Brock Keates is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Brock Keates (416014)"Wanna go flying? :D"

Last Active: 2024/09/10 17:09
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,128
Karma+/Verve+506 / 10
Game LocationThermoden
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles108 (+6%) See All
Missions R/P/S355/404/10
StatusDead (28779436 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779436 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record789,944/150,977/1,004
Win %84%
Last KilledAlphalfa
Last Killed ByNightshed
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent647
Coven Crimson Arcana
Coven Title (Rank)Demon (70)
Coven VirtueManticore (8)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 80mil+



List 8

Rank 2k+

750k+ Wins

25k+ Power

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Married to Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961) for 473 days
10 Family Members

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Spells cost 25 Turns + $ fee

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Cast Break Out ($271,900)

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VIP Member Lydea Mey
Misha Birch
VIP Member Sinara Bellator Dominor
Aelfric Frostbeard
VIP Member Panth Frostbeard
Rose Keates
Branded Jourdain.

Brock Keates has 60 friends View All Friends


"Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took,
And each doth good turns now unto the other:
When that mine eye is famish`d for a look,
Or heart in love with sighs himself doth smother,
With my love`s picture then my eye doth feast,
And to the painted banquet bids my heart;
Another time mine eye is my heart`s guest,
And in his thoughts of love doth share a part:
So, either by thy picture or my love,
Thy self away, art present still with me;
For thou not farther than my thoughts canst move,
And I am still with them, and they with thee;
Or, if they sleep, thy picture in my sight
Awakes my heart, to heart`s and eyes` delight."
- Shakespeare

“Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again;
and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.” ― Anaïs Nin



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Brock Keates's average rating out of 362 rates is 8.49/10


Anderson VonStriker™ (406175)

2023-10-23 21:24:04

It has been a while and I am! Thank you qq And how are you?
Kalamity Onyx Maharet (694224)

2023-10-23 20:07:46

Thank you very much! I am very excited to be here a
Anderson VonStriker™ (406175)

2023-10-22 18:18:56

Brock [3]
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2023-09-18 01:18:49

2023-09-17 22:00 R You defeated Brock Keates (416014) in battle and received $2654 and 1327 Blood. [hehe] What happened here!? Did you trip on the cat when running through the kitchen after me?
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2023-09-01 21:15:19

You have given Brock Keates a rating of 10. [3]. Also, no... I absolutely do NOT want to go boating. >.>
Dizzi ****kin` Sainte (215182)

2023-08-11 00:31:44

[b][c=red][i]Power: 100,000[/i][/][/b]
Congrats!.. and, I'm jealous that, that came out so precise.
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2023-08-10 03:47:07

8/7/2022 ... we'll have to remember that for next year. [3]
Angelyne de Anjou Muse~ (74573)

2023-07-06 21:20:02

Anyone that shares the exquisite dark thought provoking words of W.S.
Deserves so much higher than a 10
But it's all they give us
Outstanding profile
You have given Brock Keates a rating of 10.
Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)

2023-06-05 13:47:08

You have given Brock Keates a rating of 10.

Congratulations on marrying Sinara! You snagged a good one there. qq

See you on the battlefield, mostly bloodied by your sword. (kit) :P
Mythrí Celosia Dominor (388186)

2023-06-04 20:34:28

Congratulations on your marriage to Sin. I assume you’re the best, or she wouldn’t have picked you. That said, I’ll happily rearrange your bones and pick them one by one. Treat her well, and may you have many happy days.
Panth Frostbeard (112802)

2023-05-29 12:56:36

You ripped out Brock Keates (416014)'s spine

nyt legetøj
Morrisa whispers Le Doux (743511)

2023-05-28 01:22:24

You have given Brock Keates a rating of 10.
Brennan Rego Malik (602429)

2023-05-24 00:58:56

You have given Brock Keates a rating of 10. Enjoy!
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2023-05-22 18:10:34

Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961) has accepted Brock Keates (416014) into the coven. [3]!!!
Aalis Celosia (210419)

2023-05-22 18:07:52

Welcome to CA! qq
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-05-22 17:25:55

You have given Brock Keates a rating of 10.
Great to see you back!
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2023-05-20 22:09:37

Brock Keates (416014) ranked up and is now rank 2439... well, look at you! And here I thought you were just teasing [hehe]
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2023-05-08 09:31:10

Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961)

2023-01-16 19:20:13

You have given Brock Keates a rating of 11. [hehe]
Illawarra`s Mawat (744350)

2023-01-15 15:01:41

You have given Brock Keates a rating of 10.

Happy Birthday from Lydea Mey (292043) - 42 = SotU
Happy Birthday from Lydea Mey (292043) - 41 Pink Elephants
Sinara Bellator Dominor (162961) sent a dozen hot curve balls.
Happy Birthday from Lydea Mey (292043) - 40 La Glace Cakes!~
Happy Birthday from Lydea Mey (292043) - 39 Wishes to make!~
Lydea Mey (292043) sent Hot Chai Tea & Tick.Tac.Toe.
Happy Birthday from Lydea Mey (292043) - Best year to come <3

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