Lady Emerald is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Lady Emerald (336310)"I am in a Ravenous mood for Blood ...lots of Blood ...."

Last Active: 2014-12-12 00:35:37
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,282
Karma+/Verve+29 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record2,358/15,579/919
Win %14%
Last Killed~Vega~Amaia~Dí ...
Last Killed By†BAD BUNNY†™
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
Coven Buds
Coven Title (Rank)Emerald Assassin (20)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 19k+



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Lady Emerald's average rating out of 13 rates is 7.92/10


Varlg the Doppelganger (197706)

2013-08-11 05:51:15

That is good news, gratz.
Varlg the Doppelganger (197706)

2013-08-06 07:57:31

Good news? I am so down give it up already!
Varlg the Doppelganger (197706)

2011-07-01 13:16:26

Emmy where you been? Great to hear from you.
Varlg the Doppelganger (197706)

2010-11-14 00:01:09

Myself, doing fine and much of the same. Made some changes around the coven stop by take a look.
Varlg the Doppelganger (197706)

2010-11-13 23:33:26

Hey Lady Emmy it's been a minute since we last chatted. How have you been?
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-10-26 02:32:30

Heya... how are you 'Milady'??? I have got my own place now and will not be monitored anymore; so perhaps we can stay in touch but if you prefer not too I'll understand kk. Missing you my friend.
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-10-19 23:52:59

I'm so sorry Lady Emerald but I respectfully have to divorce thee on the grounds of my RL relationship's health and well-being....... I had kept our marriage a secret not realizing the detriment it would truly have if or when my partner found out. She did and it hurt her too deeply for me to bear. I trust this will not hurt you also as this is afterall a game... all the best!!!
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-10-17 23:54:23

Heya..... I guess it's been a while since we last spoke but I was banned from using our computer at home so now I have to go to the library whenever I play!! Anyway; how are things with you 'Milady???' I just sent you some more funds so I hope they will be useful for you... I will be in touch soon; just going-a-viking, (meaning raiding/ killing/plundering), Lol; so see you when I return my wife!!
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-10-06 07:50:04

....... ....... ....... Hello my beautiful wife!!! I am lucky indeed!!!
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-30 09:10:27

Hello my island queen..... how are you today???
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-29 10:09:32

Support is the least I can I should offer, along with anything else I can offer as your husband....... You are so very important and vital to Heiden's personal growth 'Milady!!!'
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-25 10:53:34

Hey, we're finally online at same time!!! When you mentioned the BL's I was afraid it was gonna be something much worse. Shadow Stalkers is just about to change in some serious ways; that's all!!! Don't worry, just BL Deadly if anything really gets to you..... she's actually quite cool!!!
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-23 07:12:10

Hoping you're truly happy in RL my ig wife!!!
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-16 08:24:30

I'm glad you liked the gifts, they are a simple token of the depth of feeling I hold for you my dearest Lady....... and you are far more precious than the paper that purchased them!!! Besides I want to treat you from time to time. (Smiles at the joy they may bring you.) Hope to hear from you soon 'Milady!!!' Be well.....
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-14 12:47:44

I want nothing but the best for you 'Milady'.......... it is an honour to be associated with such beauty
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-13 20:34:33

You have given Lady Emerald a rating of 10. You deserve top marks my new wife!!! I trust you enjoyed your gifts.......
Varlg the Doppelganger (197706)

2010-09-13 09:07:23

I have given your profile a 10 of 10.
Varlg the Doppelganger (197706)

2010-09-13 09:06:40

Hello Emmy, How have you been... Stop by the coven and chat for a bit...
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-11 14:03:37

Hey... I just wanted to let you know that I really miss talking with you when you're not around!!! I really want to talk about your experiences growing up in Hawaii, Lady, I hope you get this message soon so you know I would also be honoured if you agreed to be my RoB wife!!! I am now 106 days old and this part of Heiden's soul is still empty..... I would love for you to fill that void. What do ya say???
The darK Elf senTiNeL (378868)

2010-09-10 15:48:51

Hey; it's been a while 'Milady'..... trust all is well with you! Life's been totally crazy way down here. We have been cursed with earthquakes for the last 6 days straight!!! It really has sucked!!! Things have calmed down now, which is great so how are things with you??? I miss you even though we haven't been talking much!!! I just hope you are all G. Reply when you can'Lady Emerald'. ~ Heiden.

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