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Maniac Delucroix is currently jailed. They've got 95701 days left & has had 29 tomatoes thrown at them. [Throw]

Maniac Delucroix (415345)"slowly losing myself to insanity.."

Last Active: 2012-11-10 22:18:19
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Game Age5,130
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnknown
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record1,181/20,759/382
Win %6%
Last KilledSophiaMeztli_ ...
Last Killed Byvhlad
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Coven Title (Rank)Ariah (11)
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2012-09-24 21:14:28 - Brianne Invisible™ (82385) has accepted your proposal, you are now married.
Till my last day, till my last breath. Of everyone that can, I can love her the best. Till my last day, i`ll be loving her.

All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That`s how far I am from the world. Just one bad day.

The Main Character

Name: Maniac Delucroix

Birth Place: Dallas, Texas

Race: Human

Age: 28 Years Old

Appearance: Maniac is a young country boy, standing around 5`8. His hair is a dark chestnut brown, and the the length is to his shoulders. Stubble lines from his side-burns to his chin, giving him that `scruffy` appearance. Wrapped around his neck is necklaces of many sorts. The cross represents his Christianity. Although he lives in a dark world with many immortal and evil creatures, he keeps God by his side. He is usually found wearing a black cowboy hat, and dark denim wranglers with a gold or silver buckle of some sort. He usually goes shirtless, but sometimes has a pull-on black jacket when the weather is cool. His skin tone is a dark, creamy color, with a farmers tan from his waist up. His eye color is a deep brown, with bits of green mixture within them. Along his belt loop he holds guns and knifes of many sorts. He also holds his lighter within his pocket, which is decorated as the rebel flag, with a silver engraving of his name upon it.

Personality: Maniac usually stands alone and secretive. He usually ignores any glances in his direction, and if anyone wants to speak to him, they must approach first. He is very stubborn and quiet, but when you get to know him, he could be the coolest person you know. He is very big-headed when it comes to fighting. He takes his anger out on anyone or anything who stands in his way from what he wants. Even though he`s human, his father had trained him to injure or kill any creature, from Vampires to Demons, that threaten him. He is a very skillful fighter, and has a big heart. He has a Texas accent, which is quite southern. Whomever he places a ring upon, would be the cowgirl of his dreams, in which he will protect with his life.

The "Maniac" in real life.

Name: Gage

Age: 19 Years Old

Birth Place: Dawson, Georgia

About Him: Just a simple country boy who lives on a farm with his Ma and Papa. They have cows, horses, pigs, chickens, and goats. He`s a pretty nice guy, once you get to know him. He`s got the Georgia accent, which is real southern. He enjoys hunting, fishing, bull riding, chute-dogging, mudding, drinking, and partying. He respects women fully, and is currently single in this little country town. He moved down to Florida a few years back, but he misses his hometown. If you`d like to get to know him, just send him a Blood Letter. (His About Me: done by his cousin, Arabella.)



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Maniac Delucroix's average rating out of 16 rates is 9.44/10


Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-12-06 03:28:24

Miss you hun.. Have no idea how to get a hold of you anymore so I hope you get back on here soon. <3
Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2012-12-01 18:53:03

Miss you, big brudder!
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-11-23 15:42:26

Happy 60 days babe <3
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-11-12 03:09:19

I miss you too <3 I've been so busy with school lately that I haven't had time to check this. Hope you get your phone fixed soon. Text me when it is fixed. :)
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-10-26 15:51:19

A couple days delayed but happy one month darlin'. <3
Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2012-09-25 17:25:23

Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-09-24 21:33:27

Most definitely. Send them over and I will get started on them.
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-09-24 21:23:20

I will do so then. As I love you <3
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-09-24 21:18:04

D'awww. Well thank you <3 And I am a very lucky girl to be blessed with such a cowboy.
Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2012-09-24 20:57:50

Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-09-24 20:55:02

For sure :) <3
Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2012-09-24 20:42:14

It's amazing!
Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2012-09-24 20:35:06

I'm looking forward to having a Sister In Law! Sent It! Yesh, Beveh did my page![heart]
Isolabella O. Blacke (466324)

2012-09-24 20:26:41

Little sister it is, that sounds good to me! Oh well, thank you!:) I like yours also!
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-09-24 16:36:30

Got the images done. Just need to code it now and ask you a question. Text me when you get this. <3
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-09-07 12:45:19

Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-09-02 20:33:51

Nooo worries
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-08-27 04:46:49

I will do it. Don't worry. I enjoy a challenge. Just going to take me a bit longer than I initially thought.
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-08-27 04:39:27

I will be travelling for the next few days anyways. I am working on your profile. It is proving to be more difficult than I had initially thought.
Blood~Lust Malise (82385)

2012-08-27 00:06:34

Struggling with the header.. Just working on which idea I am going to go with as I have a few now.

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