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James Ravencrest (423712)"searching The Dead City countryside."

Last Active: 2023/01/01 11:20
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Game Age5,106
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Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
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StatusDead (28780103 mins) ?This vampire has about 28780103 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record25,816/39,835/1,040
Win %40%
Last KilledIce(y) Veins P ...
Last Killed ByLady Death
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CovenRavencrest Castle
Coven Title (Rank)member (100)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 55k+



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Name: James Ravencrest. Birthdate: April 12, 1455. Age: 565 Sex: Male Height: 6" Weight: 170 lbs. Photobucket

Orphaned as a baby. James, was found and adopted into a wealthy family living in the land of Laydia. Home schooled by his adopted mother Maria Ravencrest, James excelled scholastically and took great interest in the musical arts. James` father, Richter Ravencrest,has taught him carpentry, hunting, and the art of swordsmanship.


The land was going through changes in the early 1400`s. What was once a quiet and peaceful land, slowly began turning into a dark place, a place of violence, hate, ...and the dark arts...

In 1456, a dark man by the name of Lord Olrox, came into power over the land of Laydia. The people were aprehensive about this new ruler, but with the sudden death of their former king, and no heir to the throne, no one questioned. Soldiers marched across the farest reaches of the countryside, demanding the people`s loyalty to Lord Olrox, firmly, and quite often, violently. The people soon came to fear Lord Olrox.

The year 1458. lord Olrox was in complete control. Overuse of natural resources by company of Lord Olrox, has dried up the once fertile soil. Food and water run short, and taxes are high. No food...no money... ...breeds violence. The people murdered their neighbors to survive. Dark groups known as "Survivalists" plague the land with acts of violence, stealing food, money, and what ever else to be considered valuable for survival. The land of Laydia was but a mere shadow of its former beauty.


In the year 1470, at age 15, James Ravencrest left home to join a small counter survivalist group, formed by some of the wealthiest men of the land. This small group traveled the country assisting towns in the building and repair of homes and other physical labor. Not only does this group perform odd jobs, but also specialized in the defense against "Survivalist" groups. The group consist of former knights, masters of weapon and hand-to-hand fighting arts, and ex-Survivalists.

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It is 1479. The entire world seems to become darker. Queer happenings have begun to occur in Laydia. Reports of strange and terrible murders have stretched throughout the countryside. A woman was reported missing from a small villiage called Meryl, but was later found dead deep inside a forest, just outside of the town. A young woman, found dead, with her abdomen torn open....and all of her internal organs missing.


There have been many cases such as the young woman of Meryl, but none more disturbing than the reports of shadows seen floating through the forests at night. Strange creatures were reported seen in forests and cemeteries. The people would not dare to leave thier homes at night, for fear of the monsters or "Boomen", which people have come to call them, that loom in the shadows of the night. It was rumored among the people that Black Magic was being practiced in their land. Others believe it to be the work of the mythological "vampire", a vile animal with great evil influence among man and beast, and an insatiable hunger for human blood. It was also believed that lord Olrox was practing the dark arts, and creating an invincble army of the undead to spread his rule across the continent.

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But a ray of light still shines through the pitchblack land. In 1486, The anti-survivalist group, now called the Knights of Laydia, stands stronger than before. What was once a small ragtag group of warriors, grew into a great army. The Knights of Laydia once only having forty men, expanded over onehundered thousand men....and growing still. James Ravencrest, now a senior commander of the K.O.L. , leads a group of onehundred men in his home region. Though people are confident about leaving their homes at night, It is still unsafe to travel into wooded areas at night and all cemeteries are gated and secured.


The Knights of Laydia, no longer just a humble faction performing acts of charity and protecting the people from theives and vandals, now assume a new duty.....the eradication of the creatures of the night.

PhotobucketPhotobucket Year 1487

The Grand Commander of the Knights of Laydia, G. Commander Hellsing, orders a select number of regional knights for a special investigation. A large town, on the eastern countryside of Laydia, becomes a ghost town overnight. There was no sign of a struggle. No bodies to report. Not even a drop of blood. a neighboring villiage has reported cries being heard at night from the deserted town. Long shadows are seen looming through the stone streets, and people from the neighboring towns have disappeared.


Hand picked from the many regions of Laydia, 20 elite Knights, James Ravencrest among them, are chosen to investigate the dark phenomena and discover what happened to the people of this once bustling town. A routine investigation.

It is night. The elite Knights arrive at the town. Immediatly an otherworldly tension can be felt in the air. The shop windows are black. Not a soul can be seen on the moonlit streets. There was no wind. The abandond town was as silent as a grave. The Cheif Elite Commander orders a split search to quickly cover the town. The knights were split in groups of five, and ordered to begin the search. James was chosen to lead his group. The investigation began. Dinner left on kitchen tables... ....clothing hanging from the lines... ...did these people just get up and leave?


A shadow was seen sprinting down a dark alley! ...a knight calls out to it. ...mabey it is a human? Three knights follow into the dark alley. walking tenderly as if the stone streets could creak. "There!" A knight points to a dark silhouette of what looks like a man.... ...The silhouette is breathing heavily. Knight: "You there! By order of the Kn...." THE SHADOW EMITS A SOUL SHAKING SCREAM AND LUNGES!!! The streets are filled with unearthly cries as the Knights look up in time to see hundreds of screeching dark shadows rain from the moonlite sky. Knight: "RETREAT!" James quickly turns around to see a dark mass land onto the shoulders of a fellow Knight...and twists his head off! James: (horrified)"WHAT?...WHAT IS THAT??" A powerful force sends James crashing to the ground on his breastplate, crushing it against his chest. James:*It`s on my back!* He looks up to see the shadow of the object that landed on his back on a moonlite stone wall. James can not move. the shadow looks like a man. The shadow rears its head back in a horrible scream, and comes down violently onto James` neck! James: (horrified) *Huh?! What? it`s...BITING ME!!* James` body goes rigid as he feels like his insides are being drained through his neck. His heart is skipping beats... ....he can`t breathe... ....he blacks out.

...That was 520 years ago...

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Your True Eye Element

You are bright, happy, and energetic. Most people see you as an awesome friend, and a fearless guardian. You are very capable of defending yourself and others, and for this reason, many people hide behind you when in danger. The things most important to you are your sole weakness, but for your enemies, realizing what exactly is, is the challenge.
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What Is Your Inner Desire?

Your inner desire is love. You are a romantic person and really just want that special someone to spend the rest of your life with. You are a very caring and compassionate person, and if you keep it up, you will one day find the love of your life.
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What kind of soul do you have?

Good Soul
Good Soul
As a angel sent down from heaven you have plenty of good to spread around. You put others before yourself 100% of the time. If someone you know isn`t happy, then neither are you until they are and your friends will stay true to you because of this.
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You aren`t sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don`t belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren`t really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while after all.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

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James Ravencrest's average rating out of 18 rates is 7.28/10


Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2013-01-03 03:53:02

What was once dead and come back to life with alittle care. Sorry for the intruding , I saw your status.
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2012-12-28 16:43:10

*She watches from the depths of the darkend woods. A small smile spreads across her face as he finds the note. As he enters she vanishes into the nights air.*
Aphrodite Moon Delonge (278641)

2012-12-27 23:48:31

Gives you a ten.. An amazing profile.
Rez Voronoy (153767)

2012-08-30 12:57:20

Ha.. sounds like fun ;) - good luck.
Rez Voronoy (153767)

2012-08-30 02:39:02

Hi there - I vaguely remember, changed your name though? - Not likely to kill you unless it's a blind spree or something... not much blood - Yep, still using the vatar, some things never change, but there are other imposters... always. - All good here thanks. How about you?

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