†High†Priest†of†Night† is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

†High†Priest†of†Night† (366030)"Was a woken, looking to see why from my Mountain......."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 12:41
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,242
Karma+/Verve+12 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles20 (+5%) See All
Missions R/P/S181/1/8
Battle Record66,458/121,341/484
Win %36%
Last KilledLethean Nex Sa ...
Last Killed ByTobias Morde†h ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent3
Coven Draco Ascender Sanctum
Coven Title (Rank)†Dragon†Protector† (98)
Coven VirtueLeaving The Nest (1)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 10mil+



List 1

Rank 500+

50k+ Wins

10k+ Power

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Married to †Lady†Dragon†Echo† (333440) for 5137 days

Vitality 125    Charm 0
RP Posts 0    Coven RP Posts 0
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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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VIP Member Dreamweaver
VIP Member †Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon†

†High†Priest†of†Night† has 37 friends View All Friends


This profile was crafted by High Priest of Night


Welcome to all who visit the Green Dragon and Lady Echooo, The Green Dragon is from a time long ago before time was known. Those who know of the Old Ways will know of those times Before Avalon and Merlin. Where you will find the Green Dragon and the Lady Echooo, who rule over all that was, all that is and all that will be...

Before the time of Vampires and Lycan.......

Lady Echooo and Green Dragon, Married 26 August 2010

Our Cross to Seal all Seals....

Celtic Cross and Me

Our Home among the mountains of the Mist that surround Our Castle, which only friends that believe in wisdom, light and Dragons can see the Castle.

Mist Mountians and Green Dragon Castle

Upon arrival look for the door with the crest of the Green Dragon... this is the true door all else lead to a horrible death, even for a Vampire or Lycan.... those with true Blood will find the crest though there inner knowledge

The Keep Crest

Yesterday is but a dream

And tomorrow is only a vision,

But today well lived

Makes every yesterday a dream of Happiness

And every tomorrow a Vision of Hope,

Look well, therefore to this day!

Such is the salutation to the dawn.

Dragon Rose

Lady Echooo`s Yellow Rose of life

The Moon Dragon.. of Echooo

Coven Level Up



   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











†High†Priest†of†Night† 's average rating out of 109 rates is 8.65/10


Dreamweaver (248485)

2024-03-30 04:50:53

Happy Birthday !

Sacred Gloom (746084)

2024-02-03 00:16:58

Thanks for accepting my friend request. Cheers.
Lydea Mey (292043)

2024-01-07 01:47:51

..I have only ever heard the legends.. Welcome back to the game! (AAR) Skål!
Khalkotauvros Eudaimonia (735383)

2024-01-01 07:58:22

Happy new year
Johnny Bravo (326733)

2024-01-01 05:55:25

[c=purple]It's good to see you again.[/]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-12-30 04:33:46

You have given †High†Priest†of†Night† a rating of 10.
†Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† (329552)

2023-09-22 14:44:07

[c=indigo] You have given †High†Priest†of†Night† a rating of 10... my eyes must be seeing things, is true, the green dragon has arrived for a visit? ... [/]
Dreamweaver (248485)

2023-09-22 12:48:04

OMG !!!

So good to see you :)
Dreamweaver (248485)

2020-07-23 08:43:40

So good to see you logged on.
Sorry I wasn't around at the time.
†Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† (329552)

2016-04-23 05:20:32

You have given †High†Priest†of†Night† a rating of 10.
Been so long dearest friend I miss you & I miss our dear friend Mary too I have been in hospital & am in a recovery house but I'm feeling like life is still being a bit of a bitch you know? Love you dear priest, [i] Angelina leaves a basket of tea & scones from daylesford just for remembering old times... [/i] when you return pop into 'the family room' please...
Mrs Charming (369059)

2015-12-03 06:01:29

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2015! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Aurora Kitten B. Fidela. (449556)

2015-12-01 13:36:17

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2015! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
Aurora Kitten B. Fidela. (449556)

2015-08-14 12:38:21

You have given †High†Priest†of†Night† a rating of 10. hugs
Mrs Charming (369059)

2014-12-31 23:13:04

Happy New Year! Lots of health, happiness and luck [hugme]
Aurora Kitten B. Fidela. (449556)

2014-12-02 13:44:48

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ Snow Ball Fight Xmas 2014! As usual there is but one rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!!
†Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† (329552)

2014-02-14 14:52:29

You have given †High†Priest†of†Night† a rating of 10.
†Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† (329552)

2014-02-14 14:51:35

You have given †High†Priest†of†Night† a rating of 10.
Mrs Charming (369059)

2014-01-01 10:24:13

Happy New Year :)
Mrs Charming (369059)

2013-12-23 21:07:47

---===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O -----===O ---==O ----- ===O ---==O -----===O ---==O -----===O You have just been hit with the 1st snow ball! ~ It's the start of.....Snow Ball Fight 2012 & 2013! One rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!! ...I don't want you to miss some snow this year...
V (254441)

2013-03-22 08:22:59

You're right behind me in the power list ;D Missed you a lot, I hope everything will be fine for you

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