiled softly* Do tell me, my dear. If you wish to share, I can listen to it.
Evangeline kromwell (291830)

2018-11-11 21:46:34

He would chase her tail around for awhile then stops and walks up next to her laying down cuddling up to her side

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