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Frost Bit (400340)"Icecream tastes better in the winter."

Last Active: 2021/07/25 03:28
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Game Age5,165
Karma+/Verve+89 / 0
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
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Battle Record7,334/7,572/121
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Last KilledZechs
Last Killed ByThorn
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Raven Lee
Shawn `Knox` Breach™
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My xat


Frost stood facing a man, seemingly miniature and more boyish than his age would suggest. His normally proud shoulders were dropped, and even the fierce blue-eyed glare couldn`t make up for the position of prey.

"Now this is your last chance, boy. I`m not kidding. You`re just lucky it`s me after you, after all it`s the skin of my back, not yours, for a bit of prolonged protection here. You won`t last a day to someone more dedicated to the task," his heavy hand fell, gripping until his knuckles turned white, and the younger elves` eyes turned to the west. "Keep quiet and maybe you`ll live happier. And if not, maybe you`ll get the chance of survival."

If the beast of a boy heeded the words, he wouldn`t know. And neither would the ones who sent him.

The purr coming from the forest felt more ominous than it should have. Either the dammed cat was enjoying playing with him, ensnared with one bloodied fight already, or it was preparing to fight. Frost would have spared himself the fight if he could, but dropped low to his haunches he couldn`t see any direction that wouldn`t end with teeth in his throat.

When he saw the eyes flicker into sight, he was snarling to meet the yowl he got for snapping into a more defensive position. When the beast moved, his claws flexed and his hackles rose. His body followed closely, movements carefully posed in the same dance he could remember as kids; lethal claws safely tucked in. Nothing was nonthreatening about the snap of the black tail, ears flattened, teeth exposed. It all brought back the same melody the ungracious fight had during that night and what a failure it had ended in.

Frost guessed that he might survive but he had already been cost enough for five lifetimes, if he would ever see one of them in this form. He might have hoped for the latter had he not seen so many brushes with rather unfortunate deaths so soon after the days were suddenly too bright and the nights haunted.

If in a decade he wished for a mercy kill then so be it. He had the means to end it all. Blood sprayed the brush and congealed on top of the desert sands, following and during the last cries of animals driven by something close enough to instinct. There was no mercy in the dead eyes of the beast now. It wasn`t likely to ever grasp such a human emotion. Frost only felt desperation forcing another kick and tussle in the sand, and the bloodshed continued.



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Frost Bit's average rating out of 22 rates is 9.27/10


Sunshine Birch (353331)

2015-12-18 05:10:41

It's Christmas time in Dead City! qq Hope you are happy and well and writing my young friend!
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2014-12-11 02:07:43

Merry Christmas Blood! Hope all is merry and bright!<3
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2014-03-06 05:16:01

No special reason. I'm just here to say hello and tell you we remember you. Sending you love wherever you are.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2013-08-14 15:26:45

Heading back to school in a few days and thinking of you. I hope all is well. I hope you will have an amazing school year. Wishing you good times, happy writing, friendship...always.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2013-02-09 15:13:54

Sunshine Birch (353331)

2012-12-31 22:26:19

Here are my hopes for you for 2013: may you enjoy happiness, health, friendship and laughter. And don’t forget to log in when you can! Love you!
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2012-10-18 23:47:09

Come back!!! We need to talk!!!
Vladimir Whispers (419137)

2012-01-01 21:45:07

Hey. Xats. Now. Please Thanks. Sunshine needs to be a member.
Lesath Shadowlight (339349)

2011-12-25 01:27:06

Lesath Shadowlight (339349)

2011-10-31 22:22:12

Happy Halloween! :)
Casimir Goetschl (225114)

2011-04-23 13:15:21

You have given Bloodcurdling a rating of 10.
Raven Lee (442978)

2011-02-10 00:01:30

Not bad Sis, I like the de'scription in your Profile. Really nice.
Lesath Shadowlight (339349)

2010-12-31 23:04:22

Happy New Year!
Lesath Shadowlight (339349)

2010-12-25 01:44:09

Merry Christmas!
Quest (289510)

2010-12-24 14:06:08

Asulis (289510) Asulis Niani (289510) Drake Maximillion Arabeth (289510) htebarA noillimixaM ekarD (289510) i cpletly forgot XD
Quest (289510)

2010-11-26 18:57:21

*hugs* exactly lol
Quest (289510)

2010-11-26 18:49:28

BEcause I wass confused, by what I meant
Quest (289510)

2010-11-26 18:46:00

I dunno what I said XD
Quest (289510)

2010-11-26 05:53:58

I have seeeeen youuuur proooooofilllleee **sounds like the Dark Lord from harry potter**
†Shadow Reaper† (375870)

2010-11-04 21:01:42

Thanks. And nice profile btw. You have given Bloodcurdling a rating of 10.

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