Crimson Raven (Soulless) is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Crimson Raven (Soulless) is currently jailed. They've got 95150 days left & has had 11 tomatoes thrown at them. [Throw]

Crimson Raven (Soulless) (464020)"of all the drugs in the world women are the most intoxicating of them all"

Last Active: 2019-03-20 15:15:12
I'm Offline
VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age5,003
Karma+/Verve+0 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles1 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
StatusDead (28779923 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779923 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record6,191/48,827/179
Win %12%
Last KilledFrankCastle
Last Killed ByTine Darkheart
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent0
CovenA Murder of Ravens
Coven Title (Rank)Duel Razor Wing Raven (100)
Coven VirtueNewbie (0)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 88k+



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Azure Kestrel
† Mystery †
Envy of Wolfsblood
VIP Member Princess PhD Vladina
norazina, the metal girl
VIP Member DarkAsh
Blood Shard
Dawn of .::BloodLust::.

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Crimson Raven (Soulless)'s average rating out of 23 rates is 7.74/10


Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2014-11-15 03:15:29

I sure wish you could return, I do miss you and talking to you [hugme]
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2014-03-28 06:55:02

I still miss you... and I hope you are doing well... It's been so long!!! I hope we find a way to get in contact again darling. [3]
Blood Shard (230245)

2012-06-15 18:24:10

,, in shock ,, wow sweetie what in the world happen ,, well i miss ya an hope you return soon ,,
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-07-29 07:39:06

I just put tog list of "RoB's Most Fantabulous Men" to always say Hi to ... so get yourself out of this freeping mess so I can say "HI" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZ ..... miss you lots ...............
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-06-21 19:24:29

Hi Crim, you are very much missed, please fix this mess and come back soon !!! L & H, Vi
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-06-05 09:10:48

Hi Bro ... How are you doing ??? Miss you lots ... L& H .. Sis Vi
Dark Eve Sirena Vykos (480795)

2011-05-31 05:55:49

Miss you <33
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-05-26 07:23:26

Hi ... hope you are well !!!
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-05-22 10:27:10

Original artwork ??? .... perhaps I'll "borrow" this slave to chain to the floor while I sleep tonight .... lol
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-05-19 10:43:32

A Drake fan ... me too .... like this for Hip Hop class ... like his vidoes too, does an extra "twist" with video ... btw my hip hop instuctor is temporarily "off" for a few, He's doing the Michael Jackson "Memory" Tour .... Do you like movie "Save the Last dance"???
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-05-19 08:08:30

OK ... I pretty much know that , but sometimes a little bit of humility doesn't hurt right ? not one of my stronger traits so wouldn't suggest you hold your breathe for the next time ... lol ... seriously tho I appreciate it VERY much .... hope you end up liking some of my writing even half as much as I do your artwork once I do get the hang of doing my profile .... oh, yes some who knows what pix might come crawling out of storage ??? lol wonder how many RPers ever put up their own RL stuff and pretend it came from someplace else ???
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-05-19 07:39:56

OK I'll try this tomorrow ... it sounds so easy but I'll be VERY surprised if I don't have some more questions !!! lol .... all of a sudden I'm feeling like I need to send you a copy of my college tran'scripts to "prove" I really did get great grades in school DAH !!! lol ...... <and I can just HEAR him thinking "yeh, but it still wouldn't prove anything about common sense OR what she knows TODAY" Damn it, he's ALWAYS right !!! >
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-05-19 04:47:27

Hi ... no you misunderstand do not want to see you as Sleep Wolf again, not as a Raven ... as YOU like YOU are now !!! What I need to do my profile is help know how to put the stuff on my page ... I have a lot of text already written, music picked out and pix I've tho of .... just don't know HOW to put it on RoB .... I looked at the stuff on ACCOUNT today a little bit ... I upgraded to V2 style and checked out the howto place that went to what looked like HTML school, not sure how to start .... maybe you can help me in the next few days ... I learn pretty fast, just need a lil help ...
Jax (178433)

2011-05-19 04:42:30

Thank you, it became a family name about a year ago!
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-05-19 04:28:08

Well at long last your own name again and .... YES why not use a pic of YOU up there in the corner .... THAT certainly works !!! .... later .. Vi
Z£þH¥®~AoN INVI©TUŠ (279182)

2011-05-16 05:51:01

thanks : )= 2011-05-16 05:43:27 - Your quest with Sleeping Wolf in the snow is complete. You get +1 reputation [ID 3]
Z£þH¥®~AoN INVI©TUŠ (279182)

2011-05-16 05:32:56

ok... ill get right on it. : )=
Z£þH¥®~AoN INVI©TUŠ (279182)

2011-05-16 05:24:21

sure...send me an invite
<::Violet::]xxx() (283088)

2011-05-16 02:44:43

~rolls little black crazy eight ball on the floor towards you....Note pops up in the window....Presently cloudy come back and ask again another time~
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2011-05-16 02:34:51

Yes indeed ... no rush at all .... I printed her site, blogs etc. if you have printing or online storage it might be helpful if you saved her avatar to work from .... it's in her blogs .... ty ... gotta go eat etc for a bit .... really great finding you here again ... whenever you get a chance just start to catch me up with some BLs. Love ya, Vi

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