Brookitta Secrets is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Brookitta Secrets (466179)"Death is only the beginning, the life of death shouldn't be spent alone does anyone feel that?"

Last Active: 2019-01-29 04:07:36
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,997
Karma+/Verve+5 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record1,851/10,968/897
Win %15%
Last KilledVyxie
Last Killed ByNatesinZ
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Azathor Bloodstone
VIP Member Doom Le Doux
ammar xhah

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Brookitta Secrets's average rating out of 14 rates is 8.43/10


Death of Silence (570523)

2015-06-10 19:57:55

a warm Welcome into Ie Lilian[hug], i hope you have everything in order(ortherwise just send one of us a bl), otherwise i shall see you in the chats or the forums i hopeqq
Ophelia Lovarian (51937)

2014-02-17 08:20:27

Welcome to IE! Let me know if you need anything at all!
Nathaly C.R Dílseacht (384590)

2014-02-16 05:48:05

Welcome to Infinita Elementorum! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask! :)
Kate Harper Chevalier (401356)

2013-04-02 14:27:48

Welcome to the coven, don't hesitate to ask if you need anything.
Rinnie Aspicio (321449)

2013-01-01 02:20:40

Welcome to the Asylum! Please check out the forums for help and any questions you might have. If you have time, join us in chat, or ask any of the staff here regarding any questions you come up with. Let me know what you would like your coven name and color to be. I hope you enjoy your time with us and look forward to seeing you around. Have fun!
Doom Le Doux (209640)

2012-06-22 00:25:37

*spanks her* Some Doom loving
Kalia Le Doux (366333)

2012-06-20 12:35:33

Hello my lovely granddaughter
Envy Emilie Versailles (493624)

2012-06-11 09:04:18

*pokes her sister in the side* Scar i'm bored...and i've already ripped out like 12 hearts today and lit the house on fire...
Envy Emilie Versailles (493624)

2012-06-07 10:43:35

*looks at her sister's profile in shock, before giggling* how's it feel to be 520 sis??? feel old yet *quickly runs out of the room laughing before her sister could do anything to her*
Doom Le Doux (209640)

2012-05-29 18:32:27

Happy 100 days baby.
Envy Emilie Versailles (493624)

2012-05-29 09:30:56

*grins, running in and pouncing on her older sister* love the picture sis, it make's me feel love
Mrs. Cassel (454318)

2012-05-22 18:43:57

Rose walked onto the profile with a bright and big smile on her face." Welcome to the coven dear."she said. "If you need anything, please tell me. I'll beg someone to give you what you'll need. Or you can BL the owner or co-owner. I changed your coven rank to Beautuful fiery, if that's okay. IF you dont like it, I would be happy to change it for you. By the way, my name is Rose or Trinity, you can call me either one. Not no other name, I would probably think you have the wrong person, even though that's how you see my name now." She took a breath and took out her wings. "Good luck and have a good day." Then she flew away home so she could eat a delicious meal at the family table.
Envy Emilie Versailles (493624)

2012-05-17 06:52:23

*grins bouncing into the room* Hey sis...welcome to Wonderland of Madness, as the new co-owner you are not allowed to be sane at all during coven meetings...which don't exist yet...but yeah you get the idea

2012-05-12 09:41:30

-walks in draping an arm around scar- hey, i haven't heard from you in such a loooong time!, you're profile's beautiful -hugs her- i've missed you, how have you been?
BODHI (578118)

2012-04-27 12:16:18

Welcome to Blood Bound Royals, we all hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Retired (468693)

2012-04-26 23:41:38

Welcome to Blood Bound Royals. If you need any help, please feel free to ask. We will be having a competition starting at the beginning of the week I believe, so watch the forums for that!
Calix Avery PAHS Hewitt (499678)

2012-04-26 17:47:47

Welcome to BBR! If you need any equipment or have a rank name and color you'd like, please let myself or Lorelei know. :) Anything you need, feel free to ask.
Karina Nex™ (82837)

2012-04-21 18:12:53

Welcome to MRC! Take a look around and make yourself at home, and if you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask. ^_^
Boudica Night Tigress (175390)

2012-04-21 05:57:30

Darkest Greetings Scarlett and welcome to MRC! :) If there is anything that you need, please don't hesitate to ask and I, or another, will do all we can. Please take time to look through the forums ... and again, if there are questions, or needs, holler! lol I hope that we can provide a home for you that you will be happy in. ;)
Envy Emilie Versailles (493624)

2012-04-17 13:17:58

Hey sis, was just wondering if you were in the mood for a little mischief and chaos making? let me know *smirks* it'll be fun

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