Peter Hale (432904)
| 2011-12-10 09:03:55
damn, ur profile is beyond sexy! |
| 2011-02-14 06:47:24
you need to come back and bite me! |
Miss Inara Sin (160572)
| 2011-01-27 18:32:45
Where did you go Northman?!? |
| 2011-01-22 18:01:35
You have given Eric Northman a rating of 10. |
Gabriel Cytes Moon (144454)
| 2010-12-27 18:43:10
Mmmm A 10, I like the "Bitch Please" sign *licks lips slightly, and smirks at him* |
Miss Inara Sin (160572)
| 2010-12-23 05:17:39
-Looks up and smiles- I like You have given Eric Northman a rating of 10. |
Magnus Celosia Tywyllwch (148881)
| 2010-12-16 17:21:47
Awesome profile (: Gave it a ten |
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)
| 2010-12-15 11:37:30
Just some advice Eric... if you make your pictures smaller, they don't stretch your profile. |
Miss Inara Sin (160572)
| 2010-12-14 18:56:19
-Giggles- Thank you sweetie -Looks around- Mmm nice |
Valis Zenferix Pandora (349593)
| 2010-12-08 02:54:13
HAPPY 100 Days My Sheriff!!!!!!!
!~~~~~RiZ~~~~~! (221897)
| 2010-12-03 16:12:10
~walks in and~Oops! wrong one |
Miss Inara Sin (160572)
| 2010-11-10 04:21:28
Hey sexy! Where ya been..?! Lol |
Valis Zenferix Pandora (349593)
| 2010-11-09 00:51:27
Hey there my love!!!! I MISS YOU!!!! *Hugs and kisses all over* |
| 2010-11-04 20:37:39
Cool pic |
| 2010-10-28 11:08:14
you have not bit me for months lol |
Valentine (95136)
| 2010-10-21 14:25:13
I bet. |
Valentine (95136)
| 2010-10-20 19:44:06
Wow. You can't claim the title of eric Northman without living up to the expectations... |
Valentine (95136)
| 2010-10-20 14:42:34
*She laughs, crossing her arms* Why, Mr. Northman I think your name stereotypes what I should expect from you. |
Valis Zenferix Pandora (349593)
| 2010-10-20 11:56:01
*Smiles as she sees you and hugs and kisses* Im doing fine. Just sittin back and relaxes Love ya hunny and thanks for the rate!!! |
~Red Riding Hood~ (233962)
| 2010-10-20 06:26:44
love your profile |