Sunshine Birch is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Sunshine Birch (353331)"I love and care about you, Apate of Mesopotamia.❤️"

Last Active: 2024/09/18 23:53
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VIP/VIP+ Days1,047 / 258
Game Age5,265
Karma+/Verve+17,291 / 4,575
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles216 (+20%) See All
Missions R/P/S777/168/67
Battle Record1,644,291/138,291/91
Win %93%
Last KilledSierra W. Rojo ...
Last Killed ByArmand de Anjo ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent1108
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)Sanctum`s Ray Of Sunshine (98)
Coven VirtueAncient Gold Dragon (20)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 925mil+



List 15

Rank 4k+

750k+ Wins

100k+ Power

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Married to Solomon Birch (560898) for 2333 days

16 Family Members

Vitality 178941    Charm 10872
RP Posts 1363    Coven RP Posts 47
House Dublin Distillery   House Sunshine`s Bakery   House Belle Morte   House Belmonte Hotel   House Character Building   House New Player Academy   House Chronicles of Raine   House Gaming House   House The Asylum   House Order of the Kindred Muse   House The Black Viper  
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Solomon Birch
Shawn `Knox` Breach™
VIP Member Armand de Anjou
VIP Member Dreamweaver
is it Mildred?
VIP Member Ra!ine Amaran†hus
VIP Member Panth Frostbeard
VIP Member †Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon†
VIP Member Queenie Happy Lil Killer

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Sunshine Birch's average rating out of 2,212 rates is 9.66/10


Solomon Birch (560898)

2024-04-29 22:20:47

Solomon Birch (560898)

2023-05-31 21:38:46

Solomon Birch (560898)

2022-12-14 03:22:50

I love you baby. More than 'Mechs and almost as much as whiskey. [3]
Solomon Birch (560898)

2021-05-06 00:22:10

Today I woke up to one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. [love]
Solomon Birch (560898)

2021-01-07 11:33:44

[quote]“My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.”[/quote]

[3]I'll be your Juliet.[3]
Serenity A. Aerinil (582373)

2024-09-19 02:16:56

Congrats on list 15!
Anara (720042)

2024-09-19 00:20:58

Grats on list 15 [3]
Solomon Birch (560898)

2024-09-18 23:48:47

Sunshine Birch (353331) has just completed achievements LIST 15
#25 Being gorgeous [3][3][3]
Anara (720042)

2024-09-18 19:06:11

Oh no list 12 a good bit out of my reach :D

But thanks for the confidence
Solomon Birch (560898)

2024-09-18 02:56:26

Couldn't resist.
Luna Silvertongue (705389)

2024-09-17 02:04:10

Of course, anything for the ray of sunshine of this game :)
Quentin Chase Sainte (155523)

2024-09-16 07:41:29

Hey there Sunshine! Dizzi made it for me, I swore never to wear anyone else! Haha.
You have given Sunshine Birch a rating of 10. For you of course. pppqqqppp
Lethean Nex Sangriento (630804)

2024-09-16 00:48:29

Thank-you very much Sunshiney. I truly appreciate it. [hugme] [3]

Yeah, it is truly gut wrenching to have to finally let her go. But, it was even harder to have to watch her finally allow herself to do so when she was trying to hold on for fear of all of her loved One's and I not possibly being okay afterwords. So, although times are tough at the moment, I will be okay and all of her loved ones will be alright, as well. So, although bittersweet, I'm also very relieved that she's no longer suffering. [nod] [hugme] [3]

Also, thank-you for your well-wishes. And yes, please know that I have a huge crowd of loved ones of mine and of my Wife that are there for me, and everyone else. Although tis a bit overwhelming, I'm very blessed, and thankful, to have them at my side. I wish you and yours the best of blessings, toos. [nod] [3]

I loves thee Sunshiney. [hugme][3]
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659)

2024-09-15 15:16:27

anytime Lady Birch
Ra!ine Amaran†hus (256896)

2024-09-15 09:05:18

no u qq (come discord)
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2024-09-13 04:47:04

[i]You have given Sunshine Birch a rating of 10.[/i] [3] although I'd say I'm a bit biased :P Hopefully life doesn't stay too busy for long for you. qq
Rez Voronoy (153767)

2024-09-12 07:04:09

Hmm. I reckon I've been hacked or something. :D
Lord Armand of Wolfsblood (15951)

2024-09-12 01:23:24

You have given Sunshine Birch a rating of 10.

Many thanks for the well wishes. I am most fortunate indeed.
Aetheria Lostheart (747236)

2024-09-12 01:12:07

Angelus Fidela Night (325489)

2024-09-11 18:34:00

Thanks Sunshinepppqqqppp

Thinking of you from Eudaimonia Khalkotauvros (743792) - so sweet of you.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent Custard Fruit Tartlets and Croissants.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent white roses.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089) sent A Bouquet of Daisies and Sunflowers.
Imortalica Julique (299127) sent Butter cookies dipped in dark chocolate.
Thinking of you from Coraline Catori Duvall (744350) - Black Jasmine, Yellow Yarrow and Passionflower Chaplet
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent House Stark x Gryffrindor collection set.
Elia Martell of Dorne (649659) sent VS x BB body mist collection set.
I Love you from Solomon Birch (560898)
Immortal Pancake (299127) sent Golden Laurel Leaf Crown.

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