Abbigale M. Pascal© is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Abbigale M. Pascal© (368883)"So long as the embers burn, The F L A M E will always return"

Last Active: 2017-05-05 11:37:02
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,236
Karma+/Verve+11 / 0
Game LocationGreenwood
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles19 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S207/3/0
Battle Record82,518/164,396/398
Win %34%
Last KilledCeleste<3
Last Killed ByNatesinZ
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent20



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Abbigale M. Pascal©'s average rating out of 253 rates is 8.64/10


Joshua Stormlighter (640984)

2020-11-14 08:06:32

You have given Abbigale M. Pascal© a rating of 10.

Miss you around here!!
Dewb~SLeighin (719401)

2018-10-07 05:58:03

Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal (417226)

2017-12-19 10:41:52

-Stormy grays would open quietly, the breeze of gentle winds lifting a mane of thick raven locks that was now long enough to fall down past his waist. Gone was his heavily furred cloak of days gone, lost as it was with his true form within the depths of the Night-Mother's embrace. But the sleeveless black shirt that hugged tight against his lithe torso bore it's purpose in the silver crescent moon upon it's back that marked those of the Avvorin, hidden deeply beneath the forests of his lengthy tresses. Pale arms were crossed calmly over his chest, almost showing the reservation he had to step forward.

He'd trace the familiar form of their Mother's former sanctum, eyes lifting to the darkened windows above only to fall to the porch where once they had taken beverage with Mother and the Satan who had been her ever-present guardian. With long, but slow strides he would drift his way over to where those very same seats they had sat upon at that time, after crossing the night-damp grass a small flight of steps would be all that needed to be crossed before he was standing before them. Lifting his gaze o look up and around the obviously renovated face of, he'd turn in order to sink weightlessly into one of the chairs.

There he would stay, with sanctuary now unavailable to him it was here that he would come to rest and perchance see his adored sister once more-
Mikhail (152771)

2017-08-26 05:33:06

I miss you more than you know, darling. [3] [3] [3] [peck] [hugme] [hugme] Please return to me soon.
Dreamweaver (248485)

2017-07-18 06:52:09

~ Flies by and leaves a feather ~
Joshua Stormlighter (640984)

2017-05-15 04:06:03

You have given Abbigale M. Pascal© a rating of 10.

Hope everything is going's been a while!!:)
Cae Stryker (257958)

2017-05-11 20:17:50

You have given Abbigale M. Pascal© a rating of 10. [3]
Mikhail (152771)

2017-05-06 13:10:37

[3] [3]
Mikhail (152771)

2017-05-03 08:48:58

You are pure genius. Mwuahaha!
Mikhail (152771)

2017-05-03 08:45:54

Omg Abbi. [roll] You did it! [3] [3] [3] [hugme]
Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2017-05-02 16:23:15

Hiya qq <3
Jazzy Dílseacht Blacke (154980)

2017-05-01 11:14:51

[i] Would begin to pure. How she missed Momma affections so much.[/i] I am not code smart like that. [i] Chuckles.[/i] When you disappeared I opted to get adopted. MommaBear did the profile. She's well known for great profile work. All else aside, I hope you stay but if you decide not to, let me know?
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2017-05-01 08:17:10

It's good to see you too! And yes you poofed and I pretty much hardly venture out to talk to people again. [3] so makes for a lot of missed time
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2017-05-01 07:55:48

Also I swear I can type in proper sentences even if that last comment says otherwise xD
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2017-05-01 07:54:47

Just my normal name [hehe] this is the one most on hear know me by [peck] [3]
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2017-05-01 07:28:18

You my dear, are very loved [3] I hope you know that.
Evelyn D. Night (150390)

2017-05-01 05:09:58

You have given Abbigale M. Pascal™ a rating of 10. qq
Kitteh (185423)

2017-05-01 01:34:03

Thank you and a 10 in return. [3]
Jazzy Dílseacht Blacke (154980)

2017-04-30 23:40:44

In any case. Whether it be a short visit, or a lengthy stay, I'll be here getting things done. [i] Squeaks and cuddles the woman she has adored since forever.[/i] I've been way better these days. Lots of good changes in my RL. Makes it easier to be on here more and forge new bonds. How have you been gorgeous? [3]
Jazzy Dílseacht Blacke (154980)

2017-04-30 16:14:55

Is you back?!? :o It's been a while MommaMine. [3]

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