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Daciana Ravencrest (420092)"Where one Angel falls, a Demon rises. Thus, a cnflict of worlds arise."

Last Active: 2012-09-20 15:39:16
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http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h476/MaidenofWolves/wolf-skull.jpg wicca Pictures, Images and Photos Name: Daciana Wolfsbane Birthdate: January 20, 1575 Age: 435 Sex: Female Race: White Height: 5` 10" Weight: 115 Daciana was born in a small town in a small coastal area. She was born to a poor family in the Netherlands in January of 1575. When she was only a child, she witnessed something terrable... It was a cold, fall day. A handsome stranger walked into the cabin and took in the scene of the babe lying in her mother`s cold, dead arms, and at first thought her to be dead. The smell of death and blood was several days old, and the blood was everywhere. He had turned to leave when he caught a slight movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to find that the child had only grabbed her father`s and mother`s hands. She weeped silently, eyes unblinking, ex blank. The sight gripped and squeezed his heart. The child didn`t move. She never even made a sound. He walked up to her and bent to pick the babe up. She never even flinched. She only curlred into herself as he took her from her parents sides. He wrapped her into a thick blanket and walked out into the dark, cold night. He leaped up onto his great stallions back and rode away from the stinking cabin. They rode for several hours in utter and complete silence. The stranger had to keep looking down at her to make sure the babe still lived. Finaly they made it to his isolated home. She didn`t move when he took her into the house and laid her by the fire just far enough that it would not burn her snow white skin. He went into the kitchen to make her a drink, and was surprised to find her sitting up when he returned. "Hello," he said. "Hi," she replied. She never turned hr gaze from the flames. She stared unblinking and with tears slowly sliding down her cheek. He sat next to her and looked at the child for several long moments before he asked, "What is your name?" "Daciana," came the weak reply. My mother wanted me to have a strong name." *Such a strong name for such a frail child*, he thought to himself. She looked like bones, and her hiar was dull and lanky although you could tell it used to be golden and healthy, and her eyes had dulled to a metalic grey though they must have been a beautiful silvery-blue. "Daciana. It is a beautiful name. It suits you." "Thank you," she replied. She tried at a pitiful attempt at a smile, then just looked at him. "What is your age?" "I am only four," she tells him. He is shocked. Even in her malnurished state she looked to be about six years of age at least. "I grew quickly for my age,"she replied before he could speak again. "My parents never knew why. they told me my great-grand mother on my mother`s side was the same as I in development. I began speaking before I could walk. I began to walk as a babe of only six months." He pondered these things for several moments. Then the child began to caugh. A sound that chilled him to the very core of his soul. She caughed up blood. she had the tuberculosis and at her age it would kill her. Especialy as near death as she already was. Then he remembered the drink he brought for her. "Drink this," he said. "It will help." He handed it to her when the caughing fit passed. "Thank you," came her weak reply. It was still warm, and a good thing too, because it would not work if it were cold. He watched her closer, this kind stranger, hoping that it would work for the girl`s sake. Then as she swallowed the last drop of the warm red liquid, she lost conciousness... She awoke feeling strange, groggy, and thirsty. She looked around the empty room. It was lovely with its Elizabethan decore. The bed was grand and made up with down pillows and expesive fabrics. It was a beautiful room, but she was scared none the less. "Sir," she called. "Where are you?" "Here," came the reply from behind her. she spun around. "How did you get there so fast? What happened to me?" "All in due time." He took in her healthy appearance and added,"My name is Stephan Wolfsbane..." He sat by her on the bed for hours explaining to Daciana what he was, and what she would become now that she drank blood. If she so chooses. He explained to her that because she was so young he would not take the child`s innocence. Instead he would raise her and claim her as his own... For many years she lived with Stephan. He was her mother, her father, her guardian, her protector. Every day she would drink only one glass of blood for many years. This kept her strong and well. It kept her immune to all human diseases and gave her a little extra strength and speed. She was not allowed human blood. Instead she drank mainly from deer. They moved to many different worlds as she grew. More towns and villages than one could count. Her father was a high ranking soldier in the Vampire army. One of the highest. She was very proud of him. She watched him practice drills and and moneuvers for hours every day. They moved place to place as he was needed. He told her stories of his Vampiric blood-line. Of how every female Vampire was the highest in the Guard. And how every male was always ranked the highest in the Knightship. She strove to be the best... One day they were in a new town. Stephan was shopping in the market with Daciana when they were seperated. She wandered the streets, not really frightened, but nervous. She took a wrong turn and ended up in a dark alley. A strange voice from behind her said,"What is a tasty morcel like yourself doing here all alone?" Now she was frighteded. She was only a girl of eight then, and alone with a thirsty Vampire. "I-I`m lost sir," She said weakly. "Oh, what a shame," said the man sarcastically. Then quick as lightning he had her by the throught and against the wall, her feet dangling above the ground. "Papa..." she said very quietly, "Help... Papa..." "Your papa is not here child," said the evil man. "Now... Sleep..." And though she tried, she could not fight off the Vampire`s spell. "Drop the girl," a second vioce said only just in time before the first Vampire sunk his teeth into Daciana`s neck. "What do you want," he snapped, angry that his meal has been interupted. Then he sees who had spoken to him, "My Lord," he said with wide eye, "How may I be of service?" "What do you think you were going to do here, Maveric?" Said Stephan. "Why, I was only having a little snack sir," sniveled Maveric. "On your feet soldier." Maveric stood tentatively. "Drop the girl." He did as he was told. As soon as Daciana was on the ground and out of harm`s way, Stephan pounced on the low-life, grabbing him by the neck and pressing him against the wall. "Now you listen here, Maveric," Stephan hissed menacingly into his ear, "I already hate you as it is, touch this girl, or even look in her direction again, I WILL KILL YOU." Stephan threw Maveric across the alley and yelled after the retreating vampire, "And tell all the other`s too! This girl is under my Protection!" Daciana woke slowly, but luckily unharmed. Stephan ran to her side and cradeled her in his shaking arms. "Daciana. Oh my poor child. You must never get out of sight like that again. Promise me!" "I promise, Papa," came the reply in a sob. "I love you Papa." "I love you, Angel. Now let`s go home."... They kept traveling throughout most of Daciana`s life, but never again was she in the hungry sights of another Vampire. At least not for many years. But that is for later, for now we continue on... When she was only days from her eleventh birthday, Daciana and her father moved to a new world. This one she fell in love with almost immediatly. She explored the country and the woods. One day she came upon a pond. She loved that pond and went there nearly every day. She never had friends in that world, but that is where she fell in love. He was a very handsome young man. Vampire she guessed. She never did talk to him, but she knew she loved him from the start and that he would someday be hers. A few years later, it was time for her father to move again, but because she was eighteen, Daciana chose to stay until she was twenty and Stephan was ready to train her for the Guard. The day she left for training, she discovered the Vampire that she had been in love with since she were a child was only a Doppleganger. She left that evening to join her father, but still she did not give up hope that her love was still out there somewhere, alive and well... She trained for five hard years twenty hours a day, non-stop. After her training was complete, she joined the Guard. For five more years, she raced up in ranking. During her fifth year she took some time off to recover from a terrable battle. She returned to her favorite world. After so many years she still had not given up on the Vampire she loved. Now she was a full Vampire, and decided that it was time to speak to him; should she find him. It was several years before she found him again. This time, it WAS him. She was lonely and had not seen her precious pond for quite some time. When she went, it was empty. Her precious world full of memories was gone. Daciana sat there on the edge of where the shore-line used to be and cried. She stayed there for hours. When she went to leave, weary and numb, she caught a scent. It was her love! The Vampire that she always loved! She checkecd to be sure it was him, and it was. She felt his pain and anguish and did not go up to him. Instead, she sent him a loving thought, and left two snow-white roses where he would find them easily. She had seen that he missed his mother. She left one from her, and one from his mother. She hoped to comfort him. The next day she was planning on finding him and finally uniting with him, but sadly she was called away on duty, and could not stay... That was the last she seen of her Vampire. She looked for him, hoping to bump into him somewhere, one day. After a few centuries passed, Daciana ran into her biologocal parents` killers. She went to each of their homes and soduced them individualy. Before they could take her though, she reminded them of that terrible night. She whispered, "You missed one," into each of their ears, only just before ripping out their throughts. That was the only time Daciana had ever killed in cold blood... Only a few years passed before Daciana was re-stationed again. By now she was the highest ranking warrior in the Guard. She had many enemies, and she had been transferred to a horrible world. One night she was just getting home. It was late and she was very tired. She went to take a hot bath, and when she got out, she was...attacked. Her assailant beat her to near unconsiousness. She was violated, and never had she felt so wronged. She screamed, yet no one came to aid her. She faught to throw him off, but he was much too heavy for her. She tried to bite him, but was only struck again. She cried and screamed. Her attacker hit her one last time, to shut her up, and that knocked her out. But just before she lost conciousness, she heard a young man`s voice yelling on the other side of the door, the door being kicked open, and someone pulling off the man that violated her. She faintly remembers hearing her rescuer asking if she was okay, but knows nothing other than that. The next day she had awakened in a different room, alone, and in terrable pain. She never found out what happened to her assailant, and she never knew her rescuer, but she was eternaly grateful to whoever he was... Not long after that did yet another tragedy strike her. Stephan and Daciana were working in the same world for the first time in centuries. She missed her father and fighting alongside him did wounders to Daciana`s confidence. One day they were patroling the borders when they were jumped by a gang of Vampire hunters. They never thought much of these pesky humans, but for the first time, they underestimated them. One took out a powerfully piosoned dagger, and sliced her father`s throught with it. She screamed in fury and pain, and killed her father`s murderer, then the rest of the gang. Then she turned back to her father. "Papa..." she said in a choking voice. "We did it. We defeated the Vampire slayers." Vanquishing all Vampire slayers was Stephan`s life-long dream, and Daciana only wanted her father to be happy in his last moments of this life. "That`s good, my daughter," he replied weakly. "I am so proud of you Daciana Wolfsbane. You have done so well." He rested his hand on her cheek and smiled faintly. She rested her cheek in his hand and closed her eyes, her lip trembling, her tears falling. "Daciana..." She opened her eyes quickly, noticing how his voice was getting fainter. "Promise...me...." "Yes Papa, anything..." she said with tears flowing freely. "Find your young Vampire you speak so fondly of.... He will be your greatest protector.... You will have a wounderful life with him..." "Yes Papa, I will." Her voice cracked on the last word. "His name...name is...James...Raven..." "Ssshhh, Papa, don`t speak now. You need your strength." Daciana laid her head on her father`s bloody chest, and softly hispered, "Don`t go Papa. You can`t leave me too. I love you Papa..." "I love you as well Daciana, my daughter. ....So...Proud... I will...always...be.....with you..." Then with a sigh, Stephan Wolfsbane was gone... Daciana carries with her a heavy heart and a burdened past. She is the best warrior in the Guard and the highest ranking. Never was she married, for she has always been in love with her young Vampire. She has never found him, seen him or heard his name... Until now. Until one day he happened to be in Dead City. She has finally found the one Vampire she wants, but will it finally be a happy ending? She loves James Ravencrest more than anything in the world. She hopes that someday he feels the same about her.
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Aloof and animalistic, you belong to the Gangrel Clan. Closely associated with werewolves, you are the shapeshifting vampire. You prefer nature than to live in the city and prefer the company of animals than of humans. You are more known to keep to yourself then to help others. You are the lone wolf of the decendents of Caine.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
Wicca Cat Pictures, Images and PhotosDaciana`s Fura



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Daciana Ravencrest's average rating out of 6 rates is 6.83/10


†Angela N,Gossow† (500718)

2012-06-19 08:19:23

oh okay i am a satanist...i just thought you know that you were one hehe
†Angela N,Gossow† (500718)

2012-06-16 08:47:47

you a satanist?
Thera Regina (566604)

2012-05-18 19:05:43

No, not at all grandma :)
Moira (283720)

2012-05-14 22:14:59

Moira (283720)

2012-05-14 10:29:22

You know you can just click his name on my profile to get to his, right? Since I'm married to him?
Thera Regina (566604)

2012-05-14 08:26:21

That sounds exquisite :) thank you
Moira (283720)

2012-05-13 06:38:05

BTW You like my new profile? Soul did it for me! He's super talented! For 400k he'd make you one!
Moira (283720)

2012-05-13 06:15:15

I could say the same to you! And who?

2012-05-11 06:31:00

I have to say. I am very impressed with your pro file Showing that the Sgins used by wiccan's isn't a simble of evil. Pisses me off when such is accused on me.. Till another time See you around.
James Ravencrest (423712)

2012-02-09 20:41:01

If you do return.....If you want to join me again, know that there WILL be a place for you by my side. A place that NO one will occupy, until you return. ----James Ravencrest
James Ravencrest (423712)

2012-02-02 05:41:45

I know you have not been on in a while, but seeing your page gives my heart a ray of hope, as if you are not COMPLETELY gone. You waited for me, now I will wait for you.

2011-03-11 09:40:24

*shrugs, speechless* I honestly don't know. I hadn't spoken to him at all for a while... And then you told me he had gone haywire. I've tried to talk to him but I get no response or anything... just silence. No hint of anything even remotely living.

2011-03-07 22:22:11

oh my goodness! No of course you aren't intruding *wraps my arms around you comfortingly* I haven't spoken to James in a while... I have no idea what's going on. has anything happened that could make him do this?
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2011-03-07 21:29:54

Is very sweet of you My dear. Was a pleasure in meeting you. *smiles sweetly*
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2011-03-07 21:01:56

Hits the 9 button on the way out. Nice Pro Daciana.
James Ravencrest (423712)

2011-01-26 21:35:38

I using a Mc Donalds WiFi, I have to get off, but if you are still on, I will be home within 30 min.

2011-01-26 01:21:59

lolx nice
James Ravencrest (423712)

2011-01-25 20:00:11

I promise to compose my next blood letter for you TONIGHT. ...I have been working steadily since the begining of the new year, and VERY honestly, not having enough time between work, eating, working out, sleeping, and repeating all above to compose a great enough piece to present, has been EATING me. ...A decent percentage of why we are still here together is, because of our AWESOME story. ...And with reading your last Real Life BL, I figure the best way to stay close to your side is to CONTINUE our RP, 200%, and to ...(..I just had a break in thought...) ...Damn it, how can I say "I'm here for you" ..or "I am listening" ....When all that I am at the present moment, ...is but an avatar. How the hell can I be a good friend this way???

2011-01-24 22:14:59

Dream reading sounds well this maybe weird but .... beautiful and i luv to hear magick stories that is funny or serious . Do u have any ???

2011-01-22 23:46:13

What do u mean by centuries ? Why did they convert themselevs now and not later .

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