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Lucas Chase Tenshi

Nickname(s): Chasey

Family: Alex Tenshi - Twin

Birthday: May 22, 1993 at 12:01 a.m.

Species: Angel

Preferred Weapon(s): Chase doesn`t really fight... so...

Combat Style: hide behind someone bigger.

Appearance: 6`3" 153lbs lean build, not much muscle. He has sharkbites, bar, his septum and nostril pierced. Baby blue eyes, naturally black shaggy hair, perfect teeth.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: scars on his ankles

Demeanor: Chase is quiet, gentle, sort of like a big teddy bear. He loves to snuggle and is quite the hugaholic. Though, he always seems quite fragile, which he is. It doesn`t take much to make him break down. Even a simple thing like yelling can make him cry. He`s very susceptible to emotions.

Haven: Under his weeping willow, drawing with his favorite tool, the charcoal pencil. Art is an escape for him, and the quiet and tranquility under or around his Willow tree only adds.

Abilities or Powers: Super sensitive to any and all emotions. Whatever you`re feeling, he`s probably feeling it 2x. That`s why it`s so easy for him to cry, or giggle with happiness in the split of a second. He may come off as bipolar, but he`s not.

Weaknesses: how trusting he is of others

History: oh boy...

eemmoo photo eemmoo.jpg

Alex Tenshi

Nickname(s): None

Family: Chase Tenshi - Twin | Misaki (245515) - Boyfriend | Carter and Oliver - Alex`s Daughter and Son

Birthday: May 21, 1993 at 11:59 p.m.

Species: Angel

Preferred Weapon(s): His twin daggers.

Combat Style: Face-To-Face.

Appearance: 6`4" 180lbs Lean muscle. He has sharkbites, bar, his septum and nostril pierced. Gray/blue eyes, naturally black shaggy hair, perfect teeth.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: Right arm full of tattoos. Just random tattoos of things he liked at the time.

Demeanor: A huge asshole to anyone and everyone. Chase, Misaki, and Alice are the only exceptions to his unforgiving wrath. Has sexuality issues, despite having dated the same guy for the past 4 years..

Haven: With the twins and Misaki, or Alice preferably. Or outside in the woods, practicing with his daggers.

Abilities or Powers: Giving life, though, if he gives you another chance to live, he`ll take an essential ability of yours. Examples: Touch, Sight, Hearing, etc.

Weaknesses: His smoking habits, and anger issues. Also, Misaki or his kids. He`ll do anything to protect his family.

History: Fuck Off.

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Teff Amore

Nickname(s): None

Family: Sister - deceased | Mother and Father - in London.

Birthday: November 1, 1995

Species: Vampyre

Preferred Weapon(s): anything he can get his hands on, really.

Combat Style: He likes to play with his pray.. and is not a big fan of face-to-face combat. It`s too easy, Teff says.

Appearance: 6`2" 155lbs lanky build. icy turquoise eyes, shaggy blonde hair. A lip piercing he never wears.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: none.

Demeanor: Asshole at times, give him a smoke or a thrill and he`ll take a liking to you, guaranteed.

Haven: Really anywhere someone will give him attention. He likes it.

Abilities or Powers: nothing really. He`s quick, smart, and agile like a large cat of pray. But, he`s not terribly strong, despite being a Vampyre. Doesn`t like the sun, not like it hurts him or shit like that, he just burns easily... no pun intended.

Weaknesses: His bloodlust problem..

History: Born in London, lived there till he was 16, then moved to the Dead City to look for people more like him. Found Chase and Alex one day in the clearing, oddly enough, he became best friends with Chase. One day, alone walking around town, a stranger struck up a conversation. Before he knew it, Teff was gagged and dragged to an ally. Drained by a vampyre and left to die. Alex, of all people, found him, brought him back to the Tenshi Manor. By then, he`d changed... into something he didn`t understand. One night, driven into an animal from a hunger he couldn`t seem to control, Teff attacked Chase, almost killing him. There went the friendship with Alex, though of course, Chase didn`t hate him. After he recovered, Chase even helped Teff control it. Still to this day he struggles to control it, then again, he doesn`t really try.

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Nickname(s): None

Family: Mother - deceased | Father - Master

Birthday: doesn`t know.. he`s roughly 15/16

Species: Kitsune

Preferred Weapon(s): none.

Combat Style: fighting solves nothing. He likes to talk it out, if he can.

Appearance: 5`5" 120lbs bony and thin. Large, bright green eyes, shaggy dirty blonde hair. large, black tipped orange fox ears poke out off his mop of hair, and he has a long, bushy, white tipped fox tail. Only owns an old white vneck and a pair of raggity, holey black skinny jeans. He doesn`t own any shoes, always barefoot. A thick black leather collar hugs his neck tightly, a golden dogtag hanging off it with his name roughly scratched into it.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: scarred over slashes all over his back from a whip, scars from burns along his hips, other gashes from knives over his chest and stomach. Deep scarred over gashes on his wrists and ankles from when he was tied up and `used`.

Demeanor: quiet, sensitive, doesn`t talk much. Is respectful and well mannered. Damian tends to fiddle with his tail a lot, if not holding it, he would most likely be messing with his hair. Those two things seem to bring slight comfort to him. He also has a nervous twitch, making his left eye close tightly for a second, almost like a wince, or his hand flash into a fist for a few moments.

Haven: None

Abilities or Powers: Acute sense of hearing, smell, vision, and touch.

Weaknesses: Believing whatever he is told

History: Damian was a mistake, an accident. That`s what he heard his whole life. Born a sex slave, Damian`s mother died giving birth. His master was his father. Raised by the other sex slaves, Damian was safe till he was 12. Then, it began. Damian quickly became his masters favorite, and Damian quickly learned that any touch is bad. Any touch is pain. Master allows Damian to leave time to time, so he can get a few social skills. but Master always watches to make sure Damian stays his.

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Zack Mal De Lune

Nickname(s): None

Family: Adopted, then ran away

Birthday: June 8, 1996

Species: Lycan

Preferred Weapon(s): himself

Combat Style: Wolf form or just a good ol` fashion fist fight

Appearance: 6"1" 175lbs lean muscle. Bright hazel eyes. Septum ring, snakebites that he keeps rings in, 2" gauges, an Earl piercing {at the bridge of the nose} that he keeps a bar in, and both nipples are pierced. Oh, and he has a Palang Piercing and pearlings. If you don`t know what those are, look it up ;)

Wolf form- tall, though sleek, like a Female. Pure white, icy cold gray eyes. Agile and quick.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: A random assortment of tattoos running down his arms, chest, and back. The more Favorited one of his are the Anchors on the top of his hands {similar to Chris Drew`s}, the words `Live Free` along his knuckles, diamonds on his hips, and the peace sign on the top of his left foot.

Demeanor: Zack is naturally a sweet, polite, feminine boy. But, when he`s high or drunk.. don`t be surprised if he breaks something. Or yells. If under the influence of really anything, he turns into a horny nightmare.

Haven: By any body of water. He likes to swim.

Abilities or Powers: Turning into his wolf form.

Weaknesses: his addictions... Zack is addicted to pretty much anything that can make him feel better. Popping pills, cutting, marijuana, alcohol, smoking. the works.

History: When he was born, he was left at the foot of someones front door with a note saying `take care of me`. His adoptive parents told him that they had found him at their doorstep one morning in June.

When Zack was roughly 13, something changed. He would go into unexplainable fevers for days on end. Puking, chills, and profuse sweating were always the symptoms. Sometimes, he would even enter a coma like state, not moving or speaking for days. Sometimes even weeks. His parents didn`t know what to do. The episodes continued till he was 16, then he ran away. He never knew why, he just knew he had to get away. It would be better for everyone. The night he left, he found shelter in the woods, and had his first shift into a wolf.

Then, came the drinking. To cope with being different. When that wasn`t enough... then came the drugs. He`s trying to stop... but..

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Marcus Sharp

Nickname(s): None

Family: None

Birthday: December 16, 1994

Species: Human

Preferred Weapon(s): None

Combat Style: None

Appearance: 5`10" 140lbs lanky build. Gray/green eyes. Likes to crossdress. Liking dresses and pretty bows or over sized jerseys with a side hanging over his shoulder.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: N/A

Demeanor: Shy and quite. Sort of socially awkward. Very feminine.

Haven: In his art studio.

Abilities or Powers: He is a talented artist. Loving to paint or draw with watercolor.

Weaknesses: People scare him, along with other things, like loud noises. During thunderstorms... no. Just, no. He is a very jumpy person.

History: Even as a child, Marcus was shy and quiet. Not making many friends, and always turning to his art for comfort. He`d always known he was.. different.. feeling normal when he wore something more feminine. He liked it. But knew it wasn`t accepted, so always wore `guy` clothes so he wouldn`t get bullied. Nowadays, freshly out of school, he can more openly express himself. Liking to accessorize with bows and studs and other things of the like. Marcus is still quite secluded to just himself, who seems absent more than not these days...

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Nickname(s): None

Family: none

Birthday: July 24, 1991

Species: Human

Preferred Weapon(s): Fighting scares him

Combat Style: None

Appearance: 6`0" 151lbs lanky build. Shaggy red hair, bright, lively gray/blue eyes. Likes to wear colorful shirts and cut off skinny jeans with slip on vans, if he even wears any shoes at all.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: a large, long scar along his left hip.

Demeanor: Very childish and playful. As harmless as a butterfly. Though.. Jordan is a bit.. forgetful.

Haven: Home.

Abilities or Powers: None

Weaknesses: His need to make everyone happy.

History: Jordan was a happy child, content with his normal everyday life, playing with his twin sister Jasmine, and just.. well, being a kid. And everything was happy and normal till Jordan turned 15.. something traumatic happened to Jordan, no one knows what it was.. but ever since then, Jordan loses his memory every time he falls asleep.. going back to that day. He still thinks he`s 15, even though now, Jordan is 20. Worried for his safety, Chase, his friend, had gotten him a bodyguard. To keep Jordan safe and out of trouble.

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Logan Scyre

Nickname(s): none

Family: Bodyguard to Jordan

Birthday: February 14, 1996

Species: Human.

Preferred Weapon(s): Brass Knuckles or a switchblade.

Combat Style: face-to-face. Come at me bro

Appearance: 6`5" 223lbs lean muscle. Cold, icy, blue eyes, overly shaggy black hair. Permanent scowl. Hip and nipple piercings. Typically will wear all black. Black tee or tank top, black skinnies that are normally ripped up at the knee, and black Chucks.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: "I won`t die defeated" is tattooed across his chest, under his prominent collarbones in morbid s-criptive writing. "Prefect" is tattooed across his right wrist, covering self-harm scars.

Demeanor: Go fuck yourself.

Haven: None

Abilities or Powers: If you count his short temper as a talent..

Weaknesses: None

History: None of your fucking business.

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Nickname(s): None

Family: Orphaned

Birthday: April 23, 1994

Species: Demon

Preferred Weapon(s): None.

Combat Style: Lucian doesn`t really like to fight.. it scares him..

Appearance: 9`11" 143lbs lanky build. Large, bright green eyes, overly long shaggy black hair.

Demon form: over 7`0" pure lean muscle, past shoulder length black hair, small black horns poking from his hair, long, thin black tail with an arrow point at the end, long, sharp black fingernails, bright glowing silver eyes.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: small scar under his left eye.

Demeanor: Shy, quiet, well mannered, and polite. Lucian is like an innocent puppy.

Haven: Anywhere Ryder is..

Abilities or Powers: If threatened, his demon form comes out, and will protect Lucian at all costs.

Weaknesses: pretty much everything. Lucian is scared of anything that moves or makes sounds.

History: Left in a n insane asylum, Lucian was found by a nurse that worked there, and raised by the workers. They knew he was different, inhuman, therefore, they kept him locked away. His only contact with others were through the ones that fed him, and the doctors that did tests on him. Lucian was raised uneducated. Taught basic things. Like his name, how to speak, what to wear, how to walk, ect. They never taught him anything about the human world. He doesn`t know nor understand what most things are or what they mean. He doesn`t know how to act around people, nor does he know how to tell if someone is friendly or not. To Lucian, everything is pain or loneliness. That was all he knew growing up.

One day, when Lucian was roughly 17, a nurse helped him run away. Knowing Lucian was harmless. She sent him away to Dead City, where he now wanders about. Slowly learning what life is.

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Constence Aberdeen

Nickname(s): None

Family: N/A

Birthday: N/A

Species: Undead Necromancer

Preferred Weapon(s): Her friends...

Combat Style: Like a game of hide-and-seek...

Appearance: 5`5" 124lbs petite, mousy. Has long, wavy hair. Naturally black, but she keeps it differing shades of blue. Sometimes purple. Enjoys long shirt/dresses with skeletons or inverted crosses on them. Oh, and she likes to paint her face.. the skeletal teeth are her most favorite. She has snakebites, a vertical labret, a septum ring, and one cheekbone piercing under her right eye. Always accompanying the young lady, is her pet wolf. The one living thing she holds dear to her own unbeating heart. Her wolf, Matilda, is all white with cerulean eyes and little pink scar under her left eye.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: `boo` tattooed over the top of her left collarbone.

Demeanor: She doesn`t really like people. They scare her. She prefers being in the company of the deceased. They obey, due to having no brains, and are very good listeners. The girl is very introverted, not very fond of anything that has to do with interaction with others. If someone were to talk to her, she`d most likely just be able to stare. Possibly mumble a few incoherent words.

Haven: the woods. Or her graveyard.

Abilities or Powers: Why, she can bring the dead back to life, of course! She quite enjoys having tea parties with her creations. Or Masquerade Balls.

Weaknesses: anything with a beating heart.

History: Doesn`t quite remember... Death tends to wipe ones memories. No matter how fond you might`ve been of them.

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Nickname(s): None

Family: None

Birthday: December 31st, 1997

Species: Snow Elf

Preferred Weapon(s): Icicles

Combat Style: unseen, sneak attack

Appearance: 5`2", very thin and lanky. Shaggy, snow white hair that almost seems to sparkle in the light. One bright sky blue eye, the other a dark deep sea blue, white lashes, and gray/white brows grown thin and long, very girlish. Plump, pale pink lips, alabaster skin that glows in bright light. Short, pointy ears that barely poke out of his shaggy hair. A light, horrid looking scar across his left cheek. Likes to wear light, pale blue hoodies that are two sizes too big, and a pair of light gray cargo shorts. Usually barefoot.

Distinguishing marks/tattoos: A scar along his right cheek.

Demeanor: Childish, though creepily smart and witty. Kind of snarky and hard to get along with. Doesn`t like children, or really people in general.

Haven: Playing in the snow or making snowmen. Really, he`s happy anywhere that there`s snow.

Abilities or Powers: Can create and control water or ice however he pleases. And, when the moments come, he can call upon a snowstorm to.. help him out of situations.

Weaknesses: Doesn`t particularly like water.

History: Xavier was born into one of the last remaining colonies of the Snow Elves, their village ransacked and destroyed when the boy was hardly old enough to walk. That`s why little Xavier doesn`t know his own last name, he`d never learned it. Snow elves are taken as exotic pets for the rich, therefore, Xavier has to live in hiding so he isn`t captured and auctioned off on the Black Market. The scar on his cheek is from a fight he`d been in with a dealer when he was only 8. It was punishment for trying to run away, which he still did anyways after being cut, that time successfully escaping. After that, he`d been extra careful, living always in the woods in seclusion. The main reason he doesn`t particularly like people.

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Soul Abscond

Nickname(s): None

Birthday: July 9th 1995

Preferred Weapon(s): He prefers not to fight. It might scare Ossy.

Combat Style: Stand there awkwardly? Say sorry a lot???

Appearance: 5`9", 133lbs. A bit underweight, not really having the money for food for himself. He`d prefer to feed Ossy, who`s more precious to him than his own life. He has shaggy dull brown hair that reaches just his shoulders, the shortest still covering his eyes, almost at his nose. Probably could use a haircut, but Ossy needs her mice. He has bright, green eyes. Probably the only thing bright about him. Likes to wear layers, to hide how skinny he is. Typically with be in skinnies, a tank and a plaid shirt, or some sort of old band tee. A lot of his clothes has holes in them. Only has one pair of shoes, gray Chuck Taylors. He has snakebites that he likes to keep bars in, did them himself, so they`re a bit crooked. Soul also has gauged his ears, they`re currently at 1 1/2.

Pet snake- Her name is Osculum Mortem which is Kiss of Death in Latin, but he just calls her Ossy for short. Ossy is a Boa Constrictor, and a coppery red in color, with black/gray diamond patterns. Soul doesn`t go a place without her by his side, literally. Her favorite place to be is wrapped around her owners neck/shoulder. She`s 3 years old, over 3 or so feet long, 4-5 inches at her thickest. Very loving, and friendly, loves to have attention, much unlike her owner.

Distinguishing Marks/tattoos: Soul has a large scar across his back. It`s not that pretty, quite ugly actually. Surrounded by other, hardly any smaller scars from a whip. Given to him when he was a child. He doesn`t like to talk about it..

Demeanor: He is a compulsive liar. Even if he knows he`s not fooling anyone, he still feels the need to lie about basically everything. It distracts him from the truth, which, he doesn`t really like that much.. The lying has proven hardly worth it, since Soul has absolutely no friends, no family.. really no one. Yet he still does it..

Abilities or Powers: Handles snakes pretty well, if that`s an ability.

Weaknesses: Talking about himself. He`d rather do anything or talk about anything as long as it doesn`t focus on him. Having attention makes him uncomfortable.. The boy doesn`t think he deserves it.

History: Born into a normal, all American family. Nothing seemed wrong, if anything, it all seemed perfect. Happy stay at home mom. Wealthy, happy dad. Only child, Soul. Living in a mansion of a home, in the most regal of neighborhoods. So picture perfect... but as you could imagine, it wasn`t. Soul was the thing his parents didn`t want. Having to keep up the picture of perfection, they took all their stress out on him. He was beaten, neglected, ignored. Growing up in a home not worth anyone`s time. Only shown affection when eyes were watching. Homeschooled, he luckily missed the horrors school brought, but being home probably wasn`t much better. Teaching himself how to read and write, Soul stayed in his room to escape the wrath of his parents. Learning from books he got from the library.

At the age of 10, Soul`s father lost his job at the firm. One could only imagine what that meant for Soul... Tied to a wall in the basement, with a gag in his mouth so no neighbors were alerted, the boy was beaten with a whip anytime his father got an urge of rage. When he wasn`t whipped or beaten, he was told just how worthless he was, how much money he cost the family, how much no one needed him. It makes sense that now, the boy has no self worth for himself. This treatment lasted about a month, till his father found a new job at another firm. That trauma ended up leaving permanent damage on his backside.

When Soul was turned 15, his grandpa, the one person who ever treated him with respect, gave him Ossy, who was already almost a year old. It was Soul`s first present he`d ever received, and one he cherished. Still to this day, obviously. Taking the snake with him wherever he went. Though, his parents quite hated the thing. And when he refused to give her up, the simply kicked him out. Tired of his `smartmouth` and `attitude`, or at least, that was what they told anyone who asked. Now, Soul lives on his own, begging for money everyday so he can feed Ossy and keep her healthy. They live in an apartment, given to him by a nice landlord, who is like a grandma to him now

yo yo yiggity yo photo mewassup_zpsf829c2cb.png


Hi, my name is Oliver, and I will be your captain

I`m a 19 year old boy who`s gay as fuck lmao

I don`t really rp with my OCS anymore, but I`m trying to get back into the habit, hence me using this site again. I fuckin love homestuck and rp Dave erryday, so if that interests you, hmu yo.

I`m p friendly and like having friends, so feel free to just talk to me to talk to me, but know if you want to rp, I`m a very picky piece of shit and only rp with my skill level or higher. If I don`t reply to your intro, it`s because I`m not interested in the prompt or your skill level doesn`t impress me. Sorry.

My Tumblr:

My Instagram: mediocredad

My skype: mediocredad (tell me who you are/you`re from here when you add me or you`ll be blocked)

My Kik: taxidermycrow

My rp email:


This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood Customizer



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Mediocre Dad's average rating out of 52 rates is 8.90/10


Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2015-08-23 09:33:34

HoNk ;oD
Ice(y) Veins Pain (645896)

2014-10-28 14:12:53

I was randomly looking through profiles and I love how yours look! Your characters all sound interesting in their own way.
Crow Ley ™ (179980)

2014-10-26 18:05:12

I know this is very random, but Lucians picture made me cackle :D Hella funny look on his face! xD ~random profile stalker who just slapped ya a 10~
Anacoana Sofia Hudson© (436240)

2014-08-15 01:42:23

You came back and I missed it DX F-ING HELL!
Anacoana Sofia Hudson© (436240)

2014-04-01 20:32:06

Come back!!!
Ambrogio Domenico (473503)

2013-12-18 23:08:13

Unnnnnnnnff. Striders. Ftw. <3
Zaelia (513412)

2013-08-04 01:38:10

You have given Damian a rating of 10.

2013-08-01 20:30:50

hey I will be ur brother

2013-07-28 09:26:35

Hey! <3 We haven't talked in forever!

2013-07-27 14:40:30

Bl :)

2013-07-27 13:25:17

hey dude mail me I have something

2013-07-14 23:37:57

You have given Soul Abscond's profile a rating of 10. I adore your profile. ^^

2013-07-03 04:18:53

Hey, I just wanted to know if you realize how skinny all of your characters are. Like, all of them are under 15 on the Body Mass Index scale used by doctors. 17 is when you qualify for anorexic. And most of your characters are around 13s, which, is like...well, you'd be in the hospital if that was your BMI. Underweight as a BMI is 18. So... I mean, I guess it's cool if that how you want them to be. But it just struck me as really odd that all of your characters were like, literally falling-apart skin and bones skinny. So I thought I'd let you know. In case you were unaware.
Anacoana Sofia Hudson© (436240)

2013-06-17 08:26:41

i think i wanna marry you O.O sometime
Anacoana Sofia Hudson© (436240)

2013-06-13 08:21:50

Pretty Chasey
Jazzy Dílseacht Blacke (154980)

2013-06-10 06:49:02

Impressive entrance I must say.. I applaud you.
Anacoana Sofia Hudson© (436240)

2013-02-03 00:24:12

-Leo and Mike just flop down with a whine for a few moments only to be carted off to the character vault to wait for Logan and Chasey to return- <3
Zaelia (513412)

2012-12-15 19:07:51

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ It's the start of.....Snow Ball Fight 2012 & 2013! One rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!

2012-08-19 10:11:21

~The little annoyance jumped onto Bigger Logans back~ Hi Big me!! ~He cried loudly and purposly into his ear~
Anacoana Sofia Hudson© (436240)

2012-06-01 22:56:04

You have given Jordan a rating of 10.

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