Kuga Natsuki is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Kuga Natsuki (364978)"Regardless of which finger I choose, you're still wrapped. - From my wife Erika"

Last Active: 2014-09-23 15:40:47
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,246
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28780436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record33,337/103,407/56
Win %25%
Last KilledAilean G. Raev ...
Last Killed ByErra Sainte
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenShadow Moon Court
Coven Title (Rank)Lunar Agent (60)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 500k+



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Married to Erika Dragen (352428) for 5205 days
1 Family Member

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Erika Dragen
Lord Damien Atticus

Kuga Natsuki has 3 friends View All Friends


Onna Bugeisha

Even though you hold a sword over my heart I will not give up.

The river has no shape, but it takes on the boundaries which it carves out for itself, so is the mind boundless, until it creates a prison for its own thoughts.

Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves.

In honor of the marriage to the woman who puts up with my quirks as my in game wife.

A drawing of my beautiful wife Erika and I that was done by a friend of mine.

My beautiful wife Erika gave this to me for our 100 Days of Marriage, one of my favorites of her many gifts to me.

The Coven that I have sworn allegiance to.


What`s your inner spirit?

You are faithful and cautious. You tend to run with a group of others and like to have others around you. You are brave and also gentle.
How do you compare?
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Kuga Natsuki's average rating out of 17 rates is 6.12/10


Lesath Shadowlight (339349)

2011-12-09 01:16:35

:) Not every day we celebrate the birthday...
Lesath Shadowlight (339349)

2011-12-08 23:42:14

Happy birthday! :)
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-11-11 01:31:35

*I look up from the book I'm currently reading to look down at your head on my thigh. I smile and pet you lightly on the head.*
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-08-04 00:32:52

*I enter the room and spy the package near my chair. Curious, I sit down in the chair and pull out the card, smiling as I read it. I open the box to find a large roll of bubble wrap. My smile grows and I do a little happy dance in the chair before beginning to pop the bubbles.*
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-23 22:31:03

*As the ball comes toward me, I thrust my head forward, letting the ball bounce off of it as it heads back to you.* I hope so. Now I'm tempted to try it!
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-22 12:32:05

*Feeling the rush of sugar hit my system, I copy your move and swat at the ball with my tail, sending it back to you.* It's possible. *I think about you in roller skates attached to jet engines and giggle.*
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-22 11:26:52

*I giggle at the image of you in my head with a shaved tail, then headbutt the ball as it comes down toward me to send it back at you.* And three truffles gives you roller skates.
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-21 08:07:55

*I watch the ball carefully, then bring a paw up to swat it back to you.* Yep. Admitting that we are addicted is the first step to recovery. Still, I'm not sure I want to be cured of this addiction.
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-21 06:43:35

*I toss the ball back at you and grin.* My name is Erika, and I am addicted to sugar.
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-20 05:56:32

*I pause, halfway through a truffle, to think about that.* I am a sugar addict, and I will happily admit it. *I pick up the ball and roll it around with a paw as I finish off the first truffle and pick up another one.*
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-19 23:45:16

*I blink in confusion as you switch forms and take off, then my eyes grow wide as you return with coffee and sugar.* Chocolate! *I snatch a chocolate raspberry truffle from the box and nibble on it happily.* Thank you!
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-19 12:47:42

*I wait until the ball gets close, then I headbutt it, sending it back to you.* The only way this could be more fun is if I had sugar and you had caffeine.
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-19 10:28:38

*I look at you and giggle as you use the puppy dog look on me.* Play! *I gently swat the ball at you with a paw and crouch, preparing for the return.*
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-17 22:22:30

*I see you pounce on the ball out of the corner of my eye, and snatch it before you are able to get it.* Want to play too?
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-16 23:48:46

*I watch you dart off into the bedroom with a slightly confused look. Upon seeing you return, though, my eyes grow wide and I grin.* Ball! *I leap through the air and pounce on the ball, dragging it over to the bubble wrap and beginning to bounce it around.* You are far too good to me.
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-16 00:31:39

*I grin as I pop a few more bubbles.* Most definitely. You are my enabler, and you are awesome for it. *I watch your nose as it pokes mine briefly, then I wiggle my nose at you.* That is true. I need to add that to the list.
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-15 10:45:33

*I cheer and continue to pop bubbles as I watch you get in on the fun.* Yes, I am definitely addicted. My name is Erika and I am addicted to sugar, shiny things, and bubble wrap.
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-13 23:41:17

*I look up from my bubble wrap to see you laughing and wagging your tail.* I am always happy to entertain you, especially when you give me bubble wrap to play with. *I gently push a corner of the bubble wrap toward you.* Want to play with me?
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-13 02:20:23

*I watch in confusion as you dart into the bedroom, then my eyes go wide as I see you emerge with a roll of bubble wrap. As the bubble wrap is draped over me, a huge grin lights up my face.* Bubble wrap! *I begin frantically popping bubbles as I see them.*
Erika Dragen (352428)

2011-07-12 01:41:05

*I hop to my feet quickly, shaking my head and checking to make sure I haven't hurt myself. Noticing your concern, I gently poke you in the nose with my own* I'm okay, though I wouldn't say no to a sheet of bubble wrap if you had some.

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