Lovisa Asbjornsdottir is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)"Hope you enjoy Mabon"

Last Active: 2024/09/19 18:03
I'm Online
VIP/VIP+ Days72 / 0
Game Age5,275
Karma+/Verve+1,258 / 125
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationNorway
Collectibles52 (+3%) See All
Missions R/P/S376/8/47
StatusDead (28779436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record269,655/125,701/14,179
Win %69%
Last KilledPagan Warchild
Last Killed ByNightshed
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent100
Coven Title (Rank)Skjoldsmoyer (100)
Coven VirtueDruid/Volva (7)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 15mil+



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Rank 500+

100k+ Wins

25k+ Power

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Married to Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667) for 86 days

3 Family Members

Vitality 3745    Charm 78
RP Posts 16    Coven RP Posts 0
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Lord Charles of Yorkshire
Revella Áine de Vil
VIP Member Veronica Claire Sangrian

Lovisa Asbjornsdottir has 12 friends View All Friends


Be a Goddess among men, they said. No.. I`ll be a Queen among Gods

Girl in a jacket


Table coding: (714847)
Graphics: By me
Roleplays: Closed.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non Quis accusamus et autem distinctio minus distinctio et ipsum laborum et tempore nulla At necessitatibus officiis eum dignissimos facilis! Qui dolorem dolores non consequuntur ullam et eligendi voluptas aut maxime perferendis ut rerum quaerat ea molestias excepturi et odit autem! Qui rerum veritatis aut voluptas tempore et blanditiis nihil eos distinctio culpa vel fugit repellendus 33 quod enim ut voluptatem pariatur.

Et quasi quos et dolore reiciendis 33 quos nihil. Ut repellat suscipit et maiores tempore aut tempore assumenda et delectus consequuntur. Aut omnis optio sed dolore animi est accusantium harum est eveniet velit ut eaque voluptatibus eum sapiente autem.

Ut inventore eveniet sit perspiciatis harum et nostrum ut quia nobis. Ut eaque quia in eaque velit ab enim dolor ut atque assumenda et magnam quia. Qui voluptate galisum qui aliquam distinctio eos nihil tempore.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non Quis accusamus et autem distinctio minus distinctio et ipsum laborum et tempore nulla At necessitatibus officiis eum dignissimos facilis! Qui dolorem dolores non consequuntur ullam et eligendi voluptas aut maxime perferendis ut rerum quaerat ea molestias excepturi et odit autem! Qui rerum veritatis aut voluptas tempore et blanditiis nihil eos distinctio culpa vel fugit repellendus 33 quod enim ut voluptatem pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non Quis accusamus et autem distinctio minus distinctio et ipsum laborum et tempore nulla At necessitatibus officiis eum dignissimos facilis! Qui dolorem dolores non consequuntur ullam et eligendi voluptas aut maxime perferendis ut rerum quaerat ea molestias excepturi et odit autem! Qui rerum veritatis aut voluptas tempore et blanditiis nihil eos distinctio culpa vel fugit repellendus 33 quod enim ut voluptatem pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non Quis accusamus et autem distinctio minus distinctio et ipsum laborum et tempore nulla At necessitatibus officiis eum dignissimos facilis! Qui dolorem dolores non consequuntur ullam et eligendi voluptas aut maxime perferendis ut rerum quaerat ea molestias excepturi et odit autem! Qui rerum veritatis aut voluptas tempore et blanditiis nihil eos distinctio culpa vel fugit repellendus 33 quod enim ut voluptatem pariatur.

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

Profile Code by Diana (714847)









Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2023-08-23 19:18:08

Couldn't not stop by and leave some loves... even if it is just to smack you in the face with it. [hehe]

Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2023-06-09 06:36:12

Zin Acwellan (79044)

2024-07-26 02:22:54

[3] You mean being human, and a cool one too? :p

Always my pleasure!
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2024-07-18 14:51:41

*Revella's gargantuan undead tiger gives her sister a generous, scratching lick along the entirety of her face before thudding back down with her paws on the soft ground.* I've missed your beautiful face, too.
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2024-07-16 20:59:22

*The zombie tiger crouches in a position where her rump wiggles in the air. Waiting for the opportunity to strike. She carefully times it with the precision of an apex predator. Then, when the timing's just right, and not a split second before or after, she springs up and pounces on her sister's back. Her giant, sinuous paws seeking purchase against her shoulders as she purrs and rubs her head against the other woman.* Hi. 💕
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-06-25 18:32:21

I will say randomly. I gave good constructive criticism of a writing piece. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-06-25 13:56:04

I got about 6 now. 🤣😂🤣😂
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2024-02-02 03:47:35

You have given your [3] feedback.

Happy month of love! I hope you get all you desire. Love ya! [3]
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2024-01-24 05:53:01

I miss you too, sweet lioness. [hug][peck]
I know I've been super AWOL lately, but I do think about you all quite often. (Shylie)
Luna Circe Nemesis™ (706354)

2024-01-14 19:24:46

Surviving 2023 was definitely a big achievement :d Hopefully this one's going to be better.
Luna Circe Nemesis™ (706354)

2024-01-09 17:10:17

You have given your feedback.

Happy New Year [hug] Hope you're well!
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2024-01-05 08:55:11

I’ll give Karma to you tomorrow dear Lovi. I like what you said in the Forums.[clap][3][y]

You have given your feedback.
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2023-12-29 18:39:27

*blushes* Why shucks, thanks! I think it's the animation making it seem that way. LOL.

It's a rather simple graphic otherwise. [hug]
Quentin Chase Sainte (155523)

2023-12-24 02:54:43

Honey, fish is ew
Blade Noxin Sangrian (542414)

2023-12-22 14:25:19

To you the very same. I send well wishes and high hopes of the gods blessing you with a good 2024 as well. Blessed Yule/Happy Winter Solstice.
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2023-12-21 21:02:11

You have given your feedback.

Blessed Yule and a very happy new year to you. I hope 2024 will bring many wonderful things. ❤️
Fiadh Dreadclawe Riot (714620)

2023-12-21 03:17:25

[i]You have given your feedback.[/i] [3]

This profile though Lovi (Bex) Happy Yule
Razor (667743)

2023-12-20 12:45:16

I am sure there is something mean I could say back, but being all nice and all... ;)

Happy Winter Solstice to you too my dear. Blessed be. ;) :P [3] ( :
Revella Áine de Vil (742887)

2023-12-20 09:58:38

Oh, snap! It's Yule! (hyper)
Blessed be, you gorgeous lion goddess! [peck](tacklehug)
Ahvi Kasia Beaumont (532727)

2023-12-19 22:11:24

Make me unbored lmao. [hehe]

Loreley Basilicata (459902) sent Gold poeny bracelet.
I Love you from Loreley Basilicata (459902) - The note was attached to a peony flower bouquet.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent blood rush body mist.
I Love you from Revella Áine Damascus (742887) - Gorgeous lion goddess.
Ivar Sainte (698885) sent Valkyrie Shield.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent Vanilla Cookies body mist.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent 13 live young direwolf cubs.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent bloom heat body mist.
Breila Sangrian Night (459902) sent Diamond encrusted peony ring.
Vita Liliana Kádár (459902) sent a bouquet of Peonies.

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