Breila Celosia Bellator is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Breila Celosia Bellator (459902)"I'm so devilish..."

Last Active: 2024/09/16 23:30
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Staff Member Community Mod
VIP/VIP+ Days98 / 50
Game Age5,007
Karma+/Verve+13,612 / 9,115
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles141 (+19%) See All
Missions R/P/S594/492/58
Battle Record1,298,754/113,982/435
Win %92%
Last KilledVincent
Last Killed ByNaz Asrai
Wins/Blood Today1,225/395,051
Avg. Blood322
WP Spent715
Coven Tremere Domus
Coven Title (Rank)Council of 7 / Wild Rose (90)
Coven VirtueCircle of the Seven (20)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 218mil+



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Married to Draugluin (738065) for 1350 days

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Draugluin (738065)

2024-09-15 19:43:42

You are innocent.

When you look up at me with those big, bright, beautiful eyes, pouting, pleasing, promising so much with a single word, you are truly angelic.

And then I let the wickedness out
Zin Acwellan (79044)

2024-08-18 03:46:32


Excellent, just point out a few of the most annoying ones. They're best roasted while the bones are still springy and soft, adds all the more flavor to the dish. :p

Ugh, this profile of yours is so sick. Heart, bitch!
Draugluin (738065)

2023-10-01 14:53:53

Today is just one more day

Every single one with you is special ((lovarian2))

Draugluin (738065)

2022-10-19 11:53:07

I like you when you are mean.
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 05:38:07

I try to, that is all a father can do.

She hates our date nights but I insist she accompany me on them because eventually she will be dating and I want her to have a standard for herself and know what to expect from individuals taking her out.

I only wish my parents had considered doing that for me when I was young it would of saved me from alot of trial and errors and allowed me to become a more suited gentleman when escorting a beautiful woman on an evening out.
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 05:30:58

LOL indeed I do, she is one of my greatest accomplishments and my deepest pains.
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 05:15:02

Where authority exists, their will always be those that rebel against it for irrational reasons.
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:58:39

Still an impressive feat none the less
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:45:10

Forgive the belated realization but congrats on becoming a site mod
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:39:39

I will bare that in mind and have our customary straight jacket and orange crayons ready lol
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:35:51

Then I will welcome you with open arms to the club once membership is acquired lol
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:33:36

Terrible 2's and 3's pass quickly but I couldnt imagine going from others kids to my own everyday. Your patience is on another level
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:30:25

Perhaps, lol

How is the teaching life going?
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:23:18

LOL I appreciate the vote of confidence, I am still to young and handsome to be a silver fox with a dad bod haha
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:16:41

I need all the help I can get, as I am not sure my hair can fight of graying lol
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:12:43

Nothing pleasant or worth mentioning to be honest, just dealing with the teenage angst of my freshmen daughter lol
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:07:26

Its never to late to be a good parent, as for being mean. All the best parents are lol
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 04:02:34

Congradualtions on becoming a mother, that is a tremendous accomplishment. I know the moment I became a father, everything is life suddenly seemed worth enjoying.

I bet you one of the best mothers alive
Soren (506957)

2024-09-15 03:43:38

Thank you, I am deeply humbled you still remember me. I hope all is well with you?
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2024-09-13 14:32:14

Life is pretty good on my side. Chaotic and busy but pretty damn good. [3]

I Love you from Finch Leviathan - Tome of Forbidden Knowledge
River De Clairmont (749778) sent Palestinian Keffiyeh.
†Bettina†DeAvalon†Merlo† (229007) sent Origami Rose.
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667) sent A wolf howling snow globe.
Draugluin (738065) sent a moon stone.
WarCloud (375195) sent BFF Charm.

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