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VIP Vampire Midnight Sainte (331928)

Last Active: 2024/09/19 11:16
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days2 / 2
Game Age5,290
Karma+/Verve+1,069 / 115
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles60 (+7%) See All
Missions R/P/S524/313/28
StatusDead (28779436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record898,129/138,432/1,622
Win %87%
Last KilledErella Voronoy ...
Last Killed ByBex Corleone
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent316
Coven Hotel 404
Coven Title (Rank)Pride Prince (69)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1mil+

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Married to Parasitic (242932) for 1478 days
15 Family Members

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Parasitic (242932)

2022-09-01 17:00:12

I have been watching the calander. And I say hell no I don't want to pack up so you are absolutely right. qq [3] No need to worry about the years we spent a part. Its our time now. You my Mitternacht are my present and my future who I am building a new past with.

I have loved every moment with you and I am the lucky one to have you. The many times through the years I have quietly watched on the sidelines and letting you be you and do whatever you did and then that one special day you finally became mine. That makes me the lucky one. Even with me doing what I did and all you always had me even when you didn't know. Maybe I didn't know either but looking back on it, if I could go back in time I would have made my move years ago.

Speaking of gorgeous, my husband is very much. Your eyes, omg I could just lay in bed with you for hrs we wouldn't even have to say anything as long as you would let me stare into them. They are so beautiful. Now you'd have to watch me now cus I got crazy hands they would prolly wanna do things and then next thing you know....well ima keep it pg and stop right there. I'll just say my eyes wouldn't be the only things on you. [hehe]

I love you my Mitternacht. My beautiful husband. [3][3][3]
Parasitic (242932)

2022-03-08 10:55:26

Happy Birthday, I hope it's a wonderful day for you. [3][3][3]
Parasitic (242932)

2021-09-01 11:57:19

Hey my handsome husband. [3] this year went by so fast. It feels like only yesterday that I proposed to you. A whole year babe, time is an amazing thing really. I look back and think of this day a yr ago and it makes me happy. Happy to know that I've had you by my side everyday. I am thankful to have you as my husband. I appreciate you in so many ways. You are my strength, the best part of me and I love you, everything about you.

Happy anniversary babe! We made it, I'm sure some may have had doubts about us but they were doubting the wrong people. I love you my Mitternacht, I love the way you msg me at 4 or 5 in the morning, oddly I'm usually awake, our time zones make me laugh. I love how you talk to me about things and I can talk to you about things. It's all about the trust. I love that trust we have in each other. So much distance between us physically, but I feel so close to you. I do not want this with anyone else.

Again, happy anniversary babe. I love you. I look forward to many more years with you. My most favorite person in the world, my husband, better half, all the wonderful things that is you, I love every bit of you. [3][3][3]
Parasitic (242932)

2020-12-10 02:08:02

100 days go by fast. I was looking the other day and I know it said 96 and the next day 97. I looked before reset and it said 99. So of course you know how I am, the 99 caught me off guard. I was wondering what happened to 98. I decided I'm not worried about 98, 100 is so much better. 100 days babe!

Every one of those 100 I have been able to call you mine. You have always had a spot in my heart, only now you have dug that spot deeper, got yourself all burrowed in there. I still think about the first time we met yrs ago. That day, whichever it is fate or destiny, I always get those confused, but which ever it is put our names together. It knew what it was doing and knew when it was our time. We both had to grow as individuals and work out our own bumpy roads so we would have nothing but smooth highways.

Nothing else matters, just you and I. Whether it be here, discord, wherever, just you and I. 100 days I have been yours and you mine but it was written years ago on that day when I was sitting in that xat and here you come waltzing in. It doesnt matter how or why it took so long for us to get here. What does matter is now, in this moment, moments we've had, and moments yet to be had. You are my person, my number one, my better half, and all those wonderful things and many more rolled into this wonderful man that you are.

I love you for exactly that, the wonderful man that you are. All of the little things about you I truly adore. I love how strong you are, even if sometimes you dont show it or dont know how to show it. I see that strength in you. I love that we can be opposites in things but we always have that common ground.

Happy 100 days Mitternacht, 100 days I've been able to tell you that I love you. Tomorrow will be 101 days and the number will keep growing and so will my love for you.

[3][3][3] I love you
Payne Maharet™ (694447)

2024-09-15 16:00:19

Pops [3] *the male left the others favored treats and a note.* Hope all is well with you. [3]
zerohatemachine (274529)

2024-09-13 02:30:09

I was drugged! I woke up and my butt hurts!
Bjorn Sainte (689324)

2024-09-11 04:51:09

I hope you are well [3]
Parasitic (242932)

2024-09-02 12:32:47

Bjorn Sainte (689324)

2024-08-30 15:27:56

Dad [3]
Parasitic (242932)

2024-07-06 00:47:41

And you mine ♥️
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-10 15:07:21

[hehe] I won't argue that
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-10 14:57:01

*wiggle eye brows at him* there you go being all sexy again.
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-04 07:31:47

Parasitic (242932)

2023-12-09 16:05:17

I told you 3 yrs ago this day would come and you didn't believe me. XD
Parasitic (242932)

2023-12-09 15:55:46

Damn baby you're so hot [hehe]

Ooh do it again :q
Parasitic (242932)

2023-11-26 08:10:42

I will give you my forever how ever long that will be. [3][3][3]
Parasitic (242932)

2023-11-04 04:47:15

ahh my man, my beautiful Mitternacht! How I have missed you. Such long time has passed and your patience, wonderful patience you have with me. I appreciate every bit of you. You my dear man....[i]a smile forms upon his face while offering his hand to the other[/i] You, my beautiful man, its been a long time since we have danced.
Parasitic (242932)

2023-11-04 03:52:02

Parasitic (242932)

2023-06-26 03:34:14

I love you more than you can imagine. You beautiful man. [3][3][3]
Parasitic (242932)

2023-03-31 16:03:18

I love you my Mitternacht [3][3][3]

Thinking of you from Parasitic (242932)
I Love you from Bjorn A. Sainte (689324) - Best dad ever
Merry Christmas from Lady D (5)
Zin Acwellan (79044) sent A plate of pancakes.
Happy Birthday from Salem Drache (242932)
Get well soon from Parasitic (242932) - &#10084;&#10084;&#10084;
Happy Birthday from Parasitic (242932) - Ich liebe dich Mitternacht
Happy Birthday from Parasitic (242932) - I loves you.

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