annie baby CHARLIE death is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)"I have the moon's magic between my legs, the serpent of power between my hips, the goddess' witchcraft in my lips..."

Last Active: 2024/09/19 17:35
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VIP/VIP+ Days56 / 18
Game Age5,223
Karma+/Verve+567 / 1,920
Game LocationVadenhill
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles108 (+17%) See All
Missions R/P/S473/19/57
Battle Record440,048/126,661/1,325
Win %78%
Last KilledAeryn
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Wins/Blood Today19/4,959
Avg. Blood261
WP Spent246
Coven Hotel 404
Coven Title (Rank)Their Highness (69)
Coven VirtueConcierge (6)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 24mil+

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VIP Member Gioconda Serpico Shahar™
VIP Member Elijah Asher Shahar™
VIP Member Dizzi ****kin` Sainte
VIP Member Quentin Chase Sainte
VIP Member Acid Sainte
VIP Member PrincessChelseaGealtach™
VIP Member Meona Draecei
Kaan Kadar
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annie baby CHARLIE death has 75 friends View All Friends










Brennan Rego Malik (602429)

2024-08-21 22:27:13

Ghost (282924)

2024-08-12 06:41:22

Meona Draecei (745071)

2024-06-13 09:52:30

Bumble, where do I even begin? I got so much I wanna say and so little space to say it. I love you to death man. You have really come through and been there for me when I was broken and needed someone to lean on. Without question you were there supporting me and I will forever be grateful for you. Just remember, as much as I am stuck with you, you are also stuck with me. I love love love love you and I am so freaking grateful I have you in my life. You got my love and support in everything you for life.
Elijah Asher Shahar™ (179572)

2024-05-24 20:01:39

happy birthday my sweet demon! i am proud of the woman you've matured over knowing you and the resilience that runs deep. i'm honored to call you my daughter! i'll also have you know i wrote this entire thing in lower case just for you. [3]
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2023-01-31 01:54:42

My lil Abyssal Demon, you are the most beautiful little demonic creature your father and I could ever ask for, and I love you to absolute pieces. Just a reminder you know?
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:56:59

What good fortune that this form of insanity makes sense
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:48:38

Isn't it? It's all made up...but we understand it.
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:45:24

Certainly there is a word for everything....I dare not try to remember the one for this phenomenon myself...or google for being frustrated I did not recall something I should have known or once knew
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:40:46

See, my problem is I know the concept of what I wish to say but often cannot recall the word
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:39:15

I'm far too familiar with the words not wording - moreso than the editing certainly
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:32:10

I'd have done the same!
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:28:41

That would have made me not touch another edit for months. It is strange how many little things such as that can make a difference in a large way
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:26:24

That is a smart shortcut - I often resorted to the same...and even then they would sometimes end up different
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:21:41

When I was doing them myself - I frequently had to recrop and crop again. I understand the struggle
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:18:05

Certainly so just the images alone can be stressful enough to handle.
Noah Black (734468)

2024-09-14 03:17:34

You have given your feedback

A heart for you always too :)
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:10:55

Yes, the few layouts I tried to do myself often saw many resizing of the images to fit how they should. Another reason the few IG million is worth having someone else sort it out :)
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:08:23

I tried creating my own for awhile. Something always seemed off when I did. I'm uncertain if the disconnect was RoBs coding or myself. Or both.
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 03:00:41

That's an apt analogy. Others are certainly talented around here just as well - Sunshine just has that certain knack for nailing the vision.
Gideon. (745461)

2024-09-14 02:58:45

She does! I would trust no other at this point

Kodiak Sainte (751730) sent all the stuufed animals.
I Love you from Angelus Strix™ (728551) - I love you eternally, my heart <3
Happy Birthday from Elijah Asher Shahar - happiest of birthdays to you my sweet abyssal demon. You make me so proud!
Happy Anniversary from Unapologetic Valentino (744035) - Happy 30 days. I love you!
Congratulations from Elijah Shahar (179572) - Rank 1000

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