Lydea Mey is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Lydea Mey (292043)"Let him who would move the world first move himself."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 12:43
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VIP/VIP+ Days295 / 287
Game Age5,362
Karma+/Verve+15,177 / 6,505
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles280 (+22%) See All
Missions R/P/S735/118/55
Battle Record1,669,803/170,829/466
Win %91%
Last Killedvonhof glitch ...
Last Killed ByAalis Celosia
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent1611
Coven Hotel 404
Coven Title (Rank)It`s Fukkin` Lyds (69)
Coven VirtueReceptionist (4)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 14mil+



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Married to Nightshed (540327) for 1540 days

16 Family Members

Vitality 81925    Charm 9680
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The Scholar & his Muse

"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist.
Children already know that dragons exist.
Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed."

- G.K. Chesterton

~ Eternally seeking the Blue Rose ~

"Fear has two meanings..
Forget Everything and Run
---------- or ----------
Face Everything and Rise.
The choice is yours!"
- Zig Ziglar

"This above all: to thine own self be true."
- W. Shakespeare

The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up,
to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.

- Anaīs Nin




   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Lydea Mey's average rating out of 1,069 rates is 9.15/10


Nightshed (540327)

2023-11-04 11:41:37

Nightshed (540327)

2021-09-10 11:44:29

[i]Could she see as acutely, as sharply, as those gifted with sight beyond the earthly charmed individuals? The ones that lingered on the battlefield sprawled out before them were dangerous in their own right. Kine, mortals, well armed; The other indescribables, all were threats that had to be confronted. But she did not fit into any of these categories, it felt intensely. She was more. A cool ferocity emitted an aura of strength but a highly refined sense of confidence that guided such savage strength into beautiful grace. As lessers dropped before him, she was not to be missed. All eyes may have wished to be painted on her if they had the insight to see, but it is his own that are set. A home that guides like a beacon in the storm, a Queen to make a King. This was the very beginning to a bliss that is as immortal as their very own bond. His eyes locked to hers, his need one he will never be able to satiate fully because there will never be enough time in the universe to share with her.[/i] ...[b]Mine.[/b] (bluerose)
Nightshed (540327)

2021-06-09 02:51:29

[c=#3299a8]There is no beauty greater than the beauty in falling for, and loving someone so incredibly perfect for you that the confidence roots into the very core of your soul. Each day you show and remind me of how incredibly fortunate I am for you. From the moment I wake each day all the way until I slip in our Oasis to dream, I know that I am the happiest I can possibly be. It doesn't take moving mountains to love you, but love? You know I would in less than a heartbeat. Thank you for being [i]*Everything*[/i] that you are and for letting me love you so utterly and completely. Always [b]yours[/b], without doubt or withholding my Queen. (bluerose)(bluerose) [/]
Nightshed (540327)

2020-06-08 23:57:50

[c=#66d9ff]"The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change: Yet at each state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is." -Paulo Coelho

You have given Tequila Tango a rating of 10. [/] [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2024-09-15 23:19:03

Thankyous and will do. ~Nods and hugs back tightly, toos.~ I appreciate it more than you know. [nod][hugme][3]

She was very ill this last Years and a half. So, i had a cushion of time to take in the reality of it all as opposed to suddenly, thankfully. But, although it was hard to say goodbye, it was her time and she is no longer suffering. She'll be greatly missed by so many people that it took several people, an over two days to contact them all. So, that's been a bit overwhelming. But, I'm surrounded with not only those I love with me, but of those that also loved her very much. We are all like a Teepee, keeping each other up and the best thing I learned this last year is that I don't stand alone irl and none of us ever truly do. [nod] [hugme] [3]

So, although times are tough at the moment. I will be okay and it will be okays. I'm also right where I'm meant to be, which is a beautiful thing. I love thee Godmomz and wish yous thee best of blessings, toos. Thankyous. [hugme] [3]
zerohatemachine (274529)

2024-09-13 01:51:40

Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2024-09-12 22:16:41

Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-09-11 14:31:13

Thank you [hugme]
V (254441)

2024-09-04 11:22:35

Thank you! qq
Brennan Rego Malik (602429)

2024-09-01 15:52:09

You know me. Top shelf, bottom of the barrel!
Brennan Rego Malik (602429)

2024-09-01 10:57:49

You have given Lydea Mey a rating of 10. I should buy you a drink sometime. [cheers] [3]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-08-10 13:25:06

[c=purple]~snuggled close into a warm embrace~ Thank you so much! Hopefully My old gramps Mad will help me sell that gear for a small bit of plasma to someone new ish or a coven. [/]
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2024-07-27 00:08:38

Merci beaucoup for the gift and the well wishes Lydea. [hug]
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2024-07-20 02:03:25

Thank you
Zarzur (748756)

2024-07-20 01:08:25

Thank you, Lydea! It is a pleasure to be here! 🌹

[c=blue]You have given Lydea Mey a rating of 10.[/]
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2024-07-14 18:53:01

Merci beaucoup mon amie! It's good to be back in familiar shoes.
You have given Lydea Mey a rating of 10.
Scarvel Kuolema SainteŠ (350288)

2024-07-10 05:39:25

Hiya mommmmaa. Im doing well 🥹
Scarvel Kuolema SainteŠ (350288)

2024-07-09 05:59:55

Mammmmmmmaaaaaaa [3]
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2024-07-04 16:43:51

Thank yous for the Rating. [nod] I love thee Godmomz!!! (hyper) (hyper) (hyper) [tacklebite] [hugme] [3]

[center][3]You have given Lydea Mey a rating of 10. [3][/center]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2024-07-03 02:35:22

You have given Lydea Mey a rating of 10.

at least someone likes my monkey typing XOX I may not be the sharpest tool in the box of ROB. Despite that I do try to be the most true to myself. I am glad my stories and poems can be enjoyed by others, as much as I enjoy theirs.

Nightshed (540327) sent Four Blue Roses.
Sunshine Birch (353331) sent Hammered silver goblet with blue rose engravings.
Nightshed (540327) sent ~A Wonderful 2024 Together~.
Merry Christmas from Nightshed (540327) - Si itov wux, sia Daariv!!
Merry Christmas from Shaunan-E Powers (51876)
Nightshed (540327) sent ~A Dozen Blue Roses~.
Nightshed (540327) sent Level 6 Pistol.
Nightshed (540327) sent ~Log Cabin Forever Pass~.
Happy Anniversary from Nightshed (540327) - My Queen, my Everything!
Nightshed sent Cozy Cuddled TV Time.

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