Rebekah Mikaelson™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Rebekah Mikaelson™ (396875)"PASSED HER BSC HONS UNI DEGREE WITH A 2:1!!"

Last Active: 2020/07/07 20:15
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,175
Karma+/Verve+269 / 10
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited Kingdom
Collectibles27 (+6%) See All
Missions R/P/S89/2/24
Battle Record48,098/108,413/2,263
Win %31%
Last KilledLucifer Mornin ...
Last Killed ByRuby Vykos Sin ...
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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WP Spent21



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   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Rebekah Mikaelson™'s average rating out of 206 rates is 9.22/10


Sunshine Birch (353331)

2022-08-30 20:02:17

You have given Rebekah Mikaelson™ a rating of 10.

Wishing you the happiest RL successes! [hug][3]
Kaelian Elyra Darkfire (723696)

2020-10-24 17:35:39

Hope you are well
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2020-09-23 16:25:28

You have given Rebekah Mikaelson™ a rating of 10. Sending hugs![3]
Tristan (727026)

2020-06-22 12:02:58

You have given Rebekah Mikaelson™ a rating of 10.

Loving the profile :)
Melanthe Kallistratos (490103)

2020-06-17 10:50:08

You have given Rebekah Mikaelson™ a rating of 10. qq [3]
Luna Circe Nemesis™ (706354)

2020-06-14 16:31:43

Of course [3] Thank you so much qq
Luna Circe Nemesis™ (706354)

2020-06-11 20:32:33

I'm stalking too! Sneakily though [hehe] [3]
Luna Circe Nemesis™ (706354)

2020-06-11 20:21:40

Thank you Bex! [hug] i actually just started working on gifs qq hopefully i'll figure out what i wanna do with it soon :d
Melanthe Kallistratos (490103)

2020-06-06 12:29:51

*Stalks in return.* qq [3]
Drained (673175)

2020-06-04 21:19:06

No I haven’t, definitely want to hear it tho, he has an amazing voice, my ex fancied him lol

Yeah me to. Good to get a good grasp of the song

It’s pretty good service tbh
Drained (673175)

2020-06-04 19:43:46

They would have been amazing live, have heard the river with him and good charlotte? That’s great song as well

I got 3 months free amazon music just as we went into lockdown which was good, I have a offer for 3 months free Spotify after that lol Doesn’t sound weird, gives you a feel for the music and if it goes well with the video your making
Drained (673175)

2020-06-04 18:59:57

Avenged sevenfold yeah love them, they have some amazing ballads and a little piece of heaven is so good and funny

I listen to music all the time recently since lockdown
Drained (673175)

2020-06-04 15:08:36

Yeah some screech in ghost in the fog 😂

I’ve not listened to it in a while, going to add it to my playlist while I remember lol
Drained (673175)

2020-06-04 12:46:56

Just had a listen to it, don’t recognise it, lol do you remember cradle of filth, now he could scream 😂 I used to like spineshank as well have you heard of them they are pretty shouty lol

Yeah that was it, was such a beautiful song
Drained (673175)

2020-06-04 11:41:03

Yeah might watch it tonight if I can’t find anything else lol

I’ll have to have a listen to see if I know any of there songs

I’m sure she did a song with him as well which was really good 🙂
Melanthe Kallistratos (490103)

2020-06-04 07:43:44

Thanks Bexy! [3]
Drained (673175)

2020-06-03 23:50:35

I can’t remember that but, will have to watch it again lol

Just did, on yeah I remember them, I liked a coupe if there songs 🙂 not heard of the used will have to google when as well, yeah she is a great singer, the band broke up due to the main guy her bf at the time beating her up
Drained (673175)

2020-06-03 23:34:29

God I’ve not seen that film in years lol crawling is a great song, tbh all there songs are,

I’m not sure if I’ve heard of them, probably have but would have to google them, I used to love evanescence, Amy lee was sooo hot lol
Drained (673175)

2020-06-03 23:21:25

You saved your money lol still listen to there songs these days tho. I think they would have been amazing live, probably the greatest band in the world ever, altho linkin park are pretty close and where once know as the best band in the world, amazing as there first song one step closer was just over 2 mins long and they just grew and grew
Drained (673175)

2020-06-03 22:42:06

My fiancée was a massive festival goer when she was younger, I’ve only ever been to one concert and was the offspring at Glasgow they sucked, there attitudes were terrible and it put me off live performances, altho always wanted to see greenday live.

Ah ok sounds good 🙂

Luna Circe Nemesis™ (706354) sent Diamond Crown.
Charlize Birch (353331) sent Your talents are AMAZING!.

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