ilduin is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

ilduin (333599)"knowledge is the sharpest weapon of all ;)"

Last Active: 2015-09-03 05:58:03
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Game Age5,286
Karma+/Verve+82 / 0
Game LocationGhost Town
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles3 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record17,987/37,652/272
Win %33%
Last KilledAlexia Ravenor
Last Killed BySage Rozenkran ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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(General Information)

[Name] -Ilduin Keravnos

[Title] -The Whispering Snake

[Species] -Possessed Human turned Vampire...if you want to be technical about it.

[D.O.B] -July 19, 1584

[Mortal Age] -21 about. Does it matter?

[short bio]

When little, Ilduin`s father used him as a weapon to spy and secure information on enemies for the great, at the time, House Keravnos. A House well versed in the darker magiks, they used it on poor little Ilduin. Though It didn`t work as well as the father thought it would.. Ilduin did grow great charisma and sneaking abilities as well as his IQ going off the charts but at a price Ilduin`s personality was always a struggle between himself and the demons. I fight for a single body host.

When out on a scouting mission trying to loot goods, the situation turned for the worst. A simple job turned into chaos when a small group of Vampires captured Ilduin. They had demands and they were not met so Ilduin was turned. Through this physical transformation, Ilduins true gross powers manifested. The ability to morph into other people to hide yourself, to be able to charm any man or woman and his most deadly skill; Shadow manipulation and manipulation of ones darkness. The more darkness is in ones heart, the better he can control it. The children of the night are nothing but perfect targets for Ilduin now.


  • People. They are all caught up in their own lives. Like ants in a colony.
  • Mind Games due to the fact that no one can outdo me
  • Sin makes life interesting
  • food made from the heart...or of an actual heart ;D


  • can we say, a mind like a brick wall?
  • Those that think they are perfect and/or free of sin....filthy liars...
  • Self-righteousness. my god it makes my stomach churn

  •  photo d71f41df-2470-4368-bef5-06d5519448ff_zps120fdf60.png

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    (Physical Characteristics)

    [Height] -5 foot and 10 inches

    [Weight] -138 Pounds

    [Body Type and Skin] -He is of a slender body type but muscles as hard as stone. His skin is close to ivory and is quite smooth to the touch. Your typical sensual sexy vampire.

    [Face and Eyes] -Some parts Greek and can trace back to old Germanic tribes. Slender, almost snake like facial qualities. Some have called him a snake..maybe in a past life he was. His eyes cut through you like he`s picking away at what makes you tick on the inside, his eyes are a Red Amber color.

    [Hair] -Black and medium long. Has long enough bangs to cover his eyes that he can sweep away with his hand at times. How can he examine someone whilst his hair is in his eyes?

    [Unique Features] -When taping into his unique vampiric/demon ablities, his eyes pupils turn from circles to almost slits. He also has a curving scar from the side of the bottom of his rib cage reaching up to his heart on the left side of his body.

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       Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











    ilduin's average rating out of 36 rates is 9.14/10


    Black Obsidian (348982)

    2017-09-10 06:22:11

    yooo whats up bro!
    †Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† (329552)

    2015-09-12 10:37:44

    You have given ilduin a rating of 10.
    Eretria Alessedil (300771)

    2015-09-03 12:30:40

    Hello Ilduin. Welcome to MadHatters Mad House. I hope you enjoy your stay. Don't hesitate to come into Chat. Please do Battle and Train that's our priority. We have some good competitions going on too. Please check them out.
    Have a nice day -Maia
    Seraph Caelestis™ (680336)

    2014-07-26 02:48:09

    [c=green]She is pretty awesome.[/]
    .The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

    2014-07-16 02:56:47

    Mm my thanks. :)
    .The A l p h a Sainte. (201632)

    2014-07-13 20:58:44

    You have given Ilduin Keravnos a rating of 10. I love it.
    Mikael (653323)

    2014-07-13 08:58:59

    well look at you ... so juicy!!! wouldn't it be unfair if you're not on my kill list ? [6] Its a killing game man.. nothing personal !
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-13 05:26:14

    It's alright! ^^ Did you enjoy yourself? :D Though the not-having internet part doesn't sound so fun(for me, at least) [hehe]
    Kiren Aranami (252462)

    2014-07-09 19:14:23

    A fan of Izaya Orihara I see. He comes from one of my favourite animes... I do like him, but I always preferred Shizuo.
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-05 09:49:34

    :D It sounds kinda cute actually! [hehe] Italian is a beautiful language in my opinion. qq I'm gonna get someone to teach me someday, be it a mere few words -k-
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-04 09:08:47

    So apparently, "Capiche" means "Do you understand?" :D
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-04 08:25:19

    Awww :( Surely you know a simple greeting like "Ciao", then? o.o :D I meant Google the search engine, not the translator :P
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-03 19:24:21

    Oh! :D Don't your parents teach them to you? [hm] Google is there to help you :P
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-03 14:26:18

    Eheh..nah. :-)
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-02 19:04:54

    Ah qq It's too bad since USA just got knocked out by Belgium yesterday. >.<
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-02 17:33:48

    I was rooting for Italy! -k- But they were knocked out in the group stages :( So, France or Germany, perhaps? qq Belgium looks pretty good too :-)
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-02 17:20:08

    It'd be on the 13th of July. :-) It's not known yet. o.o
    Lily Anvari (632470)

    2014-07-02 17:14:40

    Thank you! qq Maybe watch the finals, then? :D
    C.P. (677684)

    2014-06-30 22:34:15

    In the market APs cost more. if you look at a price for plasma divide by 3 still i am saving . lol
    C.P. (677684)

    2014-06-30 22:28:46

    LOL , are you saying i go crazy on Auctions . i do . i need the stats . haha

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