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Achlys Masalis (376116)"The universe doesn't care whether you live or die. You just do or don't."

Last Active: 2024/08/07 22:42
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Elizabeth Pavlis
Ophelia Lovarian

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Tiny feet padded as silently as possible through the dark house, the small girl holding in her breath as she approached the room she wasn’t allowed to enter. The door was slightly ajar, and only the faintest sliver of a glow from candlelight could be seen. Wide brown eyes peeked in, and she watched as figures in black hooded cloaks stood solemn around a table. A fairly rotted corpse lay on an altar table in front of them, but the little girl could barely see it enough to tell whether it was male or female, if it was even possible to tell.

There was a hushed murmur from the group gathered around the table, and though it was difficult to tell, their heads were bent in concentration. Achlys’ heart pounded so hard in her chest in anticipation, she feared she would be caught. The table began to tremble, as did the corpse that lay atop of it, and a strong wind seemed to sweep through the room. A blast of cold air escaped through the tiny crack and hit Lys, and she shivered, pulled her shawl tighter around her.

The corpse shuddered as if the chill had bothered it too, but then it sat up. Its head twisted one way and then the other as if popping its neck, and then a raspy voice left it. “Why have you summoned me into this vessel of decayed flesh?”

With wide eyes, Achlys stumbled back in surprise. She knew her parents were a part of a coven of necromantic witches, she had witnessed them raise the dead and communicate with spirits before, after all. But she had never seen them summon a spirit, only to insert it into a body. Lys had already begun her training, and she could recall what her mother had told her; that doing so was not only against the coven’s rules - after all, they weren’t evil contrary to popular belief in their village - but it was extremely powerful magic that a single witch would be unable to cast by themself.

Without waiting to hear whatever reply was given to the spirit, Lys ran through the house towards her room, this time, without caring whether she made noise or not.

“Come on, come on!” Achlys muttered, her fingers splayed out on top of her dead cat. Tears were streaming down her face, and she was throwing all of her focus in trying to raise the feline back from the dead. The Persian had lived a pretty fulfilling life at fifteen, but Lys had loved the animal since her family adopted him as a newborn when she was four. Friends had not come easy for her, because of her magic and the fear it struck in people who didn’t understand it. But Casper? He didn’t hold that against her.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, Casper stayed dead. The only friend she’d ever had in this world, gone. And there was nothing she could do about it.

With a cry of frustration, the brunette teenager sat back, looking at the corpse of her beloved pet as she sobbed. She felt a comforting hand lay on her head, and she looked up into the face of her mother, who though she appeared stern, was actually a kind woman.

“I’m so sorry about Casper.” Her mother crouched, to the best of her abilities since her skirts made the task difficult, to get to Lys’ level. “I know you love him. But sometimes, death is a very permanent thing. Sometimes, resurrection is impossible. And besides, Casper wouldn’t be the same cat he was.”

Memories of a spirit being thrust into a rotting corpse filtered into her mind, and she said, “You did it before. The whole coven. That body. I remember you putting a spirit into it. Why can’t we just summon Casper’s soul and use his own body as the vessel?”

Her mother looked taken aback, surprised that her daughter even knew about that night. Shaking her head, she responded sadly, “That’s not how it works. Whatever you think you saw that night… It wasn’t a resurrection. I can’t tell you what it was, exactly, because as I said, it’s not something we typically do. We were desperate. If we did that to Casper, we would not only be breaking coven rules, but Casper would be a minion of darkness.”

Achlys scoffed. “‘Minion of darkness’? He’s a cat. He’s not an evil being.”

With a squeeze of her shoulder, her mother got to her feet. “I’m sorry Achlys, we cannot do that. It’s not worth the risk. You have to let him go.”

text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here

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Mortal Name|| Seda Yilmaz
Age || 1292
Species || Jinn
Alignment || Chaotic Evil
Face Claim || Demet Ozdemir

Seda does not come from this dimension, but instead a parallel one. In her world, she is a being of smoke and fire with the ability to see ours without us seeing her. For several centuries, she would travel from her dimension to this one for no other reason than to cause chaos and destruction. When she comes to our world, she takes the form of a beautiful Turkish woman and will often lure people into a false sense of security before possessing them and making their physical form perform the most heinous deeds, only to either kill the victim of her possession or allow them to suffer the consequences of her actions.

In the last three centuries, Seda has come to find this dimension as her home, and she has spent more time on this plane than her own. And since she is bound to no deity or place, she has spent her time travelling all over the world, leaving a trail of bedlam in her wake.

Name|| Verónica Salgado
Age || 134
Species || Nagual (shapeshifter/vampire)
Alignment || Chaotic Neutral
Occupation || Nightclub La Pantera Negro owner located in Lunae City; occasional performer
Face Claim || Kirstie Maldanado

The Salgado family was one of the first families to be citizens of Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua in Mexico. Juana Salgado was very pregnant with Verónica when they settled, and within a month gave birth. Unfortunately, the stress of such a big move at 8 months took its toll on Juana, and she died in childbirth, leaving Javier to raise their daughter alone.

Javier took to drinking, and when he drank, he became extremely violent. Growing up, Verónica (known as Vero, to her friends), would find herself beaten black and blue at the hands of her father. It went on for years, and even after she reached adulthood, she could never free herself from his abusive grasp. After being forbidden from ever seeing her lover ever again, along with receiving the worst beating she`d ever gotten, Vero had enough and begged for someone, anyone to hear her prayers to help her. Instead of God answering her prayers, however, it was Diablo. He needed a sacrifice, and in exchange, he would grant her a power that would assist in her being able to... Get rid of her problem. Vero refused to kill an innocent, and so Diablo accepted her soul in return for the ability to shapeshift into a jaguar. The downside? She`d need to feed on blood to live, and she would live a very long life.

The risk was worth it, at least to her desperate mind at the time, and she accepted the terms. When she awoke the next morning, she was nude and covered in blood. Her father`s corpse was mauled and unrecognizable. She fled Mexico without a word to anyone, afraid of her fate if her pact and the murder of her father been discovered.



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Achlys Masalis's average rating out of 456 rates is 8.33/10


Roxanne (515841)

2022-07-09 17:03:53

hello again:)
Noah Black (734468)

2020-10-26 18:52:54

You have given Achlys Masalis a rating of 10.

Thomas J. Lovarian (599264)

2020-10-20 03:13:57

You have given Achlys Masalis a rating of 10.

Absolutely stunning! qq
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2020-10-18 23:16:23

It is isn't it? I put Lilura to rest and have been fully focused on Morana and her storyline. I have branched out slightly after a long while in my own bubble so maybe it can happen? And most definitely do not need drama lol it's not good for us.
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2020-10-18 22:56:08

Not too bad honestly been working on finding my way back to some semblance of active and happy on here lol nothing is like it used fo be though
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2020-10-18 22:17:35

How are you?
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2020-10-18 19:53:25

Welcome back
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2020-10-18 00:31:52



*slaps a 10*
Elizabeth Pavlis (272712)

2019-09-13 05:08:07

Jorge Lopez (698364)

2019-01-08 01:34:37

Thank you! I'm looking forward to learning a lot from all of you.
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2018-12-10 03:33:26

Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2018-11-14 18:09:01

Ride or die. Always. [3]
-- D A R K -- (85300)

2018-11-12 19:24:57

Back-light. Just kinda killin and deciding what I wanna do. Nothing big, honestly. A lot has changed in 6 years!
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2018-11-06 23:53:30

Welcome [i]home[/i].
Darcy A. Night (187992)

2018-11-06 18:07:11

Welcome back <3
Valentine (95136)

2018-11-03 02:12:15

Ugh, why you so messy....
Joshua Stormlighter (640984)

2018-11-01 02:05:59

You have given Nymira Blake S. Night a rating of 10.

Always have enjoyed your profiles Nymira, here and beyond this realm.
Ligeia (648620)

2018-10-17 11:35:58

You have given Nymira Blake S. Night a rating of 10.
Judanius A. Netjer (682192)

2018-09-26 01:31:34

-stifles her laughter to the best of her ability only to shriek in shock and horror upon being discovered, recoiling further into the small room of shadows and hanged clothing- No no no NO! You cheated! -k-
Judanius A. Netjer (682192)

2018-09-22 23:16:13

-scree’s and dodges into a closet, hiding- qq First you gotta find me~

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