Erika Dragen is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Erika Dragen (352428)"crawling into her bed after spending hundreds of turns in the gym to wait out the sun."

Last Active: 2016-04-29 23:43:15
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,267
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28780308 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780308 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record4,209/19,298/103
Win %18%
Last KilledCarmilla
Last Killed ByCount_Chazzy
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenShadow Moon Court
Coven Title (Rank)Elite Sabotuer (35)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 53k+



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Rank 25+

1k+ Wins

2.5k+ Power

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Married to Kuga Natsuki (364978) for 5205 days
1 Family Member

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Kuga Natsuki
Sunny Dawn
Ruby Grimm
VIP Member DarkAsh
Dead Gurl Cant Smile
Lucinda BloodRose

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This profile was edited with Reign Of Blood Customizer Greetings. My name is Erika. Welcome to my profile. If you did not mean to come to my profile, feel free to leave. I will not stop you. If, however, you came here to get to know me (though I am not quite sure why you would want to), here are some things about me.


First, I am new to this site. A few friends of mine recommended this site to me. That being said, I am still learning what to do here. Therefore, any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you wish to join me as a friend, I shall happily welcome you to my dark corner of the world.

Bloody rose Pictures, Images and Photos

Second, I belong to the Shadow Moon Court Coven, so please do not attempt to invite me to another coven. I like where I am, and I plan to stay.


I am part of a good family here. I care deeply for my mother Raven and my sisters Kibba and Viper.



I am married on this site to one of the kindest, most accepting people I`ve ever met, and it doesn`t hurt that she`s a vampire.


I recently celebrated my birthday with my lovely wife, Kuga Natsuki, and she was kind enough to give me this picture as a present.


I guess that is about it for now. If I feel it necessary to add any other information, I shall do it at another time. Thank you for taking time out of your no doubt busy day to check out my profile, and have a nice night.

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Erika Dragen's average rating out of 15 rates is 8.93/10


Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-11-10 05:04:33

*I shift into a wolf and quietly pad into the room, jumping carefully up onto the bed and laying down while I rest my head on your thigh*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-08-03 21:36:58

*I enter quietly carrying a large package wrapped in metallic purple paper with a bright blue ribbon around it and topped with a large matching bow. I set the box down near your favorite chair and tuck a card under the ribbon that reads "For your amusement" and signed with "Your Natsuki". I then turn to leave again, a wide grin on my face*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-23 08:14:47

*I spin around quickly and leap up to let the ball bounce off my head, sending it straight up in the air. I then flick my head as it comes down and send it back to you* Now I want to try it. I wonder if they make roller skates in wolf size?
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-22 12:00:59

*I jump up and twist around, letting my tail hit the ball like a bat and sending it back towards you* Hmm that sounds like fun, jet engines and roller skates. I bet I can break the sound barrier that way.
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-21 21:37:26

*I jump up to swat at the ball with my paws to send it moving towards the floor, before bouncing back up towards you and letting out a soft growl* Me give up caffeine? Not bloody likely. I'd rather have my tail shaved. *I then lower myself to the ground and leap up, doing a back flip in midair before landing on the floor and giving a happy bark* Red Bull may give you wings, but six shots of espresso gives you jet engines.
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-21 07:57:17

*I leap up into the air and tilt my head down just before it strikes the ball, sending the ball back in your direction and giving a happy yip when I land on the floor* At least we admit we are addicted.
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-20 10:16:19

*I quickly chug my iced coffee and set the now empty can on the table before I shift back into wolf. I then bounce back and forth infront of you as I watch you with the ball* My name is Natsuki and I am addicted to caffeine.
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-20 05:12:09

*I can't help but laugh at how fast you snatch a truffle from the box as I move to set it on a table for you. I continue to smile warmly as I watch you happily nibble on the truffle and I pop the top open on my iced coffee, bringing it up to my lips and drinking a quarter of the can in one go* Sometimes I wonder if just the mere mention of chocolate makes you hyper.
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-19 20:38:00

*at hearing your words, I suddenly shift into my natural form and catch the ball in my hand and grin at you* Now that is a brilliant idea. *tossing the ball in your direction I move as a blur into the kitchen and quickly reappear, a can of iced coffee in one hand and a small box of chocolate raspberry truffles in the other. I mischievous smile is on my lips as I look you* Care to join me?
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-19 11:13:08

*I leap forward and use my nose to send the ball back towards you, raising up and giving a sharp bark as I bounce to the side and my tail wagging faster* You don't have to tell me twice. *My bright blue wolf eyes follow the ball as it rolls towards you*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-19 02:15:34

*I lower the front of my body as I watch you with the ball, my hind quarters still at a normal level and my tail wagging happily in the air as I give a playful growl* You have to ask? You have a ball so of course I would like to play, please. *I then give a soft whine as I look at with you with the ultimate puppy eyes*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-17 10:01:48

*I yip and bark as a sort of laugh as I watch you happily bounce the ball near the bubble wrap, my tail stil wagging* I enjoy seeing you so happy, so it is ease for me to be good to you and spoil you. *I lower myself to the ground and then spring forward in an attempt to snatch the ball during a bounce*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-16 18:52:11

*I dash off into the bedroom once again, carefully grabbing the handle of a drawer with my teeth and pulling it open enough so I can reach in and grab something gently with my teeth. I then nudge the drawer with my head to close it before I race back to your side, my tail wagging as I lower my head in front of you and drop a purple metallic bouncy ball* If I am your enabler, I might as well make sure that you have all your favorite addictions at hand. *I nudge the ball in your direction and lift my head to give a sharp and happy bark*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-15 21:14:56

*upon hearing you I look up into your eyes, the bubble wrap hanging loosely from my jaws* I think that makes me an enabler to your addictions. *I let the bubble wrap fall from my mouth and move closer to you to let the tip of my nose touch yours briefly, my nose wiggling rapidly as I pull back* Let us not forget poking, you are addicted to that as well.
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-14 10:58:58

*I reach out with my paw and use my claws to press on several bubbles to pop them, my tail still thumping against the floor as it wags* You always amuse me, my dear, but I know well of your addiction with bubble wrap. *I stand up and grab a corner of the bubble wrap in my mouth, growling and giving my head a shake to pop several bubbles rapidly*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-13 06:13:36

*I watch you as you start excitedly start popping the bubbles and I start making barking yips as I laugh, eventually dropping down to lay on my side and my tail wagging as I see how happy you are* And this is why I keep some bubble wrap stashed away for you.
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-12 18:39:53

*with a yip I scramble up and run into the bedroom where you can hear the sounds of movement and shuffling of objects before I come back to your side, a roll of bubble wrap held in my mouth. I let the bubble wrap drop and I use my nose to nudge it into movement and unroll before I grab the edge of it with my teeth and move to drape it over you* Ask and ye shall receive, my dear wife. I have a stash for just such an occasion. *I nudge your head with mine in affection and then look at you with a slight grin on my wolf features*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-11 13:26:51

*my keen hearing picks up the sound of your fall and I quickly reverse direction and race to you. Once at your side, I lower my body to the ground next to yours and nudge your snout with mine gently* Do I need to wrap you in bubble wrap in this form too? *I quickly give your cheek a lick with my tongue and whine softly*
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-10 06:10:06

*I give a sharp bark before I leap off the bed and give chase after you* You are right, as always my dear. *I quickly catch up to you and jump over you, lightly touching your back with my paw* Tag, you're it.
Kuga Natsuki (364978)

2011-07-09 18:48:42

*I move closer to you on the bed and lean my head forward, allowing my nose to poke you in the shoulder and a warm snort of breath move your fur* But I got you first, twice. *I pull my head back quickly and my nose twitches rapidly just before I release a sneeze mixed with a soft bark, rubbing my muzzle with my paw afterwards* Only bad thing about wolf form is the fur in the nose.

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