Reinette Bellaire is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Reinette Bellaire (489522)"Looking for a soulmate is what I do."

Last Active: 2014-07-11 09:37:02
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Game Age4,938
Karma+/Verve+9 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
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Battle Record1,790/21,778/92
Win %8%
Last Killedeom.ooooo
Last Killed ByChris
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
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Coven Title (Rank)Reinette (16)
Coven VirtueN/A
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 1k+




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Reinette Bellaire's average rating out of 5 rates is 10.00/10


Cervante (255143)

2013-08-05 01:17:55

Tis been an eon since last we conversed over a bottle of bloodwine my dear; I trust things are well as you travel about *chuckles*
Crow Ley ™ (179980)

2012-12-03 16:31:08

Your name is a LIE. -k- Uso da yo! You are not Makina Hoshimura. -k-

2012-10-16 13:23:05

"Awesome, will do," he cooed. Curiously, he tilted his head to the side. "Umm ... out of curiosity ... would you like to join my Naruto rp? I mean, I'd be cool if I could gather more rpers with good skill and all."

2012-10-15 12:09:51

Hi I'm Roza and I just want to say I like your profile mostly because of the colors so how are you?

2012-10-12 20:08:04

His eyes widened. "Really? Pages?" He let out a loud whistle. "Woah, I'll totally check it out. I NEED long roleplays," Kael said with a light laugh, his long electric blue dragon tail wagging a bit.

2012-10-11 02:38:51

*He tilted his head* Are they good? I mean like REAL good. I like de'scriptive roleplays and not alot of people support that for some odd reason

2012-10-04 07:28:50

His eyes widened. "Tumblr has one? I didn't know that," he said as his ears twitched a bit and his tail wagged.

2012-10-03 05:16:01

He smiles and nods. "Yep. I can never find good ones that seem to match that of this site." His orange fox tailed wagged quickly.

2012-10-02 22:47:37

He smiles and nods. "Well that's always good. I mean, I basically did the same thing besides my account actually died and it was a few months ago ... close to a year I guess," he said nomming on a pillow.

2012-09-29 17:07:05

He drops his head for a minute but pops his head back up, happily. "Its awesome to see ya again. If I'm remembering correctly. You changed your name. Wasn't it Aphrodite?" he asks curiously with a smile still on his face.

2012-09-29 01:35:29

*happily plops down on her page* Hii. Not sure if you remember me ... we in a Naruto Next Generation thing. HAHAHA. ^W^ I kinda vanished and .... well yeah. HIII.
Cervante (255143)

2012-08-21 15:19:45

Seems you have been in slumber for an age my dear; regardless your time to rise is at hand fore we must staunch our thirst upon the weak blood abound throughout this realm!

2012-05-01 05:04:18

*He smirked and snapped his fingers, a cup of warm blood appearing. He let his tongue glide over where she bit and he smiled. Taking a drink of blood, he snapped his other fingers and a large floating throne like chair appeared. He fell back onto it and smiled* Well, I look forward to that day. *He said closing his eyes and drinking a bit more*

2012-04-30 17:07:59

*He smirked and let his hand clasp over her's pulling her closer, to him so their bodies nearly touched. He lifted her hand towards his mouth and lay a sweet prolonged peck along the skin.* Someday, perhaps, I can witness your animal side. *He commented, before his eyes locked with her own. He released his hold and smirked.*

2012-04-28 21:36:49

*He grinned and smiled.* To much teasing my become a bit of a bore and even seem like rejection, wouldn't you agree? *He smiled* I mean teasing allure me, cause me to lust even more. It gives me an idea that I can't have the person and that makes me want her more. But that may be all men, I'm not very sure.

2012-04-26 04:10:43

*He smirked and bit his bottom lip at how he could smell the sweet blood pumping through her veins and the intoxicating aroma of her skin. He was tempted to run a hand over her cheek and kiss along her pale neck. When she leaned down, he smiled.* Perhaps ... but sometimes- *He breathed stepping closer, allowing one hand to rest on the small of her back, pulling her towards him lightly. He let his other hand cup her cheek and leaned down towards her, lips mere inches from her own. He smirked and quickly pulled away, his arms crossing his arms over his chest* -you've got to tease.

2012-04-24 16:17:21

*He smiled.* I've been on here a long while but I will admit, my own desires override me. *He smirked and turned his eyes from her.* Sometimes ... I can't resist some things.

2012-04-23 05:11:24

*He chuckled as she traced the rose over his pale, icy skin.* I rather call mine dirty pleasures. But I keep mine under control. Its some of the basics: Passion, Pain, Lust. *He smiled and let his eyes lock onto hers* I can control mine to a certain limit. But certain things- *He let his eyes scan over her petite form* -certain things set me off. What about you? What are your addictions?

2012-04-22 06:32:37

*He smirked* I will agree to that. I believe that some rather permit themselves to do things they want to experiance. Once they have a taste of it, they can't stop doing. I think the problem is that once they start, its hard to lose the urge, to shake the habit. *He finished the last of his wine and smirked, his white pointed fangs showing.*

2012-04-20 16:36:39

Oh? I've rarely found people like this. The ones I know obviously would like a more serious relationship. Not that I don't want one its just at the moment I'm not ready. *He nodded and smirked* I've noticed. I'll admit I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person. Its not a sin. But the misuse of it is some times detestable. *He walked around slowly, still sipping the wine*

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