•Gummy Bear• is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

•Gummy Bear• (336590)"sort of 'not-here' or 'away' or any other term xD"

Last Active: 2014-08-23 10:32:04
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,281
Karma+/Verve+32 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationIndonesia
Collectibles16 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779437 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779437 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record162,281/195,848/273
Win %46%
Last KilledCharlamane
Last Killed ByNightshed
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent36
Coven Title (Rank)RIP..Aeternum Memoria Retentus (95)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 327+



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Rank 500+

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11 Family Members

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Anarose Aperio
Olivia V ų ī d™ Aisteach
Lilianna Winchester
Kem`Falla Katyonak
Izzybelle Marie Bunny
Envy of Wolfsblood
Bimy PD
Kora Belladonna
Drained Dean

•Gummy Bear• has 51 friends View All Friends


:::My Life:::

I`m a gummy bear, what more is there to explain or say?


I`m a gummy bear! fear my wrath!

 photo gummy-001.jpg

...The Murderer...

 photo gummy-002.jpg

...The Slaughterer...

 photo gummy-003.jpg

...The War monger...

 photo gummy-004.jpg

...The Cannibal...

 photo gummy-005.jpg

...The Bound and tied...

 photo gummy-006.jpg

...The Singular...



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











•Gummy Bear•'s average rating out of 157 rates is 8.82/10


Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2024-01-19 21:02:58

Gummy Power ....(todos)
Bimy PD (641551)

2022-10-31 11:36:35

Hi Dawood, it's been eight years now that you were gone., but the memories we had is like only yesterday. Your baby is still missing you so much [hugme]
Jacqueline Maeve Enigma (154144)

2020-11-26 02:17:39

I still miss you so much. I can't help but coming back every so often to pay my respects. You won't be forgotten brother. [3] Next drag race is for you..
Melody Roston™ (471464)

2020-03-11 00:33:12

I can't believe I still come here from time to time to read the comments. Mostly my own comments. I was thinking about the liver with pineapple sauce again my god. Guess you've scarred me for life with that one haha. I still think of you from time to time. Not as often as before but I still do. It's because I randomly thought of you that I wanted to come here. Are you being good? You'd say you've never been good, wouldn't you? I hope you're resting easy though.
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2019-08-19 06:08:36

Hey Gummy buddy [hugme] Thank U .
Kora Belladonna (571220)

2019-04-03 06:24:53

You have given •Gummy Bear• a rating of 10. I got caught up in RL and its been a while since I've been around, but I still think about you. Thank you again, for everything
Shyael Katya Lykaia (649201)

2019-01-28 15:06:00

It's been a long long while since we chatted now. I still miss ya. Always will. I went back to our very first conversations and the randomness that we talked about was hilariously good times. It still makes me smile and I do hope that you finally found your Gummy Bear Land you had yearned for all these years. I miss ya bro. [3] Always in my heart and never forgotten.
Melody Roston™ (471464)

2019-01-02 20:35:39

Hello buddy. I can see you making some kind of silly comment about me calling you buddy but there, I did it. It's been a while. Another year has gone by and I just thought I'd come by and leave you this although it kinda isn't necessary. It's funny how after all these years I still remember you and still think of how you and Dani would gang up on me because of my bad English (it's improven a lot, okay? just look at my fluency now bitch) or how we'd have the most random conversations about the most random subjects all the time. Didn't we talk about liver with pineapple sause once? Gross man. Regardless, I still talk to you in my head, mostly to ask you to look over everyone from wherever you are. I wonder if you hear me. Like really hear me. Like do what I ask you to do. Probably not, you never did haha. I wonder how much longer I'll remember you. It's funny how deep down I was so fond of you that even after all this time I still remember everything... or most things, Idk. Time goes by okay? Don't judge me. Anyway, Idk why I wanted to come here and send this but I did. Look after everyone, okay? Please. See you around someday, buddy.
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2018-03-14 18:33:07

You will always be missed [hugme]
You have given •Gummy Bear• a rating of 10
The Lamb (565736)

2016-10-12 18:40:54

Two years have gone by and its still painful to think that you're no longer with us. :( I miss you, brother. [3]
Dabi Tch Primevil (299127)

2016-07-26 03:20:51

Missing U Gummy you were so yummy Gummy [hugme]
† Mystery † (351990)

2016-06-23 23:20:21

hugsaši um žig sķšustu night..are žś ein af mörgum stjörnum sem ég sé upp ķ himininn? .. a hrifinn minni sem ég halda lķka yndi
Melody Roston™ (471464)

2016-03-24 19:27:47

Hey. It's been a while, aye? It took me a while to be able to write a coherent text but I think I might be able to do it now. I'm sorry, David. I'm so so sorry. I wasn't there for you. I wonder if you cared at all. You had other wonderful people around you and I'm very happy for that. I'm happy other people weren't as selfish as I was. Truth is I was very bitter. I was just a child and the fact that you just moved on straight away made me bitter. I decided you weren't good for me and so I distanced myself. From you and from everyone that was involved with you. What a childish thing to do, aye? I've grown up. I wish I could talk to you now that I've grown up. That's not possible though... I'm sorry. I'm so goddamn sorry. I won't forget you. No matter if you had forgotten me yourself.
Nola Volant (498309)

2016-03-03 23:27:25

I will miss you always kicking my ass and us joking about it later. You always made me laugh.R.I.P. my friend. <3
Danielle Callaghan (287333)

2015-11-08 03:39:12

It's still hard to not talk to you everyday, make jokes and just laugh. I felt that you were like a real father to me. After all, you saw me through my teenage years, haha. It baffles me how you managed to not get sick of talking to me. We got a good long friendship and I'm always going to be grateful to you for that, bud. :)
Bimy PD (641551)

2015-10-04 22:22:26

8 days more bebe and its gonna be your 1st year death anniversary! The longing subsided but the pain still there.... Still coming here every month to rate your profile....Sorry i broke my promise to you :(

You have given •Gummy Bear• a rating of 10.
† Mystery † (351990)

2015-09-10 17:44:30

its been a year..and still missing you..will always miss you
Jocelyn Lizeth Priti (586647)

2015-09-09 19:32:14

Tell me those train and airplane jokes again someday, my favorite piece of candy. [3]
The Lamb (565736)

2015-08-22 03:51:57

Brother [3] Its not the same here without you, and time hasn't made this any easier... :(
Bimy PD (641551)

2015-06-28 13:30:40

Still missing you [3]

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