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Raven Lee (442978)"on the hunt"

Last Active: 2015-12-13 05:39:43
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Game Age5,049
Karma+/Verve+3 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record2,969/14,618/544
Win %17%
Last KilledOlivia
Last Killed ByNatesinZ
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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Married to Luciana Lee (345083) for 5008 days
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Raven Lee was 26 when he was brought over by a woman he knew only as " Deadly" she was the leader of the Vampire Coven Zodiac, and Raven has never looked back since.

He is a loyal solder of Zodiac, and is willing to lay down his un-life for his fellow members. Raven is still new and still learning, but is still a willing member of the Vampire comunity.


Raven was a security officer, he had lead a normal-ish life, until one night he`d had a fight with his girl and that still haunted him at work. He noticed a van sitting by one of the house`s he was supposed to protect.

Approching it he heard gunfire and dialed 911, before he it could pick up, he found himself in a firefight. He drew his own gun and begun to return fire.

It lasted only two minutes but in the end he was dying, shot three times. And two of the gunmen lay dead.

"Truly impressive" said a voice, as smooth as the night. Looking her way Raven saw a woman walking toward him, she was tall with long dark hair, Raven felt a kind of draw to her, she knelt next to him and whispered "To have killed two of your enemies, in spite of having been shot several times." Raven then noticed a shadow creeping up behind the woman and with almost the last of his strenght, raised his gun and fired the last two rounds into the head of the Vampire hunter about to kill her.

She looked between Raven and the dead hunter, and smiled at him. "You have saved my life, mortal, so I shall reward you in the only way I know how."

The next night Raven woke in the crypt chamber at the Zodiac Coven`s head quarters and saw the woman who had turned him the night before "We were never properly introduced Raven, my name is lost to the sands of time, but I am known as Deadly, and I am your Vampiric Mother."

Raven bowed to her and said "I am honored, I am Raven Lee, your Soldier."

-- a while later-- Raven met Luciana at a Coven meeting, and fell in love with her instantly, he sighed thinking that there was no way she would accept a young Vampire. she surprised him by asking his name. soon, Raven surprised himself, by asking her hand in marriage. She surprised him by accepting. now he is marred to Luciana Lee.
Mortaci, a Rouge Vampire with a Vendetta against Raven, kidnapped Luciana while she was on a mission for Deadly and the Coven. Raven received a letter, detailing the Rouge`s grudges and challenging him to come rescue his wife. Raven did just that, and after a brief but vicious battle with the Rouge, who had gone mad, Raven Killed him, and Rescued his Vampiric wife. Later when they were safe, Raven and Luciana Lee noticed that the ordeal had left their hair a different Color. Luciana`s normally blond hair, was now midnight black, where as Raven`s normally Brownish blond hair was blond as the noon day sun. but Raven and Luci are glad just to have one another again, that they are not complaining.

When Raven went to find a Vampire named Miyamoto Musashi, he was attacked by thugs under the command of an insane Vampire named True Vain. although he defeated most of them, one managed to render Raven unconscious. he however left the SOLDIER alive, vowing to kill him when he got stronger. it was then that Raven Met a Demon, a Kitsune Yukia named Kai.
As Raven was training, Luciana sent their Human Servant, Eve, out to gather supplies for the Coven`s Training. Eve was then attacked by True Vain`s minions, and it was all she could do to protect herself. in the end she won the fight ( having been trained by Raven and Luciana both) but she was also mortally wounded. when she returned to the Coven`s main chamber, Luciana ( who loved the Orphan like her own flesh and blood) brought her over. she is now Eve Lee
As she was turned, Eve found herself free to marry the Vampire who had proposed to her when she was still human. a Vampire known as Phyco.
Kyle Lockhart, a SOLDIER with Chimera, who trained with Raven when they were both mortal, had fought him in Spring Valley. Raven, after a bitter battle with him, had had to kill someone who he once called brother, in order to protect his family. he then said after the battle with Chimera " Rest in peace, my dear bother Kyle" with bloody tears in his eyes.

What is your inner demon.

Fucked up demon.
Fucked up demon.
You had a pretty shitty life not gonna go into the details, When ever you lose that one person who you care for, you go insane and your fucked up demon comes out and wants to kill everything sometimes even yourself, but someone in the ends killing you (Get over yourself)
How do you compare?
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How would you fight if you were a D+D character?

You are an Archer. You don`t get hurt often because of you enimies being a ways away from you, you only use melee when it`s needed, you prefer shooting your opponants in the face with a bow/crossbow.
How do you compare?
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Raven Lee's average rating out of 14 rates is 8.57/10


Sunshine Birch (353331)

2014-11-25 04:47:12

Thinking of you! Hope all is well and that you are healthy and happy.[hugme]
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2013-11-26 17:23:23

*leaves a bouquet of welcome home flowers for the long traveling and missed kitsuke!<3
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2013-01-02 20:54:39

Don't forget to come knock on Shawn's House door if you want a bit of company. Click on the Black Viper link...apply.
Sunshine Birch (353331)

2012-10-03 02:10:32

We miss you IG Raven. There have been a few changes in the coven, I wanted to tell you myself. I am stepping up to help Darren with coven tasks since Faye is busy in RL. Please let us know if you are still playing and enjoying RoB. You always have a home with us. Also we have not heard from Luciana for several months, any word from her on your end?

2012-02-17 02:30:46

Sure ^_^ no biggie

2012-02-17 02:28:25

Thanks for the add

2011-08-16 05:17:27

heya. for the kh rp. can you pick a color so i can use it in the intro part. any color will do just fine. thankies!!!!
Kate Harper Chevalier (401356)

2011-07-29 06:02:17

A lovely story I enjoyed it. Great profile.

2011-07-21 12:11:57

You killed me in battle

2011-07-20 12:57:46

You sunk my battle ship
Sara (485715)

2011-05-17 02:40:00

Sara (485715)

2011-05-17 02:33:28

*smiles* Thanks again.
Sara (485715)

2011-05-17 02:25:47

Thanks!! :)
Sara (485715)

2011-05-16 21:06:12

Awesome profile!!!! Totally worth a 10!!!

2011-05-12 02:23:00

Thank you. And hello to you too.
Frost Bit (400340)

2011-02-10 00:23:25

thanks Raven ^^
Luciana Lee (345083)

2011-01-17 23:09:37

Hope to speak to you soon my sweet prince..............I miss you...... X . L . L . X[hugme]
Lexi Tempest DeathSpirit (426512)

2011-01-15 03:09:19

Okey Dokey
Lexi Tempest DeathSpirit (426512)

2011-01-15 02:59:32

You have given Raven Lee a rating of 10 and thanks XD
Carmilla (448520)

2011-01-06 23:34:03

Hi! =)

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