Lord Astiroth is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Lord Astiroth (28)"Veni. Vidi. Vici."

Last Active: 2014-12-18 14:01:16
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Game Age6,684
Karma+/Verve+25 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles9 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record75,415/126,603/403
Win %38%
Last Killedprettyhatemach ...
Last Killed Byprettyhatemach ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Coven Tremere Domus
Coven Title (Rank)Founder (96)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 21mil+



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Be the first in your Coven with your very own genuine, personal Tremere Gargoyle. Every Gargoyle is made fresh weekly (training included) from only the finest captured Sabbat kindred. No two are exactly alike! All Gargoyles are guaranteed to serve you unto final death or Gehenna (whichever comes first). Accept no substitutes!

Imagine, walking down a dark alley and some elder Vampyre swoops down on you...what would you do? Nothing, because your personal Tremere Gargoyle is there to help defend you. Act now! Quantities are limited. Prices may vary, depending upon make, model and special upgrades. All sales are final, no refunds permitted. Limit 2 per customer.

Warning: the Sorcerer General has determined that Gargoyle usage may cause nose bleeds, stomach aches, upset stomachs, black eyes, vomiting, nausea, loss of virility, loss of virginity, loss of motor control, loss of bowel control, liver failure, kidney failure, heart failure, ruptured spleen, broken bones, broken homes, spontaneous abortion, spontaneous conception, reduced sperm count, painful or bleeding urination, blindness, deafness, cancer and emphysema, and even final death. Your supplier is not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of Gargoyles including, but not limited to, the damages listed above. Under no circumstances should you use a Gargoyle while under the influence of alcohol or while operating a motor vehicle, lawn mowers, and/or chain saws. Kindred who are pregnant, or who are wanting to become pregnant, should avoid direct contact as studies have shown a "slightly" elevated risk of Gargoyle children. See your local supplier for details.

Female Gargoyle


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Female Gargoyle $1,750,000

Male Gargoyle




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Lord Astiroth's average rating out of 277 rates is 8.99/10


Paladin (751871)

2024-09-12 02:49:56

I came here for the quest expecting a generic profile made specifically for that reason. I was not expecting to find a real person who had tragically left this world.

I wish I had come a few years earlier so we could have bonded over VTM together but I hope wherever you are you are surrounded by good food and even better company.

When I eventually join you I hope we can share stories of some of our favourite tabletop moments together.

I give this profile 10 dots in Auspex, Dominate and Thaumaturgy.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2023-12-23 07:21:52

Sirius the Stray keeps erasing my reply to.his blog about how you can't mix VTM and Rob. I said maybe he should read your stories,that I like the.. Hebsays he doesn't care what you say. I repled that he'z entied to his oppinion but so are the rest of us.

He has deleted my statement 3 days in row now. So I thought I'd tell you myself.

I wish you were still here.

Gets on G-Kitty and flies home.

Be well
Happy Holidays.
Lady Death (5)

2023-12-18 21:46:31

Another Birthday and Christmas here for you and you are not going to be on the phone with me. I so miss you very much, you were one in a billion, an awesome person and a true friend. RIP my Beloved Lance AKA LA.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-12-17 01:23:52

Merry Christmas in Heaven Lord Astiroth. [hug] We are looking after your bride here in the Dead City.
Alegna McClellan (520460)

2023-12-13 19:49:21

You are missed my friend. [i]*Leaves a black rose*[/i]
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2023-08-13 03:48:41

[Oh, beloved Father, how I yearn to express my deepest gratitude for the unwavering guidance and inspiration you have bestowed upon me. As I embark on my nocturnal escapades through the desolate city streets, I cannot help but imagine your ethereal presence, observing my every move with a sense of profound satisfaction.
In my relentless pursuit to emulate your remarkable legacy, dear Father, I find solace in the knowledge that my endeavors are not in vain. The streets, once teeming with life, now lie in a state of eerie stillness, as if they too bear witness to my relentless dedication. The moon, casting its ethereal glow upon the abandoned buildings and forgotten alleyways, serves as a silent witness to my tireless efforts.

Rest assured, dear Father, that your memory remains etched in the deepest recesses of my soul. Your unwavering strength and unwavering commitment to our cause continue to fuel my determination, propelling me forward with an unyielding resolve. As I navigate the treacherous labyrinths of this forsaken city.

Though our paths may be separated by the veil of mortality, I find solace in the belief that we shall be reunited on the other side when destiny deems it so. Until that fateful day arrives, I shall continue to honor your legacy, my dear Father, by leaving an indelible mark upon these desolate streets. May your spirit find eternal peace, and may my endeavors serve as a testament to the profound impact you have had on me.
Rest in Peace
†Đeamon Whispers† (163379)

2023-05-24 02:41:42

Dearest Father I hope I am makeing you Proud as you look down from where you are and watch as I terrorize the dead city streets you would be happy to know I am about to hit the rank of 1000 I strive to be like you My dear father and make you proud rest well father and I shall see you on the other side when it is my time ...
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2023-05-22 06:57:42

Flies in on Glam Kitty 😺 to tell you that.at last I married into the family qq
I know somewhere you are clapping with a broad smile on your face. 👏
Lady Death (5)

2022-12-25 06:15:35

Merry Christmas my beloved friend it has been 4 years since you went to the heavens, I still miss you so much.

There will never be another person in this world that can even hold a candle to your memory. You were 1 of a kind, your generous heart will never be forgotten.

Forever your friend and gaming partner, Theresa.. [3]
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2022-11-23 16:03:43

Flies over the castle and peeks in the window thinking of you and remembering past visits, G-Kitty whispers a bit of poetry and as I shed a few tears of remembrance we move on toward our own home. qq
NightsBlood Pointe du Lac (728887)

2022-05-20 16:50:14

Wish I had the pleasure of knowing the Tremere founder. Rest well
Lady Death (5)

2021-12-28 21:57:07

Happy Heavenly RL Birthday. I miss you so much.
Lady Death (5)

2021-01-01 00:56:04

Another year is gone, 3 years since you left the realm to enter into everlasting Torpor.

My heart still mourns your passing. I will always hold your memories, good and bad within it.

I miss you terribly...

Forever. Lady Death.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2020-11-05 10:16:37

You are greatly missed and much loved ❤
Always remembered as friend., mentor, competitor and more [dance]
Bangs the ten and gets on G- Kitty flies away as tears from memories start a light rain over the castle [hugme]
Lady Death (5)

2020-05-20 20:49:27

Not a day goes by my love, that I do not miss your warmth , laugh, smile, loyalty, and your rage when needed. For over 12 years we were married.. The loss of you is only comforted by my new husband a rock as you were for me. Never leaving my side always lifting me up and showing me love could truly come to me once more.
Jehan Phuri Dae (493906)

2020-05-11 04:40:57

I return to RoB and see the profiles of 2 Mentors. One was my best IG Friend and the other, My Ig Father. I won't quit this time. Nos vemos algun dia, pero no ahora.
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2019-08-30 00:31:21

Has it been so long Grandfather?! rnThe dark peace of a moonless night brings me 2 your resting place.rnI feel u here . Sleeping with ancestors...Dreaming with the Great Spirit...rnrnU engulf me..i feel u here. Peace
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2019-05-22 05:39:53

"And now thou doth reside where I.shan't bother you again, beyond the veil of the mortal body, yet not of communication. Once we murmured in showdowy places, no more for telepathy 'tis more silent than one might inagine " and thinking such a small tear came unbidden to her right eye and spilled over. It dried upon the wind.as she hopped up on G-Kitty ready to depart.
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2019-04-28 14:50:35

Hey thar grand long time....know u r well with the spirits. Miss U..i do. :q
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2018-12-26 09:48:40

Christmas with the Angels must be bliss, although selfishly I wish you were still here [hugme]

Merry Christmas from Lady D (5)

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