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Saki Muzuiro™ (405324)"Evil never dies, just evolves"

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Name: Saki Muzuiro
Nickname: Hell`s Child
Appearance Age: 18
Immortal Age: 450
Species: Shapeshifter/Vampire
Daughter(s): None
Son(s): None
Parents: Kami & Dem
Sister(s): Dahvie(Luna), Nao(Naomi), Zana(Z)
Hair: Long, Dead Straight, Side Bangs, Jet Black
Eye Color: Deep Red
Complexion: Pale
Height: 5 foot 11 inches
Weight: 145
Build: Sleek
Scar(s): A long tin scar down the right side of her face
Sada and Saki were 3 at the time, Aiko was 2, and Daitero was 4. Daitero was happy, their Dad ,Zenaku, was kind to him and took all pride in him. The Three Sister’s, their official name to all in the kingdom, were happy….that is when their mother was alive. It was until that one fateful day…The Twins, Sada and Saki, were turning 4. They were so happy to finally be able to turn 4, their Mother, Machiko, had been preparing them that morning. The Twins were both now old enough to be classified Princess’ and today was the day of the crowning. This was the biggest birthday of their lives. Saki was born first so she was to get crowned first, and then finally Sada. Machiko,Saki, and Sada were all in the girl’s overly huge bedroom dressing themselves for the ceremony. Machiko was in a deep blue dress to complement her eyes and face. Sada was put into a gentle, baby blue dress that fit her figure and her face. Finally came Saki, she was placed in a black dress. Nobody in that kingdom adored nor looked as good in black as she did. It also set off her eyes. They had their make up put on and set off to the top of the ceremonial stairway. Dai(Saki and Sada’s nickname for Daitero) was to link with Saki and take her and Machiko with Sada. Saki was actually OK with going with her brother, but would soon regret it.
They started their walk down the stairs. They walked tall and proud of who they were. As they reached the bottom their father reached them. Dai and Machiko went and sat in their thrones, and Saki and Sada bowed and said,”Thank you for this day King Zenaku”. Their father nodded his usual nod of disapproval to them and they sat in their thrones.
Their father announced,” Dearest kingdom, today we are gathered here to celebrate the coming of my Twins. They are are to be official Princess’ of your kingdom today.” The croud yelled and screamed in “Yays!”. The Twins smiled at each other as Aiko smiled at them and gave them one of her little thumbs up. Saki stayed serious, but Sada smiled and thumbs upped back. Their father turned and announced,” Saki please step forward.” Saki slowly stood and took a deep breath. How long had she been waiting for this? How long had she deserved this? She smiled to her father and stepped into her postion.
Her Father took the crown off the pillow. The crown was gold with black stoned in it and green ones too. The detail was incredible on her crown. She got black diamonds due to the fact she was the darker side of the Twins. She did things with no regret, whereas Sada had more trouble with that. She smiled as she saw Amaya in the front row. Maya(Saki’s nickname for Amaya) was Saki’s best friend, other than her sisters. Maya was always there for her, they had been friends since birth. Maya was alone of course. Maya lived with Saki and Sada. Her parents had abandoned her when she was little, and Saki promised to be there when Maya needed help and so here she was, being there for her.
Her father turned to Saki and said,” Saki, Daughter of Dark, Taker of Evil, Twin to The Daughter of Light, I present you today with what will mean the most to you in the f-future,” he seemed to studder over the word future, but Saki didn’t care,” I present you with the Princess of Darkness, Crown of La Muzuiro, Princess of my land.” He then crowned her and the reaction was intense. The crowd stood and began to scream and holler and it seemed to Saki the world was revolving around her.
Her mother called to her,” Good Job Sakura! You have done it!” Her mother was the only one she ever let her call by her real name. She wouldn’t even let Maya call her that.
But that’s when it happened…..the shots rang out. She heard screams and saw her people falling. She glanced up to see the snipers in the tops of the castle. She thought quickly and grabbed Maya, Sada, Aiko, and Machiko. She pulled them along and ran up the stairs to the only exit she knew, other than the mains. That’s when she heard the blood curdling scream behind her and turned to see her mother bleeding with a gun shot wound in her back and her father at the end of the stairs holding the gun. She looked down and screamed as many curses she could think of at him. He stalked up the stairs, and none of the girls could move. She saw Dai smirk around the corner as her father turned around and yelled,” Go!! Kill others!” Saki looked at her father in shock and pushed Maya and Sada and Aiko behind her as if she were to protect them.
She looked up at her father tears in her eyes as she forced them back and whispered,”Why….why…why…” Her eyes became black as she clenched her fist and growled,” You dirty bastard! You never cared!” Aiko cowered behind her and you heard a dangerous growl from Sada. Saki turned around and snapped to Sada ,” You stay back! I will kill him myself!” Sada continued to growl but stayed back. Maya was trying to calm Aiko down, but Maya wasn’t to calm herself. Saki felt Sada’s anger and felt her eyes go black.
Zenaku grinned and teased ,” Aww is the little girl gonna kill me?” He snarled ,” Come on Prnicess lets see it!” Saki lost her temper as her 4 year old form dashed forward and attacked him in harmless kicks and punches. He laughed and picked up Aiko. This was a huge mistake on his part. A growl ripped from Sada’s throat. Sada jumped threw the air over Saki, and transformed into a big black female wolf with black eyes.
She growled to him ,” Put my Ai down now. And take you and your bastard son away and die.” Zenaku dropped Aiko, and Saki caught her and pulled her into her warm grasp. He turned and ran and was screaming Dai’s name. Saki looked down at the warm red liquid seeping out of Ai’s arm. She sighed, Zenaku had had his claws in her arm. Saki sent Maya and Sada to heal Ai as she turned to the scary image before her.
Her mother was taking her last breaths. She gasped ,”Sakura I love you. I love you and you sisters, Maya all the same…” Her mother gasped for her last breaths ,” Find your father and k-kill him…” With those last words her Mother left her. That’s when Saki couldn’t hold it in anymore. She let the tears cascade down her face. They soaked her clothes as she was angry, sad, broken..everything.
That was the last time I cried. That was the last time I truly cared. I only had 3 people I truly trusted and loved. Sada, Aiko, and Maya were those three people. Sada was the other half of me, she was Light, and I was Dark. Ai was my little sister and I would forever love her. Maya was my child-hood friend and would always be my best friend.
“Saki!! Breakfast!” Sada yelled from downstairs. I moaned and let my eyes crack open. Small beams of light shone threw my window as I sat up in bed. I pulled my black covers back. I stood up and stretched. I walked down stairs in my sweat pants and lime green tank top. I always had green or black on. Always. I stalked down the stairs and rubbed my eyes, my jet black hair in a mess. “Morning Saki!” Sada said all happy like to me.
Ai smiled and said softly,” Good morning Saki.”
I smiled brightly and set Ai on my lap. Yes she was 13 but she could sit on my lap any day.
“Good Morning Ai! How are you this morning?”
She smiled to me and giggled,” Good! Maya said we are gonna go to the park today!”
I cocked an eyebrow at Maya and asked,” Is this a true fact?”
Maya laughed and smiled,” Yes Saki. She needs to get out.”
I nodded in approval and sat Ai back on her chair. Toshi yawned and walked into the kitchen and smirked and said all smart ass like,” Well good morning Ai and Maya. Good Morning to you Ms. Queen of the House. And Hellllooo Sada.” Sada giggled as Toshi kissed her and he wrapped his arms around her waist setting his head on her shoulder.
I stood up and stretched as I put my dishes in the sink. “Well I have some business to do today so I hope you all have a lovely day.”
Sada growled softly ,” You and your stupid hunt for Zenaku and Dai.”
My head snapped to her and I growled,” Those were Mother’s last wishes! I’m going to honor them whether your snotty ass likes it or not! I loved that woman to death and he took her from me!” I turned and stomped up to my room. I sat on the bed with my head in my hands, my hands gripping my jet black hair. However I did not cry. Crying isn’t what I do. I fix the problem before I cry about it. I stood and changed into my black skinnies, lime green top, and leather jacket. I straightened my hair perfectly and let it cascade over my shoulders.
I opened my window and jumped out and left it open. My window was two stories up and I landed perfectly. I stalked into the woods as I disappeared in the shadows. I walked for about a mile and then ran getting there in a flash. I walked over to the hollow tree to grab my laptop and notes. I skipped over to the shore of the falls. I let my smell and hearing take over.
I opened my Father’s file. Damn it showed he was still in D.C. I was still in California. I became lost in my studies and didn’t hear the man stalking up behind me. CRACK! is what my ears picked up as I set my computer down and flashed to my feet. I turned to face a boy about the age of 15. He was tall and quite built. His hair fell into his blue eyes in a brown and blonde mess. He smirked at me and said a little evilly,” Lets go Princess.” He flashed to me and grabbed my arm.
I looked at him, my eyes turning a nasty black as I growled,” Let me go. I don’t know who the hell you are or what you want but you’d better get off me.”
He smirked at me and took one swing at me and I was out,” Night night Princess.” He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and stalked off.




   Indifferent > < Good > < Fantastic   











Saki Muzuiro™'s average rating out of 31 rates is 8.52/10


Zana Whispers (384989)

2018-08-16 13:05:16

Miss you my dearest sister....
Ritsuka Fujimaru (186790)

2016-05-16 18:07:02

Zana Whispers (384989)

2013-06-03 06:04:18

keeping busy as usual lol
Zana Whispers (384989)

2013-05-21 05:03:39

Of course I do, my beautiful sister. How have you been?
Quest (289510)

2012-12-16 18:07:50

It's the start of.....Snow Ball Fight 2012 & 2013! One rule to this game....You CAN NOT hit someone who has ALREADY hit you! Now...go out there and get as many people as you can, before THEY GET YOU!! ---==O Got you!
zerohatemachine (274529)

2012-08-06 17:45:02

No worries at all
zerohatemachine (274529)

2012-08-06 05:04:12

Yes you did
Brother Sharkbait of Nemo (50160)

2012-07-30 13:35:57

zerohatemachine (274529)

2012-07-29 18:19:42

Emmee How are you?
zerohatemachine (274529)

2012-07-28 23:29:41

Rexy P. Scene™ (567903)

2012-06-21 11:07:48

It's because I'm too sexy to answer BL's
Rexy P. Scene™ (567903)

2012-06-19 11:13:28

Who the hell is max?
Rexy P. Scene™ (567903)

2012-06-15 22:20:21

In your dreams BallSaki
Charlotte Lolita (45459)

2012-06-15 19:26:22

same here, i got a buddy redoing my background for me, then I will work on the rest
Charlotte Lolita (45459)

2012-06-15 19:23:02

You have given Emmee Maribal™ a rating of 10. - for the girl in the blood and the one in the gasmask :)
Inactive Account (589199)

2012-06-15 17:13:35

Rexy P. Scene™ (567903)

2012-06-09 18:20:41

Rexy P. Scene™ (567903)

2012-06-09 11:40:53

Thanks BallSaki!

2012-05-31 08:57:44

Thank you. o-o
Sien_Glyph (41189)

2012-05-16 21:13:00

yea i know i had a really bad break up after 3 years of being together she gave me a lame ass exuse y she was dumping me i think is all bull shit so i quit everything

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