Envy Emilie Versailles is playing REIGN OF BLOOD - Click here to create your own vampire character!

Envy Emilie Versailles (493624)"Temporarily unavailable due to family visiting. Will try to check messages often"

Last Active: 2012-08-10 01:16:58
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VIP/VIP+ Days0 / 0
Game Age4,927
Karma+/Verve+3 / 0
Game LocationDead City
Home LocationAustralia
Collectibles0 (+0%) See All
Missions R/P/S0/0/0
Battle Record7,055/30,709/182
Win %19%
Last KilledLord_Neferiacr ...
Last Killed ByAlexia Ravenor
Wins/Blood Today0/0
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Mother & Daughter


Envy and Khaleesie

Alkmene and Envy

Starrletta and Envy



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Envy Emilie Versailles's average rating out of 14 rates is 8.57/10


Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-08-22 01:21:36

Baby we need to talk.
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-08-16 20:56:18

-walks up in a dress she bought especially for heralded and then bought the same dress for he wifey. She had wrapped the blak cocktail dress in a purple box that would sing I love you baby, when the it would be opened. She left a note that said dear baby, thîs is the longest marriage I've ever had and I want to thank you for loving me. I love you also. I can't wait to talk to you again. Here is just a small token of my love. You can get the other when we talk again. I miss you baby. I hope that we can talk soon." she chuckled and started to tear up as she read this. She set a wedding band that had a 56 days engraved on it. She loved her and was glad she had herin her hands and not somebody else thy was just using her. She got in her car and went to buy a car for her wifey.- [kissme]
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-08-10 14:09:52

Happy 50 days luv!!! [kiss][kiss][kiss][kiss]
Roxanne (515841)

2012-08-04 19:15:02

Antoinette Aressa Cruor™ (589940)

2012-08-04 12:57:45

I'm getting there, but i'm much better then I was. And thank you
Roxanne (515841)

2012-08-03 02:35:55

This is daughter spam! Beware, it has a tendency to over whelm the heart. HI MOMMA!! I've missed you soo much. I just wanted to remind you how much I love you. You're the best Mom in the world. I hope we can talk soon. <3Love your baby Khal
Antoinette Aressa Cruor™ (589940)

2012-08-02 16:11:29

Get well soon cousin. I may hate you at the moment, but I do not wish you ill health...much. <3
†Øц Rebel LaRouge Wrath (396782)

2012-08-01 06:07:53

As it is to meet you my dear
†Øц Rebel LaRouge Wrath (396782)

2012-07-30 20:36:35

Hi Im Aleera your mother in law Dark Angel is my daughter
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-29 14:19:13

Ok, love yew see you in a week.
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-26 16:07:14

did you get to see my wix? you and i have our own section. cuz you are so impotant.
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-23 16:22:41

i love yew baby
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-21 17:01:32

Happy one month baby!!
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-17 15:56:36

love you more my sweet darling. We are so close to one month. This probobally be my longest marriage on here. But it is the best. [kissme]
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-06 15:24:14

Thanks baby! *tongue kisses*
Antoinette Aressa Cruor™ (589940)

2012-07-06 14:26:51

Newsflash Envy...I don't know either of them. So go hang out with the family you'd obviously rather be related to. I'm done with you ~Turns on her heels, her cream dress swirling around her knees as she left the room~
Antoinette Aressa Cruor™ (589940)

2012-07-06 14:24:49

~Glares coldly at her, tears in her eyes~ Here i was thinking you didn't listen to rumors or first impressions. I don't know why i even agreed to a sister bond on here.
Antoinette Aressa Cruor™ (589940)

2012-07-06 14:22:00

~Looks at her, disbelief in her ice blue eyes~ You are impossible. I am not your 'sissy' if your going to be such a stuck up bitch to me
Elaiyna D.Hightopp™ (362942)

2012-07-03 02:24:38

Happy 12 days baby
Antoinette Aressa Cruor™ (589940)

2012-07-02 09:35:04

Steps out from the shadows, her red curls pinned expertly in a bun, her blue eyes shining with a dark light. Her knee length black dress swirls as she walks across the room, kissing her childe's cheek "What colors did you want for you profile mon petit?"

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