Vanni™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Vanni™ (395286)"I'd love to see the poison drip from your mutilated lips."

Last Active: 2015-04-19 16:02:10
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Game Age5,179
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
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Battle Record1,830/21,069/65
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Last Killed ByLady Death
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CovenThe Iron Serpent™
Coven Title (Rank)Sempiternal Massacred Doll™ (100)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 62+



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The sharp intake of breath indicates the females loss of patience. The single bulb that swayed from the roof, made and electrical buzz of protest, as it flickered to life. Flesh being knawled upon around the females ankles as she perched upon the large wooden cut out of a makeshift throne. The constant echo of the thick dropping elixir was stomach turning, even for the best of them. The shackles around the corpses, suspended from the ceilings rusted bars, was battered, with signs of slicing at the main arteries. Streams of gooey gore slid down their naked forms, into many half a wooden barrel, to feed her malicious pets. The Reykjvic demon rose, narrowing her disputatious hues to those that sat in clustered groups, feasting upon the `treats` she had found,wondering around the dead city, unchaperoned by the failing attempting `peace` colony that had been started by the humans.

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She licked her dry lips, before grasping her feeding sources wrist, and licking a stripe up the flesh, tasting and seeking out his vein. Once she found the thudding pulse, she slid her canines in into the arctic flesh, she drank, forcing the rancid blood of her minion down her throat, before back handing him down to his knee`s with a simple flick of her wrist. She rose curling her triple jointed fingers into a fist, and sighing in relief as the cracking commenced. The female sauntered powerfully through the carnivorous army she had created from her own life source, they were her reign, her beasts, her nightmare.

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Condensation form heavy breathing and splatters of blood, drenched the large stained glass windows of the run down cathedral. She had `inhabited` from the priest of the dead city. Sucking the bones of her meal, she tossed it to the cluster of crouched minions, screeching and crying out for her attention. They crawled around her legs like love struck fans, bowing down to the haakai high priestess. Soft sounds of her platforms against the broken concrete of the cathedrals main walkway, silenced by the many gollum like creatures, feasting on the religious leaders of the city. She curled her hand around the iron banister that led up the miniature stairwell to the podium above the main stage. She stopped, and the creatures onyx glare, all stared up at her. Nibbling at her crimson lips, she lent her delicate elbows against the top, and held her chin in her palms. Her lips pursed into a thin line, as she watched her children.
`Beautiful` ~ She whispered, and grinned down at the cheers that rose from her twisted jaws.

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The anguish cried thrilled the female as she opened the large doors tot he city. Her pets shrieked with joy, scattering themselves with grunts and pure ecstatic pleasure. She trolled carefree through the iron gates and grinned. The crimson orbs of hers searched the surroundings, enjoying the screaming children, the spluttering men, the sobbing women.
Her grin slowly faded as the lamp posts flickered, and went out..

A gasp of breath, the corset tightens, It takes work to achieve beauty. A hollow gaze, a broken walk, Any mistake becomes a weakness. Heart of stone and frozen dreams, Sacrifice yourself to make them look good. Worked like a dog and never cherished, All they ask is that you look like an angel. A final rest, the last chore done, Perfection achieved, but only in death.

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Vanni™ 's average rating out of 114 rates is 7.25/10


Mikhail (152771)

2019-07-02 17:53:35

I still miss you.. still await your return faithfully. [3]
Mikhail (152771)

2018-06-26 08:59:11

I do miss you, every day. [3]
Ligeia (648620)

2015-01-01 10:21:05

[i]Here’s wishing you a beautiful 2015! May each moment of this year be special, vibrant, colourful and pleasant.. filling your heart with immense happiness! Warm regards & wishes for you![/i] [c=red]~ Savage ~[/] You have given Vanni™ a rating of 10. qq
Oni (234289)

2014-10-18 10:33:57

o.0 Everywhere and no where?
Oni (234289)

2014-10-07 12:11:49

Parasitic (242932)

2014-07-31 03:19:21

Aww you had a baby? That is so awesome. XD
Ligeia (648620)

2014-07-20 08:20:29

You have given Vanni Du Vain™ a rating of 10. qq
Parasitic (242932)

2013-10-21 01:50:51

Baby girl
Roxanne (515841)

2013-08-02 17:41:39

Love the profile!
Deianeira (148881)

2013-07-31 18:19:18

Saddened that I divorced Erza cause she's hardly on >_< Debating whether I should remarry or stay single for a while, being bored and waiting for dinner xD
Deianeira (148881)

2013-07-31 18:09:29

How're you lovely? :3
Deianeira (148881)

2013-07-31 18:07:04

-Drops by with her fresh batch of love for the Vannii.- <3
Apostolos † Parthenopaeus (207473)

2013-07-24 11:46:39

Take care of my daughter. Welcome to the family. ^^ :)
Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2013-07-24 07:22:09

I love you!
Zaelia (513412)

2013-07-23 20:32:22

And welcome to the family.
Zaelia (513412)

2013-07-23 20:03:58

Congrats on marrying my amazing daughter. Wish you two all the happiness, take care of her.
Parasitic (242932)

2013-07-20 17:25:39

Callen Panthora (519059)

2013-07-11 06:33:42

miss ypu too angel. but I should be back mostly evenings my time. *squishes*
Callen Panthora (519059)

2013-07-10 02:35:39

awwwww! love you sweetheart! and miss you so much!!!!!
Roxanne (515841)

2013-06-30 15:49:27

Where have you been???

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