Nathaly C.R Dílseacht is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)"Impudent of you to assume I shall meet a mortal end."

Last Active: 2024/09/16 21:48
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Last Killed BySunshine Birch
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Murder Most Foul

I know that the price of resurrection is steep. I have paid it many times myself, yet I wonder... What can be taken from someone with no soul to give? Nothing to bare when the finality of time and betrayal wrap around you, crushing from within as the heavy weight cascades, your corpse to rot for all eternity.

A question for the poets and theologists.

Though, for as fond as I was of you, my sire, my beloved, nothing can compare to the pain of knowing what you took from me: life. It was a crushing blow; I thought I had you for forever, not knowing the time you were plotting against me.

I am not a pretty thing to be kept in a bow, yet you tried to restrain me. For fifty years, while idle curiosity grew, you kept me by your side, a caged bird.

The Price You Pay

I was not meant for that type of life. I was always a curious girl, led to being a curious woman. My mother, God save her soul, taught me to question things. Taught me to be brave and take chances. I learnt nothing from my father, though I inherited his black moods.

You had that idle curiosity stifled for so long, me believing to be in constant danger from The Reviled. Yet... She never came for us. For me. So confident were you that I would be safe, that you left me on the hill, to fend for myself.

I wandered for years, lost, looking for something to cling to in this unending life that stretched before me. I licked the boots of those I needed to to survive in this cruel world.

I found what I needed. Her name was Ridley.

She and I would make our own world.

Build Me A Cathedral

In the quiet nights, you promised me we would shape a world in our making. They were easy promises to make as your lips lingered against my neck, our bodies entwined as if to make our own heir. I would have given you one if I could, yet that was another thing you took that night in Paris. The function of a woman... At least it was in those days.

Yet it was always her you returned to, in Estonia, where I was left in a safehouse, while you bent your knees and did as she bid. You led me to think I was special... Yet it seems I was nothing more than a puppet for you to play with. I was often lonely; you were quiet, pensive, downcast, yet to bring me to this life was a choice you made. You chose to save me. You chose to keep me.

What happened to our empire? What happened to the roses you would decorate me with as I drank sweet nectar from a handsome boys` neck? Was it all just late night whispers after we curled against each other?

I will build an empire; your corpse as the cathedral, your ribcage as the hollowed halls, the wisp of my voice to echo through where your black heart was kept. I will build an empire; your skull as my goblet as I entertain my foe. I will tell them this is the skull of the man I once loved and smile sweetly at them.

Oh, Death

I buried your body away from my empire; you will not disturb the living, or my thoughts, once more. I did not mark your grave with your name; you and her did not deserve that. It must have disturbed you to see how high I had climbed, up the vines of society, clawing over the memories and dust those from before me had left.

Did you think I would give it up so easily?

I have my mothers face; kind, caring, loving.

But my temper... My temper I got from my father.

Dear Brother

I remember you as a small boy who over watered plants because he cared too much.

I remember lazy Summer months playing in the farm, rolling around in the hay with the other children from the near town. I remember Spring splashes in the small creeks and valleys, of which there were many. I remember Autumn exploring the rolling hills as they went from green to golden.

Yet it was Winter that broke my heart. The cold seeped in and coiled around, and you always passed me an extra blanket to keep me warm, and raised your hand to keep me unharmed from our father. Winter was when he was at home most, and it was a terrible time.

Yet I always had you.

Rot Of The Mind

I will never pretend to know of the horrors you underwent while with The Reviled. Yet, I witnessed your death, saw the axe penetrate your chest, crush your gentle heart.

I had reconciled with the fact that you were gone. I had made my peace, made you a grave, and lay flowers at your headstone.

But you were not dead... At least not physically.

The boy of my youth was turned into a monster before my eyes. Your eyes did not sparkle with kindness; but with malice and cruelty.

Your actions, were far worse. I know what gifts you possess; foresight. Yet you wield it like a sword, to cut down those who seek help from you.

Come back, Nathaniel. Come back to our summers when we were close. Leave the winter of your life.

Just A Soldier

You were never one for violence; always seeking a peaceful remedy when squabbles broke out. Yet the actions you commit, the barbarity, the readiness to murder, shock me. The ease with which you go to violent means troubles me. Violence is in our nature, our blood, as Mallaichte... Yet you slip so easily from calm to manic.

I wish to have you back; all your broken shards and hollow eyes. I wish to have you back; in tatters and in this life that stretches before me. I will help you piece yourself back together, help you find joy in this life where you can.

For you, Nathaniel, I would give my all.


You were never locked away, despite what your newspaper interviews and delusions believe. You were kept safe so you would have somewhere to try to call home. You were kept away, so you could heal. For a time you were.

I do not know what happened, yet after that first year of you being back, there were echoes of the boy I knew; the softness in your smile, the glint that came back in your eyes... Then it left near as quick as it appeared. You took some joy in reading, and learned to control your impulses. It took time, but I thought you were healing.

Even in all the chaos you caused with your outbursts. Even throwing a knife at the names of my children on a tapestry, I would have forgiven you if you broke through whatever spell she put on you. We were together in life; me the dark sky, you the bright sun. I wanted that in this new life.

Violence and death sit on your shoulders. Even now, you sit, you hide, and you plan, waiting to claw what is mine from me.

You will not have it.

The Games We Play

The Tower is not an easy place to get to. It requires perseverance, stubbornness, creativity, and fortitude. All apt qualities to serve this coven, built upon the graves of the greatest people I have known. It went by a different name, that was the best of us: Infinita Elementorum.

Yet betrayal, subterfuge, and chaos brought the towers crashing down, killing two of my greatest rivals, but killing and wounding so many more.

I grieved their losses, yet we must move on. We healed, as best we could. We re-built the hollow shell that was left. We made new towns so any tragedy would not have the same effect. Yet there was a darkness in my mind; I grew paranoid about the future, my own foresight weak in light of my brothers greater, yet misused ability. All I received were fractured glimpses of blood and bodies.

I stole away to do what I must, taking me away from home and hearth for nearly a year. To destroy the last remnants of my bloodline.


War rumbled on through this city like a cape swept over the Peninsula. One day that family was on top, the next day, a new one. It was a never-ending cycle of calamity.

The reprieve was rare, yet it happened, though for a fleeting moment. People took their chances to rebuild carefully, taking the moment for what it was: an imbalance in the battle for power. It was a constant battle, yet every war must have its moments of silence.

The Tower fought, to protect its lands and people. And we will continue to fight like all others.


In the quiet moments, we were able to exist as one, working on our goals and quests; filling our homes with wonderful people; exploring the land we called home and the other creatures who venture here from all over the planet.

In times of peace, the world held its breath waiting for the next move towards the collapse of this brittle moment. It always came. There was a hunger in the Peninsula for blood, and nearly all answered that call.

When wars raged, creatures planned for peace. When the still of night came... They planned for war. So this cycle rages on, for all us to suffer.

High Priestess

When we enter this immortal life, we are granted some powers, and some more so than others. I rest my laurels on my wits and being able to manipulate the emotions of those around me. Yet, I have a quieter power still, shared only because it is the dominant one of my brother: foresight.

I am allowed glimpses into the future, mere seconds of time to make sense of the world. In the fragments I have seen chaos unbridled and joy like no other. Yet, still, I must predict and use my wits to keep my home safe.

I serve my home as the High Priestess, my followers spreading word of our powers and gifts throughout the Peninsula, the strongest to answer our call. Death sits next me, her white horse by her side. The Magician guides and molds people to our ways and life.

We keep our home safe, us three, yet the drums of war bang on.

The White Rose

Roses. A romantic symbol, particularly the red. Yet they also mean to endure. To have grace. To have humility. That is what it means to be a Dílseacht. To have the start of a new life.

We were all wanderers at one point, yet through the mutual respect and bonds that grew to love and had the strength of steel... The family grew.

Ridley was my first, my heir, my beloved. Emerson, the first son, a protector of the family. Then Skyla, who had her own troubles, yet loved as best she could. Rose, my glorious fae child, who taught me all the good in the world I know. Talanna, who is stronger than she could ever know, and rules wisely. Felix, my young son, a demon who conquers himself time and time again. Jasmedra, an accomplished young woman in her own right, and dearly beloved.

This was the core of my family. There were others before... But they did not fit the bill, or had ideas too grand for their position, wanting more than they could ever claim to have.

For a while, we settled in a manor which grew in beauty every time a new family member joined us.

The white bloomed above all others, for a time.


There were more who claimed my heart in the years that followed.

My brother Wyatt, a strong protector and guide in difficult times. Evelyn, who over a drink and a strange request, became one of my closest confidantes and supporters. Madigan, who I have known for years, and who`s parents would be the only ones I would honour with the words "mother and father". Macaria, though our paths have always intertwined, they ran parallel for a time, now entwined again as she joined my family.

We were harmonious, joyous, and giddy with what happiness our family could provide each other.

The Black Rose

Until Nathaniel.

For a time he was obedient, looked to improve, yet there was a darkness that surrounded him... Always threatening to swallow him whole.

He feigned interest just to be involved, and he took himself away when his rage got the best of him. Until he threw knives at the names of my children, murdered a reporter and sent the head back with a daggar and message in it: a black rose, a clear division he wanted to make between us.

I knew he had sired, a young man called Benjamin Dílseacht. It pained me to think he was the rightful heir of everything I had built up. In his mind, there was no one better.

Let him make his family. Let him cause strife. He knows what I am; let him come, if he has the courage.


For my children, I must present an air of authority, yet deep down, Nathaniel`s betrayal is a wound I do not think I shall recover from.

It pains me deeply that he resents those who tried to care for him so.

Yet he has made his own way in this life. He is cast out, made an exile... Yet he is still my blood, and I know should he say the right words, I will crumble.

The Mallaichte bloodline was founded on the back of the first murder: where brother murdered brother for a perceived slight. Must I too be put in the same position?

Nathaniel believes in "the greater good" as all tyrants and monsters do. He would sacrifice the life of the person he cared for most, to see his goal achieved. As long as he is on top, he cares not for who falls in the way; it would be a necessary sacrifice.

There is a curse in my veins, and I do not want to repeat the act that created my forbears to begin with.



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Nathaly C.R Dílseacht's average rating out of 860 rates is 8.99/10


Jazzy D. Sainte Blacke (154980)

2024-08-20 21:19:02

DAMN YOU! [roll] I can't top that. Bonus - I earned a lady Jason? [lmfao] [i] Pops up a tent and camps on her profile. [/i]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2021-05-06 22:08:01

There was a goodbye blog about your next adventure and I was saddened but happy at the same time. I’m still struggling with what to say. Hence my tardiness. Know this though: you are loved and treasured and we the good part of ROB only want what’s best for you. We all know that the REAL world is the light we need to inhabit. So you go, and you live and may you forever shine. [3]

Not saying you can’t come and visit us. :p
The Legendary Rue (204834)

2021-02-14 23:10:43

Happy Valentine's Day Daughter Dear!
Aislin Phoenix (225444)

2021-02-14 23:07:06

Happy Valentine's Day, to the loveliest lady I know [3]
Ianto Riddle (692305)

2021-02-14 22:55:02

Happy Valentine’s Day, you’re the best mama in the world and I love you so much. [3] Forever.
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-09-14 19:55:55

You have given Nathaly Rinaldi Dílseacht a rating of 10.

As always Nattie-kins, your profile is regal, lovely, and divine. 💚
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-28 18:09:56

Yes, I'm still on Discord! qq Aaaand we most definitely [i][b]are[/b][/i] long overdue for a catch up, yes, haha!! :D
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-27 23:35:25

[c=#600d26]I am, thank you! Hope you're well in return!! qq [3][/]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2024-08-27 21:38:08

[c=#600d26]Thank you, Natty!!! qq

[i][b]You have given Nathaly Rinaldi Dílseacht a rating of 10.[/b][/i]

A 10 rating in return for you, of course!!! [3][/]
Mythrí Celosia Dominor (388186)

2024-08-27 18:34:02

[3] I see you lurking, woman.
Jazzy D. Sainte Blacke (154980)

2024-08-20 21:38:20

D'awww, yous the best Mum. [3]
Jazzy D. Sainte Blacke (154980)

2024-08-20 21:35:46

[i] Giggles hysterically. [/i] AY! Is truuuueee! You remain as such. [i] Squints, then eyes suspiciously. [/i] Why smores and not innards from the poor, unfortunate teens? OHMYGERD. Mom wouldn't do that! You're actually an alien! 😱😱
Jazzy D. Sainte Blacke (154980)

2024-08-20 21:06:00

Thank yoooous. And NUH UH. You're purty-er! [i] Stalks like a Creeper.[/i] [hehe]
Noah Black (734468)

2024-07-12 22:26:21

Hmmmm fineeee!

Give me the monies
Noah Black (734468)

2024-07-12 21:55:28

I can give you darkness..
Pomegranate you can get at the market :P
Maeve Celosia (737442)

2024-06-30 20:03:43

Thank you!qq
Maeve Celosia (737442)

2024-06-30 19:17:21

You have given Nathaly Rinaldi Dílseacht a rating of 10.
Beautiful profile qq
Ianto Riddle (692305)

2024-06-28 22:40:12

[i]He's just dropping by to leave some love for his mother.[/i] Love you Mama [3] [hug]
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-06-16 23:06:53

Thank you kindly, Nattiekins. qq I hope you are well, too. Feel free to harass my inbox if you would like to handle this mortal piece of as-

[i]Shuddup, Syl...[/i] :D [3]
Sylvette `Syl` Devoncroix (693284)

2024-06-16 21:39:38

[3] Note that my boat floats only through water or the blood of my enemies. Nothing more. Nothing less. And I will sail on shore until I get all the booty I want! [arr]

Wait. I made another ass-uendo, didn't I? Shit. :e :D

[i]*Scuttles about to your profile and gives that 10 a spanking.* [/i]

Nera (732933) sent Constant peering over my shoulder.
Elia Martell (649659) sent victoria secret package set.
Elia Martell (649659) sent K. Howard severed head.
I Love you from Lily Munster (350288) - Enjoy the Glitter!
I Love you from Joel Miller (692305) - Thank you for always being there, I love you Mama.
Macaria C. Dílseacht (121734) sent Clipped Wings.
Eric Draven (736230) sent Bunch of Tulips.
Graycee (253724) sent Halfpenny Smoothie.
Master of Ceremonies (732933) sent Big shiny diamond.
I Love you from Gráinne Halkett Blacke (154980)

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