Alyona Vasiliev™ is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Alyona Vasiliev™ (475381)"Ooh that tickles, do it again."

Last Active: 2024/09/18 03:02
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VIP/VIP+ Days44 / 31
Game Age4,971
Karma+/Verve+29 / 0
Game LocationMount Tilia
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles45 (+2%) See All
Missions R/P/S308/4/33
StatusDead (28779437 mins) ?This vampire has about 28779437 minutes of protection remaining. (This does not take into account spells or potions)
Battle Record82,176/130,412/275
Win %39%
Last KilledYamamoto-kenpa ...
Last Killed ByNightshed
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CovenRealms of Prehistoria
Coven Title (Rank)Wild One (99)
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Name: Alyona Svetlana Vasiliev™ Image
Alias // Nicknames: Aly // A // Lana
Titles: Queen of Ravens
Mortal Age // Actual Age: 25 // 354
Species: Raven Shapeshifter
Sexuality // Gender: Demisexual // Female
Bloodline: Vasiliev™
Superhuman Strength:Possesses a strength no mere mortal can match up with; essentially having the strength of ten men, making it extremely hard to deal with in physical combat.
Superhuman Speed:Beyond human ability enabling faster movement than what the human eye can perceive, often giving the illusion of teleportation.
Enhanced Senses:Equipped with enhanced senses of hearing, smell and sight; can see as well in total darkness as humans can see in broad daylight. Also possess infrared vision allowing them to track living beings.
Regeneration: Even if wounded, their rate of healing is very fast. Most wounds will heal with one night of rest. Only serious wounds caused by holy items would scar them forever.
Animal Control:The ability to control the minds of bats, rats and wolves found in the vicinity. These animals will obey every command, even if it brings death.
Transformation: The ability to change shape and form to survive; sometimes uncontrollable.
Basic Empathy:The ability to sense human and vampires’ feelings and emotions.
Basic Telepathy: The ability to communicate with other Telepathic vampires when they permit it.
Growing up a princess, she was taught to be more polite and proper, but growing up in a royal family also lit the spark of rebellious behavior. She often wants to go against the grain but usually doesn`t out of respect for her father; it was constantly an internal battle for her. Before the death of her parents, she had a wild bug but she treated everyone with respect unless they`ve wronged her, or someone/something she cared about. She was quiet and sometimes kept to herself unless she was accompanied by her Cat. However since the death of her parents, and having to take reign over her kingdom, Voronoy, she has since matured in a fashion. Being thoughtful, and protective of her entire Kingdom and their needs. To Alyona, her family and kingdom are everything; there`s nothing she wouldn`t do for them and would die defending them before letting any harm come to them. People often make the mistake of thinking her kindness is a weakness though with a fire in her heart, and her warrior by her side. Alyona is a force to be reckoned with if anyone dared to hurt her, her family, or her kingdom.
Her beloved Koshechka came to her when Aly was a young child, bewitched with eternal life. To most, she seems like just a regular cat, but Alyona can understand her. Having tried to test this with others, they`ve never been able to understand her no matter how long being around her, or her willingness to be heard which made their life together both in the Dead City and in Voronoy quite the interesting one. Many people believed that Alyona was slightly off her rocker talking to a cat the way she did. It wasn`t until the truth of what she was came out, that people began to understand things beyond the normal eye; some have even wondered if Kosh was a shape-shifter herself and if that was how they were able to communicate. Contrary to the belief of some, Koshechka is not always with Alyona, but often finds herself wandering the streets of Voronoy though it`s easily known by the enchanted diamond pendant that she wears upon her collar symbolizing her royal place, but also always protecting her.
She was only four years old, but already one of the bravest princesses Voronoy had ever seen; a trait she so proudly shared with her father, the King Andrei Vasiliev™ who just like her, had a sense of adventure about him. Standing before a 10 foot Oak that still had much room to grow, much like Aly did. "I can do this." she said, her voice small but full of excitement and declaration. Wiggling her bottom, she lept for the first branch her hand losing grip for a moment but firmly and quickly regaining her strength and balance. Oh, how her mother would lose her mind if she saw her; Queen Irina had never outwardly approved of the wild spirit that Alyona so proudly stole from her father, and while she`d never admitted it, she loved that about her daughter and was immensely proud of her for being so brave. Pulling herself between each branch, she found herself getting higher, and higher into the tree. It wasn`t until she was nearly 6 foot off the ground that Aly would look back down and become even remotely nervous. Staring at the ground she waiver for a moment, wondering if she should, in fact, continue climbing or if she had gone high enough for one trip. Her eyes leaving the ground she scanned the horizon of the garden she had been playing in one last time before looking back at the top of the tree.
"Daddy could do it. Mommy too." her small brow furrowed in determination. Looking at the branches that remained, she tried to decide which was closest; there were two that didn`t seem too far to her, just within her reach. She leaped for the higher one, missing and suddenly falling onto the lower one which caused her to lose her balance once more. Wavering in her stance, she flailed about for what felt like forever and became truly afraid of falling for the first time. After a moment she caught her balance and began to scold the tree, as though it was the fault of nature.
Jumping slightly for the branch she`d aimed for originally, she squatted down just enough for momentum, but when she pushed off with all the strength she could muster, the branch snapped beneath her and sent her falling over 6 feet to the ground. It felt like she`d been falling for forever and all she could hear were her screams in slow motion, but just before she hit the ground Alyona felt a violent pain upon her flesh, large blackish blue wings ripped from her back just between her shoulder blades and her spine, the wings enveloping her entirely just before she would smash into the ground. By the time the King and Queen had reached her, Alyona was sobbing and the Kings cousin Sven quickly wrapped a blanket around Alyona hiding her from possible peering eyes; this was the first time that Alyona was to learn about the creatures she and her family truly were, and would soon need to learn how to control it.
"Dad! Watch this!" Aly puffed out her face, sprouting feathers around her eyes and going cross-eyed for just a moment before rolling with laughter; she was already the young age of ten and had a very playful soul. Her father chuckled for a moment but as her mother of course scowled at her, he became very serious and eyed the woman." You must not do that! Just because we`re alone at this moment, being royalty someone could request our presence at any moment!" the Queens voice sounded much like a hiss coming through her teeth that way. "You always ruin my fun.." Alyona whispered softly as her face return to normal. Much to her dismay, having taken much more after her father often got her disapproving eyes and correction from her mother. As much as the Queen loved both the King and her daughter, she worried for them because Alyona was at times quite reckless. Despite her age, her mother wanted her to be more like her. Beaming with sophistication and grace never allowing her to be seen as silly or unkempt; a proper lady. "Well, I`m so sorry for that." her mother`s tongue as sharp as ever. The tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked from her mother to her father who suddenly looked solemn. Seeing his face, Alyona ran from the room to her chambers to cry, wishing to not speak to her mother for the rest of the night.
After the tears had mostly run themselves dry, the King lightly knocked on Alyona`s door, calling out to his daughter. The young handmaiden prepping Alyona for bed opened it instead, letting the King into the room, carefully bowed and stepped out as to leave them the room. "My little bird.. You must not judge your mother so harshly," the King was not a small man, but he wasn`t quite large, either. His voice was almost a deep gruff sound, that was both commanding, and gentle. "You`re going to take her side?" her small voice sounded wounded and the tears formed almost as soon as she`d said it. "Now you know better than that. I`m not here to take anyone`s side, I simply don`t want you in your chambers sulking, my child. I`ll make you a deal, if you apologize to your mother for storming out like that, we`ll go flying tomorrow." Her face changing as she thought over his words, before a scowl became steady, "Me? Apologize to her?" The Kings brow furrowed roughly at that, "Alyona Svetlana Vasiliev! You may not agree with her but she is still your mother, and the Queen!" her head lowered as she nod her head softly "Yes father." her voice soft and low.
Approaching her mother with her head down, Alyona stood quietly until her mother spoke, her voice graceful, yet cold as ever. "You may speak." Her words fell so simply, that it almost angered Alyona more and in this moment she couldn`t help but wonder why her mother hated her so. Taking in a deep breath before speaking, Alyona lifted her head bravely. "I just wanted to apologize, Mother. I should not have stormed out like that and disrespected you in such a way." Much to Alyona`s surprise, her mothers face softened. "Alyona, come here" she paused just long enough to pull the child into her lap, "My sweet child, I know you do not yet understand, but these things are important. No one can know of our abilities, because there are those who would wish to destroy us simply for what we are, and we cannot have you at that risk. Your father and I were very fortunate to find each other, and I hope that you too are fortunate so that you have someone to share this secret with. It can be very hard to do it without support, and as much as we wish we could be, your father and I will not always be there to protect you." even in her young age, the princess was certain she knew what her mother meant. They had extended lives, but they were not immortal, and one day she would be alone if she did not have someone to share this secret with. Alyona`s mother put her down gently and lovingly traced her thumb along her child`s face. "You do understand, don`t you Alyona?" "Yes, mother.." she paused for a moment to look over her mothers face, thinking it was strange how soft her face seemed in this moment. "I am truly sorry.""I know sweet girl, now run along." giving Alyona a soft pat as she sent her on her way. "Yes Ma`am." she turned and left, giving a sweet smile to her father.



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Alyona Vasiliev™'s average rating out of 358 rates is 8.97/10


Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2024-09-13 02:57:00

I hope so!! I will say it's so interesting how all 3 of her series seem to be wrote so differently. Or just give different vibes is more like it.
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2024-09-12 01:06:27

I know you can insert gifs but I haven't tried just yet so you'll just have to imagine a super excited squealing one. :D I love that line. I love them. I need Sarah to write a story with them continuing on. It feels so left unfinished between them.
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2024-09-12 00:19:32

Ahhh!!! I forgot to update you! Finished and on to CC now.
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2024-09-11 23:55:26

I think I'm finally done adding to it. We shall see :D
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2024-09-11 23:21:36

Always have loved this profile of yours. [3]
[i]You have given Alyona Vasiliev™ a rating of 10.[/i]
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2024-08-28 14:36:31

Mine too.... Just trying to get ready for our lil mini vacay.
Leona W. Danno™ (670768)

2024-08-19 12:03:29

Very beautiful profile my dear! Do hope you are doing well!
Syndel Fuego (739771)

2024-08-14 03:49:00

You have given Alyona Vasiliev™ a rating of 10!

Had to hit 10.. cuz you know.. ;) :D
Ryo Kuroshinju Du Lac (731415)

2024-08-08 22:44:26

You have given Alyona Vasiliev™ a rating of 10.
Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2024-07-22 15:21:39

Hehehe 💕
Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2024-07-22 15:02:16

Heh, I got to talk to you, days been perfect so far!
Wilma Dikfit (351335)

2024-07-22 14:54:13

Aww thank you dear. You're the best!
Fiadh Dreadclawe Riot (714620)

2024-07-14 06:30:15

[i]You have given Willa a rating of 10.[/i]

I love all your profiles. [3] Amazing work!
NightsBlood Pointe du Lac (728887)

2024-07-13 16:24:34

10 to you
Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2023-03-20 08:01:41

Ten for you !!!.qq
Interesting profile.[dance]
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2022-07-10 23:05:36

That's true.. and you're welcome.
Lovisa Asbjornsdottir (341667)

2022-07-08 16:35:53

Just stumbled onto your profile which is really nice, but the text where your information, links, stories etc - the colour is a bit too dark. I had to highlight it to be able to read.
Manon Blackbeak (324003)

2022-07-07 04:17:35

[i]You have given Alyona Vasiliev™ a rating of 10.[/i][3] So glad to see you back. Makes me want to bust Giselle back out and finally finish her bio.
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2022-07-07 03:31:44

Not too stealthy hehe
Gioconda Serpico Shahar™ (155172)

2022-07-07 03:10:32

I see you beautiful

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