Tiberius Umbra De`Anjou is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Tiberius Umbra De`Anjou (298167)

Last Active: 2023/10/21 04:09
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,354
Karma+/Verve+17 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationAntarctica
Collectibles17 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record16,954/95,450/813
Win %16%
Last KilledShadow
Last Killed ByJohnny Bravo
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent1
Coven Title (Rank)Hunter - Boatman of Souls (20)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+



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Married to Nefertiri (315429) for 3148 days
5 Family Members

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VIP Member DarkAsh
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw
Scarlett Moon Night
VIP Member †Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon†

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Tiberius Umbra De`Anjou's average rating out of 47 rates is 8.09/10


Nefertiri (315429)

2019-10-17 20:01:18

I have missed you more than words can say my dearest Love. I hope to talk to you soon.
Nefertiri (315429)

2019-08-20 13:07:48

I am glad you have had people here to keep you company my love
Scarlett Moon Night (193885)

2019-08-07 00:58:37

Baaaaaby!!!! *nuzzles and loves on*
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2018-11-11 20:21:12

I choose Revolution. 'vive la revolution'!
Nefertiri (315429)

2017-12-04 22:12:00

I miss you greatly my husband.. I hope all is well for you...
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2017-12-04 18:15:46

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2017! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!

*squeaks at the look in your eyes as I run for the hills*
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2017-07-14 07:12:13

You have given Tiberius Umbra De'Anjou a rating of 10.
For the shared joy of music. <3
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2017-06-26 20:28:43

Peeking in on the down low Tiberius? You know I could sense your presence, and without so much as a 'by your leave'. The woods are indeed cold, dark and deep.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2016-12-26 15:24:51

Happy Holidays Tiberius. I hope things are getting better for you.
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2016-06-23 02:50:20

Merci beaucoup mon fils! It is good to hear from you. :)
Argosax Vastatio (218655)

2016-05-27 03:14:35

I rather like that quote couldn't agree more :)
Argosax Vastatio (218655)

2016-05-27 03:02:13

Hello Tib de something or other The Red tide is good i'm swimming in blood and I wouldn't have it anyother way ;)
Nefertiri (315429)

2016-05-14 23:55:38

I miss you as well My Hunter
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2016-04-21 18:11:28

Oh wow! Disturbed doing that old Simon and Garfunkel song. I didn't have a clue. How cool. And how cool of you to find it.
Franco Ybarra (206714)

2016-03-31 13:19:14

Thank you kind sir! Slowly rejoining...still working on my schedule
Armand de Anjou (299922)

2016-03-30 05:06:14

A belated congratulations on your marriage! May it be long and fulfilling! Salute!
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2016-02-17 07:34:08

Tiberius Umbra De'Anjou (298167)s battle leveled up the coven.

Oh lordy, looks like somebody has a bee in his bonnet. Flexing those vampiric muscles eh? Second time in a week. Go get em tiger! *chuckles *
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2016-01-14 05:39:50

Are you kidding? Remember why we were originally attracted to this place. We like to read and write. Of course I read what you wrote, just as you have read the pieces I have written. I may be really busy now, but I do read what we write here at Asuras. I have been keeping up with the coven rp as well. I'll be looking forward to viewing your changes when you are done. Don't change too much though or ill hardly recognize you anymore. *chuckles* When I see the movie I'll let you know.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2016-01-10 06:27:55

I finally got to see the trailer for The Revinent. It brought to mind your tales about the history of Tiberius before his turning into the vampire he is in this era. Interesting that you chose a pict for your profile from it.
Blackwidow Tsu Night-Shaw (379559)

2015-12-10 09:54:58

*golden irises glow and roll at his cheekiness* I am certain the denizens of this plane will soon moan and run screaming into the shadows at your approach. ;)

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