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Sunny Dawn (314265)"dealing wth life"

Last Active: 2020/12/20 16:41
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Game Age5,328
Karma+/Verve+3 / 0
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationSouth Africa
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record3,556/20,260/109
Win %15%
Last KilledIndica_Sativa
Last Killed ByNicholas Knigh ...
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Coven Title (Rank)Sunny (17)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 590+



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♥ + ♥ +All About Mwah + ♥+ ♥
Name: Sunny Dawn McDonald
Looks: 19
Age: 1019+ the year I got turned in is 991
Race: Shape shifter but started as a VAMPIRE
Eyes: Red when feeding and Brown when normal
Hair: Changes styles so nobody can track her
Height:5ft 5"
Powers: Anything she wants hehehehe :) :) :)

The night was cold and then the fog came i tried to run away just i got lost i saw a shadow coming towards me and i screamed but it didnt help......
The next day i woke up in the woods all alone under a tree i couldn`t get home if I tried the sun would burn me so I waited for the night to come. As soon as i got home there was this hunger inside me but I didn`t know what it was....
Until there he was the one that changed me he came out of no where just standing in front of me he told me that i was a VAMPIRE and that i must feed on human blood...
He stayed with me and helped me for a few years until he went away i`ve been searching for him since then, i get close but then i loose him....
My anger is what makes me feed 10 times a day but he is not there to help me not to feed. Only if i could see him one more time....
Because i love him....................

What kind of heart do you have?

You have a locked heart...You have seen what its like to fall in love and then be hurt and you don`t want that so you have locked up your heart and hidden the key..
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What Elemental Weapon Suits You?

your lance of choice is the water spear, the most vesatile type of spear and probably the simplest, the water spear signifies adaptability
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What color is your heart?

Mystrious Purple
Mystrious Purple
Your heart is purple. You are vey realistic, understanding, smart and practical. You tend to leave people wondering and you do whats best for everyone. To love in your mind is a beautiful thing
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What do your eyes say about you?

Green Love
Green Love
When people look into your eyes they see love and kindness. someone they want to be around. your the heart of lives of millions and you always know what to say. if more people had this same result, the world would be a better place
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What Is Your Inner Desire?

Your inner desire is acceptance. You are either a loner or have very few friends. All you truely want is to find at least one person who truely cares about and accepts you, but have so far failed to find them. Have hope though, eventually you will fulfill this desire.
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Which Element of Wolf Are You?

Wolf of Ice
Wolf of Ice
You are beautiful, but undernoticed. When the grass fades, this is when you shine. You have been known for letting people "slide". You really don`t get the point of fighting. If you have anything to do with a fight, it`s just that it`s getting on your nerves. You can be quite intense at times, and that brings out the other side of you. You are the Wolf of Ice.
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What kind of Person are you?

You are Pure Evil
You are Pure Evil
You are Pure Evil, you make the devil look like a puppy! You are heartless, emotionless and cruel beyond all else! Everything you do, you do with evil intentions!
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What is your true power?

darkness weilder
darkness weilder
you can make it dark within seconds.
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Your True Eye Element

You are dark, moody, and distant, but you are also quite peaceful, calm, and sensual. You are mostly seen as the emotional one, but you are actually the lack of emotion. You are dangerous when need be, and you fight when it`s needed as well. People melt over your attractive personality.
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Wich Mythicl Creature Are You?

You`re a Vampire. You`re bad natured and hate losing, your cocky and anger easily. Your abit of aloner but enjoy showing off your skills if you have any. You dont care wat anyone thinks you are wat you are and nobody can do anything about it.
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Are you an Arc, Dark, or Fallen Angel?

Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
You were once a Arc or Dark Angel due to your ignorance. You hate all hummanity and curse the Acr and Dark Angels. You live to cause misery.
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How Will You Die?

You were stabbed
You were stabbed
You were really mean to everyone around you one day one of your friends snapped and decided to invite everybody to a party. you decided you had some free time. when you got there she swiftly locked the doors. and as you looked around you noticed there were no sharp objects and you look at her. she was holding a butchers knife. you scrambled in look for something to fight back with but found nothing and were stabbed while you ran throughout the house.
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what type of vampyre are you? *pics*

you are the badass vampyre!
you are the badass vampyre!
You embrace you immortality and like to show off your "powers" to your victims before you kill them. You show no mercy, and give off a vibe that most humans avoid; but the occasional Girl/Guy will approach you from shear curiousity.
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What type of killer are you?

Bad Ass
Bad Ass
You are the type of killer that would walk away calmly from a building that in a huge explosion. The type of guy that wil take out 15 men without spilling his drink. Cops freeze up in terror when they see you, some even run. You would definitely have some crazy slo-mo action scenes. Weapon of choice: usually two hand guns is all you need.
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   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Sunny Dawn's average rating out of 30 rates is 9.90/10


Ileene Aestus Fidela (197369)

2012-04-20 05:16:33

Brian Whitewolf (487469)

2011-08-13 19:50:03

Thank you Sweetie
Brian Whitewolf (487469)

2011-08-13 13:46:49

You have given Sunny Dawn a rating of 10.
Ian McCarthy (390179)

2011-07-16 09:58:26

Ur welcome . ;)
Ian McCarthy (390179)

2011-07-15 15:39:41

Thanks Sunny. :) I like ur page too.
Elena Salvatore (404152)

2011-04-28 12:40:55

Why thank you. :)
¥ Baby Ace™ ¥ (381128)

2011-04-06 23:42:39

Welcome to Buds! We hope you enjoy your new family! If you need help, click the coven button at the top of the screen and ask a staff member. Thank you!
Brooks (107250)

2011-02-06 19:42:13

ty ty ^^
Ruby Grimm (263247)

2011-01-17 14:56:04

Ruby Grimm (263247)

2011-01-17 13:53:07

Brooks (107250)

2010-12-23 09:28:31

Brooks (107250)

2010-12-23 03:32:24

woot ty ^^
Ileene Aestus Fidela (197369)

2010-12-23 00:56:21

You have given LadyLustGrimm/ Kibba Dawn a rating of 10. I love the dragon pic!!

2010-12-10 22:07:10

also well, this cold weather sucks

2010-12-09 02:00:24

lol so hows ur love life?
Death (112031)

2010-12-05 22:11:41

Thanks for that
Death (112031)

2010-12-05 18:49:56

Nice profile *Hits 10/10 on his way out*

2010-11-24 21:05:32

o my gosh its so cold now!

2010-11-18 19:51:41

same lol

2010-11-14 07:27:53

ello!!!!!!!!! -_-

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