Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal (417226)"In the depths of the void, only her light guides me.."

Last Active: 2024/04/03 12:58
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,124
Karma+/Verve+16 / 65
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationNew Zealand
Collectibles24 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S29/0/7
StatusAlive (28778560 mins) ?This vampire has about 28778560 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record59,585/115,019/325
Win %35%
Last KilledAilean G. Raev ...
Last Killed ByDavid_Bugsy
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent3
Coven Clockwork of Nightmares
Coven Title (Rank)Renegade (0)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 496k+



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¥Ivy D.S. Dominor Pascal¥
Abbigale M. Pascal©
VIP Member Nyx Ivy Stryker

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Known by many names, the Shadows have traveled many lands; wearing many different masks. Walking the path of the Abyssal Mystic, the Old Crow continues to gamble with the dangers of the Abyss as he seeks answers that continue to remain out of his reach. As his steps reach deeper into the void, however, the light upon his back grows dimmer and dimmer. A new night has begun and the Phantom returns from the Abyss reborn. To rekindle an old flame, to guide new shadows on their journey and to grow the Moon Clans of Orrina once more.

But with each continued step into the Void, how long will such desires continue to burn?

Through moonlit fields, he continues to seek answers, family, and new tales waiting to be told. Ever-accompanied by his loyal Crows, The Phantom of Clan Avvorin continues to walk onwards…

~ ~ @ ~ ~

The Phantom of Clan Avvorin.

Finally freed from the shackles of the Abyss and the limitations of the Lasombra, the Abyssal Mystic has taken his first step into the fourth level of the Void. Stepping beyond the shallows of the beyond, he prepares to meet the true beginning of a Mystic as he wades into the dangerous depths of the Night Mother’s actual domain. Where the apex predators are born, where sentience has developed beyond simple hunger, lust and greed.

But he no longer walks the night roads alone. Kindling a set of slumbering coals back into life, the Crow has returned to an unfinished tale to fly beside the bright flames of a Phoenix. Hailing a time when they both fought for the former face of The Tower, a quiet promise between them that a friendship would grow if they had a chance to meet again. Now that the former Duchess of Flames has returned, the Duke that inherited the role after her departure returned to make true of that promise. In an embrace of flames that would purify the lesser shadows of who he was, the former Duke has entrusted Makenna Rose with that which represents his inner heart. With it a pledge to protect her with all he has.

With his return, the Crow has also opened the doors to Clans of Orrina once again; though this time with plans to awaken the other three pillars as well. Welcoming three daughters; one who has re-entered his life like passing rain, another who inadvertently seeks the legacy of his Mother, and the last whose inquisitive eyes see the world with an angelic purity. These new seeds of Orrina begin their cycle under the eyes of Iinala.

Whilst two former saplings start to grow on a new path, under a darker gaze…

~ ~ @ ~ @ ~ ~

Mokuzai of Clan Avvorin

Formerly one of Phantom`s messenger Crow`s, the abyssal familiar descended along with it`s Master into the abyss when the Oasis of Rain fell. Though destroyed in the maw of the void, his essential blueprint was retained by the spark of the Phantom. When the Phantom descended beyond the shallows, he broke through as an abyssal being; freeing himself from the binds of both the Lasombra and the aggressive resistance from the abyss. Free to re-cultivate his shadows, the first thing Phantom did was build a new vessel for his loyal ally; made from the gathered shadows of an awakened Mystic. With great fortune, Mokuzai was returned.

Now reborn with a Human form, he has been acknowledged as a son to the Phantom and to the first generation of the Night Avvorin. With a new purpose set before him, the loyal aide now walks the lands with the pride of his family on his shoulders. In his journey he has inherited the legacy of an Elder Being, setting his fate in an unavoidable direction. Whether this sapling could survive the storms and grow deep roots would be answered in time. Sent to return to their former missions, the young Crow seeks other abyssal links alongside his sister.

~ ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ ~

Tsuri of Clan Avvorin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed suscipit, nulla id sollicitudin sollicitudin, odio ante ultricies ante, sit amet ornare dui massa a eros. Duis accumsan diam nunc, quis vestibulum mi bibendum a. Integer hendrerit porttitor nulla, ut egestas arcu pellentesque nec. Nunc at tristique eros. Quisque ac elementum nisi, tincidunt sagittis lorem. Donec pulvinar viverra ex efficitur porttitor. Proin ultrices neque in venenatis varius. Nullam dapibus leo eget purus tincidunt, vitae faucibus massa commodo. Pellentesque tincidunt nibh sapien. Aenean eu elit egestas, interdum turpis faucibus, fringilla diam. Sed in leo bibendum, consectetur lacus nec, fringilla mi.

Donec quis ornare velit. Cras arcu urna, sodales sed egestas eget, euismod nec lectus. Curabitur ut faucibus ex, id pulvinar orci. Etiam pretium aliquam lorem eget varius. Fusce nec dignissim neque. Cras id nisl sit amet eros posuere tristique. Nullam nec ultrices ex. Vivamus sed est nec ex sagittis tristique. In justo felis, tincidunt et purus quis, porttitor aliquet felis. In sagittis ipsum quis orci interdum ultricies. Aenean nibh ipsum, scelerisque ut velit condimentum, sodales eleifend quam. Morbi lacus lacus, pulvinar vel ex eget, facilisis posuere nisl. Aenean rutrum sem non mattis iaculis.

@ ~ @ ~ @ ~ @

Thank you to all who have contributed to working on my profile over the years and presently, it gets closer and closer to how I wish it to be with every day that passes. For even the smallest of help, this Crow is grateful.

Header/Achievement Badges/BG: Achlys Masalis (376116) - Psyche Gfx

Friends Badges: Haelyn (693886) - Redwood Designs

Entire Profile Retouch: Diana (714847)



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Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal's average rating out of 201 rates is 9.53/10


Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-06-17 18:48:13

[c=#818589][i]-immediately Pins this comment so that it stays at the top of her Comment Wall-[/i]

You're going to make me cry, my shadowed heart, with your utterly beautiful words. [cry]

Nonetheless, I thank you in return for being that of my own true and reassuring constant as well as confidant and friend but also husband in this City of the Dead. I wouldn't have it any other way, honestly.

I love you more than there are stars in the sky, and am ever so grateful to walk these eternal nights with you until there comes a time in which the two of us no longer do so. (purplemoon2)[/]
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-05-18 22:05:14

Makenna Rose [DEAD // RETIRED]

2021-10-18 16:09:49

[c=#ffa500][i][b]You tore out Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal's heart[/b][/i]

I believe this is all mine now, my dearest Crow.[/] [hehe] (love) (phoenix2)
Selena Nox

2024-07-15 01:17:31

[c=#423f45]The still reigning Duchess of the Moon and Lady of Orrina could not help but hesitate at the threshold of her Crow husband's rooms, of whom she had not seen nor heard from in quite some time...and as the days continued to pass, it was as if she became less bright; less luminous, as if the light she gave off was somehow tied to that of his darkness.

And she could no longer stand it. Especially because she had no way of knowing [i][b]when[/b][/i] he would return, if he ever would. Thus, she had gathered the courage to divorce him and walk away, but not before she left him a note and something to remember her by.

Giving her head a shake and letting out a breath, Selena finally stepped into the Crow's rooms, purplish-silver eyes instantly taking note of how dusty and neglected it was. Giving a slight grimace, she simply proceeded to the center of it all and placed the note she had penned and a small, floating orb filled with a miniature moon and stars upon the small table.

The note contained her love for the shadowed male, but also her regret and sadness for having to do what she needed to do. It also contained the smallest of hopes in them perhaps crossing paths again in the future.

Once done, she gave a watery smile as well as one last glance around the rooms she had spent so much time in before turning on purple ankle booted heels and leaving; her scent of fruity, musky sweetness with hints of nutty earthiness lingering as she did so.[/]
Selena Nox

2024-05-06 19:42:54

Ruby Vykos Sinister (390348)

2024-02-18 01:26:23

Thank you :)
Jax Teller (718975)

2024-02-11 01:09:01

Sunshine Birch (353331)

2023-12-20 05:40:22

Lovely writing from a lovely man. [3]
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2023-10-20 12:19:56

*Leaves little kitty sister loves alllllllll over the place* Phanta pppqqqppp
Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423)

2023-10-18 07:26:12

[c=#808080]The Duchess of the Moon and the Lady of Orrina slipped within her shadowed husband's rooms, eyes of purplish-silver dancing over each piece of dust-covered furniture and surface before landing on a small table situated in the middle of the space.

Allowing a smile to lift the corners of her mouth upwards, she stepped across the floor until she stood in front of it, whereupon she brushed aside the dust in order to place a large black and purple but also star-dusted orchid down, along with a note.

A note that read as follows...

[i]My Shadowed Heart,

Two years have passed since we were brought back together again. Two years have passed with numerous comings and goings between us. Two years have passed with many changes, and yet...

And yet, I would not go back and change anything. For we are undoubtedly entwined together; the light and the dark, the shadows and the stars, the Crow and the Moon Goddess, forever and always.

I love you more than words can say and I shall continue to love you until we are but bone as well as dust.

Happy two years of being husband and wife, Crow, and here's to many, many more.

(purplemoon2) Selena[/i]

As soon as she had placed them down, the celestial deity just as quickly retreated; her signature scent plus the gifts she had left him the only things that lingered after...[/]
Arden Tiercel (272061)

2023-06-25 09:10:01

More or less. I don't always remember to check in, but I try. How have you been?
Sanada Kyoshiro (745669)

2023-06-21 01:01:02

*Bows* Thank you, for your kind words, sir
Adahlia Lena Kinder (646224)

2023-06-19 16:00:02

Thank you, thank you qq
Luna Silvertongue (705389)

2023-05-18 17:47:31

Very nice and detailed profile Sir
Judanius A. Netjer (682192)

2023-04-24 03:49:08

As of late, I am relatively available but during the following month to come, I may be a bit harder to reach. Of course, I'm always up for some fantastic writing with you and others. I also see my wife has joined your family, you have yourself a new daughter. Congratulations. ;)
Judanius A. Netjer (682192)

2023-04-24 00:09:08

[i]Finds comfort in the familiarity of his own sanctuary and settles in, sighing in relief.[/i] Hello, dear Phantom. How wonderful it is to know you’re still stirring about.. I’ve missed you.
Novalie Morde†h (742139)

2023-04-18 23:26:57

Well you’re very sweet. But I must say that I am the lucky one to have him in my life.
Victor `Pain` Graves (543284)

2023-04-17 14:49:01

[c=#ffff66]Travelling through time and space itself with the Abyss and Him, the Tantalus powered up a kick in this fetal position that he was. Once ready, he fired the kick forward with closed eyes squinting, hoping to give the Crow gas. There, that would teach him a lesson for imprisoning him into the depths! After he was done with his childish revenge, he'd take his chicken nugget and shove it into his own mouth like a pacifier.. to continue his -possibly- eternal slumber.[/]
Andraste Wealdaern (169103)

2023-04-03 03:48:28

You have given Phantom~de~Orrina-Pascal a rating of 10.
annie baby CHARLIE death (375610)

2023-03-29 23:49:10

Phanta-bro [3]

Selena Nox sent an I`ll miss you... card.
Thinking of you from Ashlinn G. B. LeClaire (192423) - ...always.
Selena Nox sent A 30 month anniversary card.
Selena Nox de Orrina (192423) sent A 28 month anniversary card.
Selena Nox de Orrina (192423) sent A 26th month anniversary card.
Selena Nox de Orrina (192423) sent a 25 month anniversary card.
I Love you from Selena Nox de Orrina (192423) - forever and always.
Selena Nox de Orrina (192423) sent a 24 month anniversary card.
Claudia (192423) sent a belated `Happy birthday!` card..
Selena Nox sent a 2 year wedding anniversary card.

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