Sinene Dietrich~Angelino is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

VIP Vampire Sinene Dietrich~Angelino (491602)"They're just sinners. I am sin."

Last Active: 2024/09/17 02:47
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VIP/VIP+ Days2 / 0
Game Age4,932
Karma+/Verve+1,453 / 185
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationUnited States
Collectibles51 (+5%) See All
Missions R/P/S335/0/26
Battle Record337,845/148,815/459
Win %70%
Last Killedtarantula
Last Killed ByNaz Asrai
Wins/Blood Today0/0
Avg. BloodSlacking
WP Spent157
Coven La Petite Mort
Coven Title (Rank)Sweetest Sin (0)
Coven VirtueChaos (20)
Coven Exp/ConflictView Stats 13mil+

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Married to Liam Angelino (719410) for 947 days

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Vitality 435    Charm 40
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VIP Member Liam Angelino
VIP Member Parasitic

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Sinene Dietrich~Angelino 's average rating out of 940 rates is 9.63/10


Liam Angelino (719410)

2024-02-15 00:32:57

[c=yellow][/][b]Sinene, My Love.

Happy Anniversary & Happy Valentines day to the baddest, sexiest & deadliest & most loyal woman I have ever met. I belong to you as you belong to me in this life & the next.

[i]"I built my home in your heart, the roots of my soul wrapped around your lungs. It is with you I know I belong "- B.B.[/i]

-Always, Liam Angelino[/b]
Liam Angelino (719410)

2023-06-14 09:15:33

You have given Sinene Dietrich~Angelino a rating of 10.

[c=yellow]His eyes slowly open to the sight of his timeless beauty of a wife still slumbering next to him in bed. She had been asleep for what felt life forever to him. Any time apart felt too long to him. He knew she often needed to deep sleep sometimes weeks or months at a time. Yet it pained him to be without her for even just one moment. Instead of getting up and getting ready for the day he skootched over to her slumbering body and lay a kiss on her ivory cheeks and nuzzled in. day be damned. he would lay here holding his wife this morning. [/]

Liam Angelino (719410)

2023-02-14 17:15:28

[c=yellow]He wakes hours before the sun rises and stares in adoration at the effect the moon has on his wife's skin as it shines through the double balcony door...Though it was a bit chilly this morning, he just couldn't bring himself to close them. She was a goddess, she was everything that is beautiful and strong and he was one lucky son of a bitch. Barefoot and in only some grey sweat pants, he walked back to their bed, careful as to not disturb her slumber - before he managed to get in he saw her squirm slightly and shiver and reached for the covers. He chuckled lightly, as she played nicely into his imaginary master plan. He skootched back into the covers and closed the gap between them, allowing his own body heat to warm his beautiful bride. Without knowing she wrapped herself around him and he held her close.

"Happy Anniversary my love" he whispered into her ears and closed his eyes to catch some more sleep before seizing the day. [/]

[c=red]- Happy 1 year Sinene! I know technically it's much longer...But just letting you IC with the RP and and OC that I couldn't ask for a better IG wife and partner and friend. You are a wonderful human being and can't wait to continue this crazy journey with you that has never been lacking. Whether its Addi, Killian, Kaz or will always be my partner in crime. & You will forever be Liam's Always. [/]

-Love Liam (goodevil)
Liam Angelino (719410)

2022-10-07 01:13:05

[c=yellow][i]He retreated from the cellar and placed a bottle of 1947 Chateau Cheval Blanc on the dinner table next to 2 tall wine glasses. He smiled at his handy work. He spent the last few hours decorating and cooking for his wife's birthday he wanted everything to be perfect for her arrival. Perfect like she was.

Earlier that day, he brought in dozens of hand picked flowers from his nocturnal garden and placed them all around the room letting their fragrance fill the room creating a toxic aroma only to be enhanced by the hundreds of candles that took him ages to light. ...but it was all worth it.

A slow beeping coming from the kitchen reminded him that dinner was ready. All that was missing was his beautiful bride. Before he forgot he reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a hand written note and a small blue satin box and sat it next to the dinner napkin. In the box was Burmese ruby encrusted set of ear rings he had made at his jeweler. A larger box sat on the chair. It contained a pair of black satin, red sole Louboutin’s pumps.[/i]

[c=Yellow][b]My Dearest Sinene,

All the ruby's and all the flowers in the world pale in comparison to your stunning beauty.


I am still a wicked man who is very selfish in his ways, so yes...I cannot wait to see you in only those pumps and ear rings tonight.

-My Eternal Love, Liam[/b][/]
Liam Angelino (719410)

2024-09-08 06:00:46

My Heart,

I have missed you.

Princess PhD Vladina (477343)

2024-07-21 17:04:19

A ten for you twinnie [3]
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-20 19:41:51

Boom chaka laka
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-14 23:17:29

Great minds and all [smug]
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-14 23:11:22

Ooh a piece of candy, ooh a piece of candy, ooh a piece of candy.....
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-14 22:56:15

Hey!! Runs after her with the stash
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-14 22:41:58

*plops down on the couch pouting. "Fine"*
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-14 22:33:11

Yeah I think so.
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-14 22:31:47

I'm ready to come home. But I may as well finish what I set out to do.
Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-14 22:22:14


2024-02-05 22:20:06

Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-05 22:04:13

Parasitic (242932)

2024-02-02 21:16:03

Oh good lawd. You gotta warn a man to prevent heart attack. :D
Parasitic (242932)

2024-01-07 06:03:37

Liam Angelino (719410)

2023-12-05 00:22:18

[c=yellow][i]She had been sleeping for some time. No matter how long she was away, he would patiently wait for her to awake. He snuck up behind his gorgeous wife and wraped his arms around her waist. Not caring that she was covered in blood, he leaned down and lay a single kiss on her neck. His chest filling with so much pride.

"I've missed you Sinene"[/i][/]

[b]You have given Sinene Dietrich~Angelino a rating of 10.

yeah must be caps at ten for me as well.


2023-12-03 21:38:15

*Purrs into her pettings and starts circling her legs rubbing up against them. Derp goes into alert mode as he notices movement from the corner of his eye. Telling her to fear not he will kill this fly for her in his kitty meow language and takes off after the it. *

Derp sent Dead mouse.
Lissette DCXLV Dietrich (552695) sent sack of bloody hearts.
Salem Drache (242932) sent A charred crispy critter for your lunch..
Freedom Drak sent Some of the good stuff....puff puff pass..
Derp sent hairball.
Parasitic sent Monkey butts and eyelashes..
Congratulations from Salem Drache (242932) - Finally hit the big 1k! Party time at the Dietrich`s
I Love you from Leona F. B. Delano™ (670768) - Missing you!!!
Merry Christmas from Elijah Shahar (179572) - We will be your secret Santas instead
Liam Angelino (719410) sent Gift#3: 3 Bottles of Elixirs.

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