Brooke of Wolfsblood is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Brooke of Wolfsblood (362827)"Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once, i’ll kill you twice."

Last Active: 2024/01/04 17:41
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Game Age5,252
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Game LocationDead City
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Battle Record10,688/19,071/169
Win %36%
Last KilledJezebel
Last Killed ByQuentin Chase ...
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Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
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Married to Lucinda of Wolfsblood™ (253772) for 2946 days
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Smiley face

Name: Brooke of Wolfsblood

Alias: Brooke, Brookie, Brookiebear

Species/Bloodline: Wolf, Shifter / Wolfsblood

Age: 24

Sire: Ice of Wolfsblood

Family: After being changed from just a normal to a wolf shifter, by the gentleman and now alpha known as Ice of Wolfsblood, Brooke has become a member of the Wolfsblood pack. Truthfully Brooke is not related to any of the pack members since she is not blood connected to anyone in the pack. In fact the lovely female was changed and at one time before the disappearance of the alpha the female was a mistress to Ice.

Personality: How rude of you to ask.

Appearance: Brooke is a female with a pale complexion, with tattoos that decorate the skin of her shoulders, arms, back, abdomen, legs, and more. Dark black hair flows down to about her mid back in slight waves. She has a slim hour glass figure that draws others to her in interest, as a result on how she became a mistress. Scars appear to be placed on the female`s left shoulder barley missing her tattoos, her left side luckily not destroying more of the art on her skin. One scar is seen more than any other which slices from right above her left eye brow cutting down over her left eye to stop slightly below her deep brown almost black orbs. The scar is a memory she wears as a price one upsetting her alpha and now is where everyone can see. Smiley face

Attire: A long or short sleeved loose white or black shirt that hangs off one shoulder are articles that the female feels comfortable in. Short denim shorts or denim ripped skinny jeans usually cover the female`s legs depending on how she feels. Shoes are one thing the female usually wears unless within the city.

Weapons: Hm let me think about it first then they`ll be listed.

Abilities: After being changed by Ice the female has the ability to shift into a dark gray and black wolf, which is slightly larger than a normal wolf but not by much. Her sight, hearing, and sense of smell has been heightened thanks to her new ability to shift into a animal. Other than the ability to shift she has no other abilities known to her at least.

Smiley face

Feeding Habits: Like animals the female prefers to consume meat as a primary meal no matter if it be cooked or raw is fine with her. The meal itself can be anything from a animal to a human being as Brooke isn`t too picky on what she wants to eat

Weaknesses: Flaws that dwell within Brooke are that fact that she has a bad temper at times and she doesn`t know how to hold her tongue at times that she should. The short temper the female has is the reason that she adorns the scar that cuts through her left eye after she angered her alpha for attacking his mate. By all means do not piss this wolf off or she will lose her temper and snap back, which may just get her in trouble.

Dislikes: Shh.

Likes: To be tuned.


This is a work in progress.

Smiley face



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Brooke of Wolfsblood's average rating out of 77 rates is 9.09/10


Lucinda of Wolfsblood™ (253772)

2019-02-28 23:00:54

This the best marriage yet. You are an amazing woman and a fabulous wifey. I love and miss you too, lovely wifey. Here's to many more wondrous years together. [i]Smooches the wifey's cheek while snuggling close before sliding her tongue across the lovely wife's cheek.[/i]
Elayna DCXLV™ (315547)

2018-12-18 13:03:15

Baby girl, come out and play [3]
Lucinda of Wolfsblood™ (253772)

2018-08-21 07:02:20

This has been the longest marriage I have been in as well. Lets go for many more to come. I love you and miss you too, wifey <3

[i]Smooches the lovely lady's cheek gleefully.
i-am-ninja (701466)

2018-04-18 00:31:44

* pointing *

Pritty Kitty
Lucinda of Wolfsblood™ (253772)

2018-02-03 17:01:16

Love you too, wifey. [3] Here's to many more days!
Lucinda of Wolfsblood™ (253772)

2017-09-30 05:14:16

Happy 400 days, Wifey! I love and miss you too! [3] [3] [3] I hope all has been great.
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2017-04-18 19:55:32

Tyty qq
Elayna DCXLV™ (315547)

2017-01-24 03:59:43

Babygirl [3]
Elayna DCXLV™ (315547)

2016-05-20 18:07:49

love you baby girl [3]
Dria Fidela Pax (82469)

2016-01-10 17:25:16

How are you darling? <3
Dria Fidela Pax (82469)

2016-01-06 22:29:24

Mayris Stevens (355280)

2015-12-12 16:39:32

Tyler. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Legion (568468)

2015-11-25 19:35:18

I'm always just a message away boo[3]
Elayna DCXLV™ (315547)

2015-11-08 19:17:27

well well well [3]

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