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Sinful HellCat Moon (467800)"...Slumbering in the Shadows with her Beloved Mate..."

Last Active: 2024/09/12 18:33
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Coven Title (Rank)Bitten Kitten (85)
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§avageDove §hadowLight
Tactitioner Moon
VIP Member Lesath Shadowlight

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Name: HellCat

Birth: Born in the Fires of Hell….raised by the Devil himself.

Age: Timeless

Race: Neither Vampire nor Shifter- The One and Only HellCat.

Features: She is on the shorter side of things standing at just under 5’ 1’’ with dark golden brown eyes- on closer inspection the fire she loves so much dances in their depths. Long dark flowing hair that has a tendency to be a little on the wavy side, her body having womanly curves that would set most men’s hearts pounding..

Abilities:She can use both Shadows and Flames to fight and battle with. The Shdows can hide her and also help her move faster- almost teleporting from one shadow to another. The flames she summons from within herself- needing no external source to create them.

Bloodline: ShadowLight

Haven: The Shadows and Flames

Coven: Immortalis Lupus

Welcome Home: She woke suddenly, gasping for air as her body stirred to life, the cold from the wet grass seeped into her body quickly turning it to ice. Her eyes opened quickly burning red with a hunger so strong-it terrified her. Closing her eyes, shaking her head softly pushing the new found hunger from her mind- allowing her to calm down a bit. Her soft honey brown eyes searched her surroundings- she was definitely not home but yet this place was very familiar to her all the same.

She rose to her feet slowly, sensually- she moved slowly gliding down the unusual street, trying to remember where she was. Her long dark brown locks caressed her arms lovingly, moving with the breeze, tangling around her slender form. The breeze was cool against her already chilled body, her black tank top molded itself to her body- clinging like a second skin. Her favorite black skirt seemed a bit worse for the wear but she smiled taking note of how the rips showed off glimpses of her satiny skin. Her boots were as comfortable as always- making no sound as she continued to walk.

She searched the shadows carefully, feeling as though they were watching her- beckoning to her. Her eyes pierced through the darkness without any problems, almost as though it were high noon. She grew more nervous as she realized how well she could truly see- she chewed on her lip softly, a nervous habit. She felt a slight sting as a coppery taste flooded her mouth, hunger once again rose sharply up from where she had buried it. This hunger was unlike any she had felt before. She savored the delicious taste filling her mouth craving more as she spotted a sign before her- Dead City…

‘Dove…’ a talisman, she whispered it softly trying so hard to recall memories. Recalling her mentor telling her of this place…a mystical place where creatures of the night dwelt and reigned. A place where life would be never ending and full of adventures, a city of undreamt powers. Dove had refused to bring her here even after all of her begging and pleading, always saying she was not yet ready… A place where no humans lived for long…a place where one was to be immortal to survive- a Vampire...
Dawning realization came slowly to her, as though her brain was not capable of accepting the truth of what had been done. Dove must have converted her- to be here now…there was no other explanation. Dove had always inquired about why she wanted to go to Dead City so badly…She must have finally decided to allow it. Knowing she was no longer human was thrilling but at the same time terrifying- this was a dangerous world for a fledgling…The Shadows drew her attention once more, claiming her- her fear and knowledge put out of her mind. Their intimate whispers calling to her- offering her solace and strength, warmth and darkness, power and safety.

The Shadows could be used for many things- Dove used them for transportation as well as weapons, clothing, and her wings- the knowledge poured into her buzzing mind without qualm. She stared into the Shadows- looking into Their never ending darkness- she placed her hand into Them and felt the instant rush going through her system. She stumbled back and away from Their darkness- nervous of being swallowed and forever consumed. They softly called to her once more, wanting her- needing her to use Them.

Strength coursed through her body- unnatural and yet so right. She smiled softly as she remember Dove’s words…’The Shadows can bend to your will…creating what you desire and need…’ She cleared her mind as she drew up an image of her most secret desire- moving into the Shadows she called them to her. They added to her strength, caressed her like a lover, pulled her into their darkness with Their unyielding temptations. Speaking softly to Them, sharing her desire hoping They would be able to give her what she wanted.

Cunning…sleek…mystical…fierce…intelligent…independent…vicious…graceful…powerful…black as the night…and always mysterious- the black leopard. She moved out of the Shadows quickly- a black flash in the night. The speed she had was incredible, the new sensations of the animal aiding her already heightened senses. Instincts of the cat took over- hunger and the need to hunt were upper most in her mind now.

Black fur ruffled softly as she ran, the wind dragging new scents to her muzzle, eyes turning a fierce red as a tantalizing scent moved over her, seeped into her body- beckoning her. The large paws of the cat slowed as she caught sight of her prey- there was no hesitation for the cat. She growled softly, pouncing onto her prey- shifting forms sinking her fangs deeply into the human’s neck, she fed deeply and voraciously until finally sated. She dropped the lifeless human to the ground, walking away without thought…µell€at was born.

As Time Passed… Dead City seemed to be a place to discover not only new troubles but secrets that were long ago hidden from the world. Twisted dreams and realities…past stories and future endeavors seeming to mix and bleed into one another. As a human she had been incomplete…feeling there was more than what was before her- never satisfied with society and its rules- and even here and now in this place she should have fit in- there was something there out of her grasp…

Remembering: A deadly encounter with Magic and a creature unlike any she had met before awoke nightmares of blood and death – mayhem that she was at the forefront of. She had destroyed men for centuries, luring their souls into damnation and she had enjoyed it- relished in the blood and tear of those surrounding her.

A Cat born in the flames and fires of Hell itself – a warrior through and through. She had been trained since her creation to know nothing but her duty to her Home and Father. Bringing Him souls feeding the Fires unquenchable thirst- humans that were not normally corrupt but could be persuaded by a feminine beauty if given the opportunity. She was the only one that could slip through Hell and the mortal planes doing the one task she was created for.

Years of dwelling in humanity and learning about them, watching them, shaping their lives. She became hesitant in her duties, wanting and needing reason to collect the souls she was supposed to take. Her Father had grown weary- always watching over her, knowing she was growing rebellious but neither of them expected what was to come…

The Cat and The Viking:

Her voice purred through the air, her eyes dancing with flames. “You could slake my thirst for all time if I let you…”

A small smirk played across his lips as his gaze moved over her possessively- “Let me…What makes you think you have a choice? You’re already Mine.”

Kitty and Tact: From the moment they met desire and passion blossomed and consumed them both- neither expecting the treasure they were given but both grasping on with both hands. His turbulent ways finding calm within the depths of her fiery soul. She finding the flame deep within his soul igniting her spirits once more. Two souls damned to their solitude, their own personal Hell that they could never escape, Tempest of the Sea and The HellCat finding more than they ever bargained for- passion… seduction… temptation… hell… desire… chaos… heaven… hunger… and Love Undefined and Infinite..

Her voice was steady yet soft as she spoke- that slight purr hidden in the depths. "My fire was mere but an ember when you came into my life- rekindling the flames and sparking a new path for us both. You have become my fire… my flame… I will forever protect that which you have given me so freely and wondrously- Your Heart. I make this unending vow to you; my heart, my soul, my fire…it will follow you, always at your side, always there to warm and brighten your path."

She slid the ring onto his finger, feeling everything in her being settling right there with him. Knowing he would be her forever…her always. She had tears in her eyes, biting her lip lightly as her eyes met his."I love you, My Viking- for always and so much longer."

His voice was strong as his eyes met hers and held them- a force to be reckoned with- devouring and all consuming. ”As the flame of your soul gets encapsulated by the will of my desire; weaving together knots that will forever bind us… mark us… consume us to our very foundation- filling in the void of darkness and despair, loneliness and sorrow. With the strength, power, and raw passion to light the path on our journey that we will be taking together. Now and Forever. This vow I give to you.”

He smirked lightly down at her, finally getting what he said he would have from the start, sliding the ring over her finger, caressing her skin, tangling their fingers together, keeping possession of her hand. "My HellCat- from the moment I saw you to the day we become one with the Heavens- you shall be Mine. "

HellCat and Her Family:

My Family in all of its beautiful and wonderful glory. I have worked hard to build the bridges with them. Theses bridges have been through Hell and back a few times and then some.

Family is not always blood, sometimes it is a choice. My family is of both…blood and choice. The result is the same in the end- Loyalty… Protection… Care… Strength… and a Love beyond measure.

ShadowLight Bloodline:

SavageDove and Onyx – My MommaCat and My Demoness Mother: two halves of the same whole boned eternally together. Dove has been the bearer of the Light in this family- always brightening our way in our darkest times. Our eternal guiding Light in our darkest of times. Onyx has always been the fierce warrior and blood thirsty Demon protecting what Dove and Her claim as Their own. Between the Two - no one stands a chance against Them .

Lesath and Stinger – My Sire and Shadow Father: Lesath has always dwelled in the Shadows taking us into cover when the world knows no peace or comfort. He showed me how to use this ability to my own uses- showing me the respect and privellege of gaining their trust. Stinger is the Dark. It is the best way to put it - teaching me the ways of the Darkness that only He knows. Paired up with one another these two are just as formidable as my Mothers.

DeathSpirit Bloodline:

Theo – My Brother: Theo found me long ago when I was in great need of companionship. He took me under his wing and guiding hand- taking care of me in a time that I was lost and me another family I never think I will ever deserve.

Amel- Sister Mine: Theo`s beloved mate took me in the same way he did...with total acceptance and a never ending well of love that I have been blessed with continuously. She has taken care of me when I have been broken and beaten by the world- always making me rise once more to the occassion...with some kicking ass abilities to help.

Sir William the Ink Demon:

William- My Ink Demon : What started out as a fun little game- summoning a Demon to be her friend became more than she had ever intended. He had become part of her for all time- a piece of him bound itself to her heart- there was no him without her and no her without him. He dwelled within the knowledge of books- finding himself lost in the written word through time- he always wandered from their realm but the instant he was summoned her came to her without hesitation. He was forever her friend, protector, defender, and above all else he is her Ink Demon.

Aurora Kitten Fidela and DK...Dark Knight:

Dark - My Protector: Battle hardened in the roughest and darkest times- Dark has a way of providing a buffer to my own darkness that threatens to consume me - by taking it onto Himself, burdening Himself with one more layer to carry. He has taught me to always push forward and to keep striving through the dark and into the light. Though no longer active in our world, His lessons remain forever in grained in my heart and mind.

Rora – My Butterfly: My guiding Spirit- another light in my life when my path turns dark. Her hope radiates from Her and always encourages Her little kitten home and to safety once more. Teaching me about how life is more than just one battle after another- laughing and playing can be part of the adventure as well. Though no longer active in this world, Her lessons reamin forever in my heart and mind- still and forever a guide.

Dahlia Nadia DuBlood:

Dahlia - My lil Mew-Mew: Forever bonded as sisters of the heart and spirit. Trouble extraordinaire when the two of us get together. She is my enchanting little white kitty that has stolen my heart for all time. Bringing glitter, strings, ribbons and joy beyond measure into my life…I truly cannot imagine my existence without her. She is the sister I have always needed and wanted traveling by my side and I could not be more pleased to have found such a true and remarkable treasure.

Zonin Blackhart:

Zonin - My Firebird and Mage: Always a protector and troublemaker forever linked to me through fire and blood and oh yes- just a touch of magic! Forged in the past through blood ties and magic, there will never be another duo quite like us: passionate and crazy we dont know when to stop even when the blood flows from our enemies. Steadfast in the present and future – always waiting for the next battle, ready to catch one another when we stumble, awaiting the future when we both know we will be needed and called upon – Eternal Companions.

Immortalis Lupus: This is her Parents Home and Refuge and when she chooses to dwell amongst others this is where she finds her peace in life. Resurrecting this Coven alongside her parents- their blood sweat and tears going into their home. Pride and Prestige set this Coven apart from others- making it a home more than a Coven. The Cat amongst the Wolves- forever entwined and bonded to this sacred place.

Visage of Chaos: What once was a Coven hard won and battle harden- brought up from the ashes by many warriors and friends. It was a beautiful home for many creatures and beings- magic dwelled within its walls and members. My realm and home away from home where chaos reigns and blood flows freely- now but a mere shadow of its former glory. It may be but shambles and ruins but it was still hers and would one day return to its former glory.



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Sinful HellCat Moon 's average rating out of 296 rates is 8.30/10


§avageDove §hadowLight (414416)

2024-04-16 04:02:37

*Even in sleep she knows the scent and feel of her cub...knowing that she yet lives brings her joy ...with the strength of her mind she sends to her softly* ....i will return some time soon cub...count on it ...* until then know that you are loved...
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2023-07-15 03:13:23

[i]My Sister returned after I had painted her ‘killed by’ canvas with my portraits and lifted the bounty off her. Tis must be a miracle! My odes of misses had reached you so. [3][/i]
Peter Hale (432904)

2023-01-19 03:10:00

helloam back. missed you lots
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2023-01-01 22:33:06

[c=pink][i]You have increased Sinful HellCat Moon 's Verve by +20.

*Spots her beloved sister amidst her rarest visits in Dead City and sprinkles the glitters of affection all over her, rounding off that verve for her to 150.*

"You came back for 2023, Helly. Happy New Year."[/i][/]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-10-25 01:24:53

*Already has a fur coat and little pink paws all covered in glitter as this one pounces on the big kitty, sharing the glitter upon her majestic black shiny fur coat and mews innocently.*

“How’s the little cub doing in there, Helly?”
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-10-25 00:49:59

[i]*The lil mew-mew waves her paws, the very same ones caught in between strands of ribbons, some satin while others glittery* 🐾

“I’ve missed and love you too, Helly.” (Bex)[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-09-11 23:22:27

[i] A deep exhalation and then inhalation escaped her lips as her chest rose and fell ever so slowly. Those eyelids would open, as pools of dark chocolates greets daylight, having drift in and out of IV sedation. Gazing at the ribbons and the bottles of aged blood wines, she knew who had been here. The sister who always lingers in the shadows. “I’ve missed you too, Helly,” a whisper escaped her lips. [/i]
Vulpea Razboinica (306922)

2022-07-28 15:42:46

I am taking care of your sister, and she deserves the entire universe.
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-29 02:13:50

[i]*stays in her sister's panther coat of a fur hug and smiles just a little as she holds onto her* Maybe safe and love is more than enough, Sis. That loneliness, is just a part of me. Maybe that too, keeps me safe. [/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-29 01:51:42

[i]How about congratulations for.. well.. *shows her finger with no ring on*. The union church pushed through with it a few hours ago. You don't need to apologise for the delay, Sissie. You being here now, is all that matters. *just stays in her feline sister's arms for a little longer* I love you, Sis. You keep me safest. [/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-13 07:15:51

[i]*Graces her sister’s profile with a positive karma, a dash of love and a touch of misses*

You have given Sinful HellCat Moon +1 Karma.[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 05:07:19

[i]Technically my sister dearest, I'm already dead. And I've always been on my own, with the exception of my your presence of course. Still in one piece and not dismembered. *winking at her sister and indulges her in one of those affectionate cuddles* [/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 04:40:51

[i]*She rolled her eyes at her sister's mention of cute little bloody paw prints* "Show off panther. If I had panther paws like yours, I'd be slapping the crap out of a lot of potential corpses around town. I might even enjoy indulging in doing so, I think."[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 04:23:02

[i]"So, do we do knotting and tying practicals after or before grocery run?" The younger sister broke into a fit of chuckles while she enjoys the comfy sofa of a sister she had. "I trust you would have more than sufficient supplies for those tutorials and practicals? Just don't buy me those polka dot pink ribbons already." *Covering her face as she continued laughing into the evening* "It's embarrassing me, ahem...Cat Mom."[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 04:07:23

[i]*Leaning closely to her sister as she whispers in her ear, the most classified and confidential secret there ever is* "I've been having penchants for satin ribbons for awhile now. Black satin ribbons and stray leftover leather." *A smirk laced upon her lips as she glances her sister's way* "What.. the little kitten has to grow up sometime. Although I might need those knotting and tying tips from my older sister though."[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 03:55:50

[i]"You know, if you would knot those ropes prettily, they can pass off like those cute ribbons you leave lying around." *Quickly she clasped her lips closed as she mustered the most innocent look one could ever pass off, humming a nervous and shaky 'hmmm..'*[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 03:47:43

[i]*Randomly tapping on her sister's fangs playfully and quickly pulling her fingertips back before flashing those of her own in a playful grin* "Glad to know that my sister is brushing her pearly whites still. What..? Random ribbons with bloody paw prints. I d-don't know what you are talking about.. Moi?"[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 03:35:12

[i]"If my foresight still remains sharp, my darling sister. I believe you will be doing laps in the said blood bath along with us. Ah, don't pretend that you won't enjoy yanking those limbs. And if I promise to help clean, you might even let me bring one or two barely surviving ones, up to the guest room." *Rolling her eyes at her sister a little and sticks her tongue out* [/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 03:20:49

[i]*Grinning like a Cheshire cat as she tilts her head a little, comfortably resting her cheek on her Sister's shoulder* Well, tell my brother-in-law that he can have a few dozens of supply for you both, if he brings me back a little something..or rather, writhing someone, to distract me with. I'll take one or two hostages off his hands and he can have more time on you, no? Pull some strings for me, Sissy! *She purses her red lips into a tiny pout, tugging on her sister's heartstring a little*[/i]
Dahlia LeFleur (444089)

2022-06-11 03:05:42

[i]"Well, you may have been 80 and then add some, for a few decades now." She laughed jovially as she slipped her sister a couple of warm glass vials. "Fresh ones, I made sure. I've been decapitating quite a fair bit as of late since no one's keeping me on my toes. Such is the distraction to fill my time." A lamented and exaggerating sigh left her lips.[/i]

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